Eighteen || Trust

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Jade's POV:

"I'm 8 months pregnant and you guys are making me drive? And to the beach? You know how hard it is just to drive to the store across town?" I said to Crystal and Mariah.

"You're the only one of us with a drivers license and we really wanna get our graduation pictures taken at the beach. Don't you? That would be so cool" Crystal said.

"I mean I guess it would be cool"

"Pleaseeee drive us. Well both pitch in for gas and we don't have to be there long" Mariah said.

"Ugh fine. But just us three otherwise everyone else is going to try to party there and I'm not trying to do that" I said.

"Fine by me"


"Colby's mad" I said. We were already on the drive to the beach.


"Cuz we're going to the beach just us"

"He's mad you didn't tell him to come?"


"The fuck does he think you're going to do?" Mariah asked.

"I know right. I'm obviously very pregnant I'm not going to drink or do anything like that"

"Exactly. Boys are stupid. You should just go lesbian" Crystal said.

"If it doesn't work out with Colby I probably will" I said.

We got to the beach and found a spot with not that many people. We didn't have a legit photographer so we were just taking pictures on my phone since they said my phone had a better camera.

After about an hour and a half we finally had some really cute pictures with our caps and gowns on.

"Alright so do you guys wanna eat here or should we just get something at a drive thru on the way home?" Crystal asked.

"Well Jade can't have seafood so probably drive thru" Mariah said.

"Well I can have some it's just not smart. But yeah let's just grab something on the way. Food is expensive as fuck here" I said.


"Oh my god Colby I'm 8 months pregnant who the fuck is going to hit on me? Nobody" I said through the phone I had on speaker as I was driving.

"Jade boys don't give a fuck they'll still try to fuck you"

"Okay but do you think I'm fucking stupid? I'm not going to fuck a stranger especially while I'm pregnant"

"No I don't think you're stupid"

"You know what Colby I can't handle this anymore. For the past 4 months when I go somewhere without you you get so fucking pissed and start telling me shit"

"No I don't"

"Colby I can't do this anymore" I said. But I really shouldn't have. Because the car came out of nowhere and hit us on my side. The last thing I remember hearing was Mariah yelling. Before my senses suddenly stopped working and darkness took over my vision.

Damaged // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now