Chapter -11

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Today also, there was a function, but I managed to escape from that. Obviously, Aaeesha was also not going. My parents were going to attend the function, anyway. So, we will be alone today, not exactly. How can two people can be alone?

Since, I already took a leave, I was taking rest in the home itself. My friend Anand called me and said he was coming over to our home. Even before I said anything, he hung up.

Aaeesha was doing something in kitchen. I went to there, called her name. She was frightened due to my sudden appearance. Her expression, Wow! that made me laugh. She glared at me. I smirked at her.
She turned to resume her work.
I said,
" What are you doing here? The maid already did everything and cooking was also over."

She looked at me from top to bottom and said,

"It was none of your business."

The nerve of the girl!! I sighed and said,

"My friend was coming to our home. We will be sitting here, in hall and discuss. I don't want you to feel disturbed. So...... Why don't you go to your room and take rest.!?"

She saw me as a weird kind of specimen and said,

"Why should I go?I'm preparing a special dish. It takes another hour. So, I'm not going and I don't think I will be disturbed by your so called discussion. By the way Who was your Friend?"

I stammered to answer her and said,

"He was Anand, you already met him when we went to Mall."

She kept her hand on her jaw and tapping her fore finger as like she was trying to remember, then she said,

"Ohh that flirt. Why was he coming? Have you told him about our relationship or still covering up."

Ahh, She was provoking me.

"I already told him about us. Now, will you please go to your room, stopping this so called special dish."

Her face become redden, she said, "What's your problem Mister? Why are you pestering me? Are you jeoulous that he was attracted to me?"

OMG!!! " Jeoulous, me, no way. I'm just....just..... trying to protect you from him. You know he was a flirt, a play boy, he had so many affairs. So I want to keep distance between both of you that's it." I blurted out. Nothing was true though.

She said, "Impressive, why are you trying to protect me, who I'm to you, a mere cousin or are you really feeling I am your wife?"

I was bemused. I don't know what to answer for that. The time was freezed like that, we both are glancing at each other. Before I answer anything, we were disturbed by a knock on the door. I left her to check who was at the door. Anand was already arrived.

He immediately hugged me and said,

"What's up bro? Why do you take this much time to open the door?"

I said nothing. We settled in the couches.

"I heard your parents went to function. What about Aaeesha? Where was she?"

I tried to divert the topic, "She also went along with my parents. What are plans for today?"

Then a cooker whistle sound interrupted us.
Anand looked at me, interrogatingly, said,

"You said she was not in home."

I tried to cover it,

"Ha, that was cook ".

Suddenly, a loud sound was heard, Aaeesha screamed loudly. Quickly we went there to see what happened. She was standing at a corner with a spoon in her hand and her face was filled with fear. There are ingredients spilled on the floor everywhere.

"What happened? Are you Ok?" I asked her.

She was still in shock. I dragged her from there to the living room. She removed her apron and sat freely to get air.

"Hey! Are you Okay miss pretty ?".
I got annoyed with his question. I said,
"She was Mrs. not Miss."

" Ohh! Whatever, how are you now Princess?"

She said, "I'm fine. But,the cooker was exploded and the kitchen was spoiled".

We both said, "It's ok".

He continued his flirting,
"As long as you are fine, that doesn't matter." .
I got irritated with his behavior. I interrupted them and said,

" Come on Anand, don't stress her. She needs time to recover, I will call the maid to clean the kitchen. Now, we should leave her to take rest. Aaeesha, go upstairs and take rest."

We left her and came outside. I called maid to come fast and clean the kitchen, because if my mom came to know that such a horrible thing happened in her kitchen she will surely scold Aaeesha to death. Anand was smiling at me. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

He said, "Taking good care of wife, not bad. But that was not enough to keep a relation. It requires so much more like trust, loyalty, mutual understanding, co operation, most importantly, Love. For your kind information, I'm just kidding about my feelings about her."

I was bewildered. I asked him "What?"

He said, "Yeah. Though I got attracted to her, she's your wife. She was always my kind of girl but you are important for me. I just behaved like that to provoke you. She seemed to be a gem bro, don't give up on her."

I was completely astonished now. I said,

"I have some work, we will catch-up later, bye."

I went to her room to check on her. She was not there. I went to balcony to see if she was there. Yah, my guess was correct. She was there merged in thinking. I don't want to disturb her so I came to my room and fell on my bed. What Anand told regarding the relationship was correct. But, we have nothing in between us. We never tried even to settle the things. What I'm thinking!! I was in complete confusion whether to give a chance to this relation or I should give up????

To be continued..........................

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