Chapter -17

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"Accept? Hmm...Have you already accepted me? Then why your mom said, of all three but not four? Why I have to beg to go outside? Why I have to ask so many permissions to continue my studies?"

I got stunned with her shooting questions. I don't know what to answer.

"I agree, there were somethings you were not comfortable with, but still, at least, everything is ok for now, right, I mean, you are going to college, we shopped outside, like that..... Situations will change soon. We are like this from the start, if you ask for a change all of a sudden, even if it was normal for you, it's a difficult choice for us. But, I am promising you, I will provide everything you wanted, encourage you, will help you according to your needs and tastes, situations in our home too will change but it takes time.....Please try to understand this."

I don't know why I am trying to explain her. Her posture relaxed after my little monologue. She cleared her voice and said,

"Hmm.....Ok. Anyway, Thank you. I know you are taking a lot of stress because of me. I am not blaming you but I am just .......Still not habituated to this lifestyle. It was overwhelming. I think I should consider your efforts too. Sorry if I....If I made things difficult for you."

Wow, she said sorry. That's an enigmatic thing from her.

I responded, "Ok then, I am leaving, you get fresh up and take rest, you must be tired, after 'shopping in so many shops to satisfy so many people'."

Her smile regained on her face, whined, "Don't mock me".

I laughed seeing her pout and waved a bye.

Two days to start her college. She was very happy and filled my house with her charms. She packs her bag so many times, like a kid going to picnic. She became interested, to me all of a sudden. I am scrutinizing her every detail. It became a habit to me to bring something she likes, to see the bright sparkles in her eyes. It's not a big deal actually, because she likes cheap and little things like a piece of chocolate cake is enough to enlighten her mood.

The calendar was updated to next month. It's time for her college.

She was very energetic today and got ready to go to college even before I woke up. such a childish girl.

I was waiting in the car for her. She climbed the car and gave a big smile to me.

"So my chauffeur is already waiting for me!"

"What? Am I looking like a chauffeur to you? you can't be so mean"

"Haha, what should I say then? Should I say, You have no trust on me to let me go to my college on my own, ha?"

She started it again. Piercing my heart with her bullet like questions. Her words are true, can't held appreciation at a time like this.

"If you complain again, you will stay in home. I don't want my morning to be ruined by your rebellious attitude." I somehow managed.

She immediately zipped her mouth.

We reached her college within 40 minutes. It's an accountable time because, I too had to go to my office at the same time and this college is far beyond our company, though in the same way.

She got out of car even before I realized and was wishing her friends, loudly, by hugging.

She might have forgotten about me, if not for her friends' curiousity.

One of her friend, who is double the size to Aaeesha asked her, with her eyes at me,

"Who is he?"

Aaeesha looked at me with contemplation and I also looked at her with anticipation, how is she going to introduce me?

"He is.......My cousin. You know Silly right, he is like brother to her." She said with a smirk. Is she trying to take revenge on me. Anyway I am very disappointed, it's already a long, it happened.

"So, brother in law for you" her friend said with mischief winking at Aaeesha.

This time, it was my turn to smirk at her.
(In Indian culture, usually, the children of brother and sisters, that mean, brother in law and sister in law, are betrothed, in olden days. It was still in existence in some families."

"Are you my friend or his?" Aaeesha got annoyed.

"What did I say wrongly?" Her friend was bemused with Aaeesha's accusation.

I laughed inside, and said, "I am going. Bye."

She stopped talking to her friend and quickly came near to me, like she forgot something and by dragging me to a side, and said, holding my hands, touching the back of my palms,

"Thankyou and Sorry, bye"

That's it, she ran away.

I reached office, lately. I am working under my father. Though I always wanted to start my individual firm, I can't go against my parents. I am the only one left to continue our family business. I can't let them suffer again.


I went to Aaeesha's college, to pickup her. She was already waiting outside, in deep thoughts. I should come early from tomorrow. I honked the car to make her notice me. Startled, she looked in my direction. After realizing it was me, her shoulders relaxed and she walked to the car and climbed in. After adjusting her seat belt, she asked me, in a dull voice,

"How is the day?"

I wondered what made her upset.

"Fine, how about yours, you seemed to be unhappy!?"

"Ha,.....I am feeling bad for hiding, about our relation to my friends."

"Then, why did you introduced me as cousin ha? You should have told them and there. You should not have to repent now." I said shrugging my shoulders. After all, she overlooked me, by not introducing me as her husband. My ego was hurted.

"Its you who started it. Why haven't you introduced me as your wife? Did you felt ashamed to say that?"

To be continued...............

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