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"Hey, it's Alex." I say into the phone, the next morning. I only have to be at work in an hour. It's seven o'clock, so I have a tiny bit of time to do what I want to.

"Hello Alex. I need you at the office." Dylan orders. Never mind then.

"Alright. I'll be there in 15 minutes." I say. He ends the call, but I look down at my clothing. Damn. I'm in sweat pants and a shirt.

I run up the stairs, I throw on black chinos and a white blouse, and finally, I put on my leather jacket and motorcycle boots, and I leave my hair in its curls, and rush down to the office on my motorbike.

I arrive there, and check my watch. I'm two minutes early. I breathe a sigh of relief and run quickly to my office. I throw off my motorcycle boots, swapping them for sandals, I take off my leather jacket, leaving only the white blouse, and I fluff my hair a little, and run back to Dylan's office.

"Hi." I say as I walk inside, and try not to look out of breath. He scans my clothing and nods.

"Hi. Please sit down." He points to the chair. I nod, "I'm going on a conference call now. I need you to take notes."

He hands me a pen and paper. His fingers gently brush mine, but I take no notice.

The call starts and I scratch down the notes, and try to make my handwriting at least look appealing. This is not as hectic as taking notes in University. If you miss something, it doesn't matter. Finally, after an hour, the call ends. I have already made five pages of notes.

"Let me see." I hand Dylan the paper, "Damn, you write fast, and neat. Well done. Why haven't I used you to do this for me before? No girls hired before could do this." I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" I chuckle.

"I have already gone through about 8 personal assistants in a single month. I always seem to be hiring new ones. Most are just physically appealing, but that's all they really are, so I fire them." Dylan smirks. I narrow my eyes at him.

"Well. I'm not physically appealing, sorry to let you down." I hear him mumble something.

"Did you say something?" I ask. He laughs and shakes his head. I was sure he did. Something about him seeing something.

"I hope you don't mind Dylan. I brought my textbook. I really do need to study. By the way, I'm writing my exam in a week, on Tuesday." I admit, and smile awkward and haul out the big textbook. 

"That's your textbook?" He asks. I laugh.

"Yeah. Do you want to see it?" I ask. He nods. I hand it to him. He flicks through the pages.

"I don't mind helping you study. I can test you. Just call me." He offers, I smile at him.

"Sounds good. Anyway, I'm starving." I say and rub my stomach.

"Let's get something to eat then shall we?" He leads me to the door.

"I would like that very much." I smile.

"Alright, wait for me to change, I don't want to be recognised." He says and I nod. He takes about 10 minutes, but he comes back out in a tee shirt and jeans, along with a cap and sunglasses. I take my own sunglasses out my bag.

"Do you have a ride?" Dylan asks. I smirk. I put my sunglasses on.

"Follow me." I lead the way.

"Here it is." I point towards my motorbike.

"Is that yours?" He asks and runs up to it.

"Yeah. It's a Harley Davidson Street 750." I point towards the black bike.

Miss Assistant (Miss Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now