Chapter -6

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The rituals started in a swing and I was hell confused. I want this marriage to stop at any cost but I couldn't find a way. The person whom I remember whenever I'm in trouble is nowhere to be seen. I wanted to ask someone about him. The one came to me with something in her hand. She gave me a half smile that didn't reach her eyes.

"I'm sorry Eeshu, This is all because of me, if only I haven't left... "

I cut her off, "I told you so many times already, stop saying sorry, it was never your fault but just my fate. But I am not going to take this matter simply. I will make everyone pay for this. I'm not some puppet to make me to do whatever they want. It's me and for me, my life and goals are important. For that I will go to any extent. Call me ambitious but I'm not that weak and dumb lamb to nod my head to whatever these people say. Has anyone asked me, what is my side of story. No one! And your mom?! How can she say those words? " I sighed as I don't want to hurt Silly because of her mother. She's already feeling sorry for me.

"What's in your hands, Silly? "

"This is..... Just a thing I bought when I went to Goa. I always wanted to give it as your wedding gift."

My lips curved instantly on opening of the gift to see a Dream catcher.

"Thank you, Silly. Though I am not of this wedding, but my wedding gift is lovable."

She smiled as in relief. I'm surprised at her thought of giving me a wedding present.

"But we don't know that I will be getting married while we are coming here, then why it is with you?"

"Actually, I asked Sameer, you know him, my neighbor to bring it today when he is coming. "

"Ohh OK. "

I asked the one question which is bugging in my mind.

"Where was Reehan?".

She replied, "He left."

I felt sad because if he was here, for sure he had helped me to escape this marriage.

I asked her, "But why?"

She replied with razzle, "Don't you understand girl, he loves you, he wanted you to marry om him not any one and he can't see you with some other guy. That's why, he left."

My head started spinning with her revelation about Reehan. I never thought he loved me. I am feeling numb and ....

I felt someone's hand on my forehead. I opened my eyes. It was my mom's. She said I was unconscious for 2 hours, might be be because of stress. I assured her that I am OK . But I am anything but OK.

All the elders got together in the hall and discussed about the pre-wedding rituals, Salatul Ishtikara (announcement of marriage to the head of mosque and offering prayers).

After that, Shasha aunty, my soon to be mother in law, came to me, to perform her part of ritual, Imam Zamin (Groom's mother brings sweets and gifts as an acceptance of bride and ties a silver coin in red cloth to the bride's wrist.)

We haven't talked much but she is trying to be friendly with me. Not so bad.

Mangni / Mangna (engagement) is decided to be in the night. All these rituals usually takes place in a month or more but for me it's all in just one day. What a fate!!

Mangna is not so grand. That awkward tension is there in everyone's face. All the world's irritation can be seen on Rizwan's face, as if he is the goat chosen for offering to God. There are no words exchanged between us. This ritual also seemed to be a namesake for me. Though everybody came to wish us with a smile, but they are eager to went back to discuss the gossips, that might involve this wedding also. The night is too long to spend time like this.

When I was released from the engagement stage, I immediately went to the room and tried to call, Reehan. I don't know from where that thought came to talk to him but his mobile was switched off. What should I say if he answers the call? What if he asks me to go with him? But I don't love him. I just want to go from here. Do I really have the courage to leave? What about my parents? They already are facing enough of embarrassment because of me. What should I do now??

Next day

I didn't get any sleep yesterday night because of all the thoughts running in my mind.

Bridal preparation rituals started from the morning along with my sister, another bride or the main bride.

My mother made me sit in a chair to which the four legs are tied with sacred red threads and betel leaves. The chair was placed on a red cloth with the yellow rice spreaded in star pattern. All the elder married females of family started blessing me by applying the sandalwood paste, on my face, shoulders, legs and feet. Silly is my bridesmaid because I don't have my own sister. She has to use her dupatta to keep on my head as a cloth to receive the offerings (usually that contain betel leaves, arekanut/ betelnut, banana, some sweet, clothes etc.,). Actually this ritual is a way that will be a source of fun because some people try to apply the sandal paste to others also.

Evening is for the Mehendi ceremony. Six mehendi artists were brought for the whole family. Four for the family members, one for each bride. They seemed to be very skilled since they completed half the family in two hours. My arms also were being adorned with the mehendi but what my problem is it should have his name, hidden in the design, for him to find out in first night. Uh-huh!!

On wedding day

They woke me up early in the morning, for some more rituals. We received Sanchaq (the package containing gifts, sweets, fruits and bridal outfit which includes everything she should wear on that day ,clothes , jewellery, makeup products, kajal, sandals etc ).

I'm in my wedding dress, Red Saree, with the flower veil that is covering my face, watching my self in the mirror. But I'm not looking like a bride. My face was dull with sunken eyes and dark circles may be due to lack of sleep. I have so many dreams about my wedding. I wanted to marry my prince charming in an island in the presence of my family, my friends and my well wishers that too in an organized manner traditionally without hurry. But what happening now was completely different, exactly opposite.

I tried to write about the Muslim marriage rituals, but these vary from region to region, so I wrote about those which followed in my family. Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter.

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To be continued.......

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