Chapter - 13

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I'm waiting for his voice. He cleared his throat and said,

"Mom and dad, I want to talk to you about something, are you free?"

His parents looked at each other and then nodded to him in approval with the curiousity to know about what he want to talk to.

He started,
"Mom, I know, in our families, girls are restricted about studies, I mean ladies after marriage, but, Aaeesha wanted to continue her studies. She had really tried hard to get seat in that college and continued the spirit to get good percentage upto now. She has just one year to complete her graduation....."

His words were interrupted by his angry mom and dad.

His dad said, "Don't forget about our family's traditions and values. What for, her studies? What will she do with her education? We are rich enough to not allow our women to work outside."

I really felt disappointed with Rizwan's dad's open statements. On other hand, Rizwan was trying, "It's not like that dad, it was her dream to be an MBA graduate...."

Even before he spoke, his mother snapped him, "What are those dreams, that too for girls?! Tell your wife to stop dreaming about irrelevant things. Instead ask her to dream about your happy family like other married women. Even your sister also stopped her studies from the date of her marriage announcement. She was happy now, performing her duties as a good wife and daughter in law."

"She was not happy" Rizwan raised his voice suddenly.

"What are you saying?" "Don't talk rubbish." His parents voiced at the same time.

"Yes, she was not happy. She wanted to become an interior designer but you stopped her to go for her dream and married as per your wish. Her in laws also not different from you. She was left with no chance to even think about it. And talking about dreams, not all have the same dreams. Don't try to rub your opinions on our faces. Our family already suffered the most when you didn't allow someone to fulfill their dream, and became the reason for their leaving from this house. I don't want another person to feel the same way. Most importantly, I don't want her to think of this marriage as a curse to her career. I will really feel guilty if she thought in that way. We don't need to put an extra effort for that, because she already had created her path, we just,..... Shouldn'tn't stop her from her pace. If it wasn't happened, I will regret for my entire life. So please don't say no to my request."

By this time, both of his parents are at the verge of tears. I don't know why they got so emotional on this simple issue. And also I got a doubt who was that someone, Rizwan was talking about, why they left the home. I will ask Rizwan once he comes upstairs.

He come and went straight to his room. I ran behind him and called him slowly. He was not responding, so I peeped into his room. He was dull and gloomy, I mean, literally, he was in tears. After what I saw, I can't stop myself from asking him,

" Hey, what happened? Why are you crying?"

He glanced at me for a brief second and said,


I am not convinced, so I asked him again,

"Is everything? Are you worried about any one?"

"Will you please shut up!! You are allowed to go to college so, please go and prepare for that. Leave me alone."

Why he was shouting like that? What is wrong in my question? Whatever, I'm going to college, that's important. I should inform about it to my friends and parents. But, I should thank him first of all but, he was not in a state even to listen, so I left him alone as per his wish.

Rizwan's POV

I shouldn't have shouted on her like that. She just agreed to be friendly with me and I ruined it successfully. I should make up something to rectify my mistake.

I knocked her room door twice, she replied,
"The door was already open, you can come inside".
I took small steps, while observing her room. It was decorated in a style that was somewhat cozy and at the same time giving messy appearance. But still beautifully wrapped up. There were wind chimes in corners, wall hangings all around. The room was painted in sky-blue with combination of white and black stars on them. Seriously black stars!! what that meant for? The four sides of bed are covered with white net including the top like a queen bed in olden days. She totally gave a make over to this room. I was mused in disbelief, whether I was in my home or somewhere. She indeed showed her mark beyond all circumstances in our home. While I am admiring the room, she clapped her hands to bring me in real senses. I forgot why I came here and while thinking,

"Done checking out? Have I did anything wrong or misplaced any of yours valuable things? If then, you can shout at me, after all you were the great husband of mine, I'm just a mere wife to you, according to your family traditions and values, I should obey you like a puppet in your hands, should listen to you whatever you say, but never question you, follow wherever you go, serve you whatever you want. Am I correct?" She said in one breath with so much frustration, in a mocking tone.

I don't know what to answer, but I like this side of her, not so cool but on fire. So to add fuel, I said,

" Absolutely correct".

"Arghhh, you were testing my patience. What wrong I did God to fall into this house, I don't fit for this family drama, please God take me back from here",

She was saying this by folding her hands.
I laughed at her, outside. But, in my innerside, in the folds of my heart, there was a turmoil started. I want her to feel comfortable in this house, accept it at as her home. But, it was not seemed to occur in anytime soon. She threw a pillow on me for laughing. I took it and offered it to her in the same way. It continued for sometime like 15 minutes. After the stupid game, we both were tired and sat on her bed. If any body saw us at this time, they will definitely think we were doing something else. Because, we were panting, covered with sweat, our hair was ruffled, the bed was misshaped etcetera.

"What was your age?" I asked.
She bewildered for a minute and said,
"What's that? Why are you asking that question suddenly? If you are afraid to do that, I mean to make..ehmm ... Whatever I am suitable to watch A certificate films."

I was astonished with her boldness, I can guess it as her innocence. A shy blush was creeped over her face. It was my first time to see her blush.

It was going somewhere so I said,
"You seemed to be so eager for that. But, this time, I just asked it because you were playing with me like a five year kid."

Her jaw dropped then she kept pout.
"I am sorry for shouting like that earlier, I am in bad mood actually. So, accept it as an apology, I can promise that, I will never repeat this. Okay??!"

She replied, "To accept your apology, I have a condition."

There's again a condition. Uff!!

To be continued...............

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