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The kiss seemed to be unbreakable. My mind was screaming at me to stop, to break free, but my heart, oh my silly little heart, enjoyed it. He gently bit my bottom lip, and at that moment, I pulled away, breathless.

"I-I can't." I whisper.

"Why?" He asks me simply.

"It all feels so wrong. I feel that everything is screaming at me to stop, that I'm somehow betraying Devin. I-I can't do this. I can't do us." I admit, biting my lip. I also can't seem to shake off the feeling that he is just using me, like the rest of the hundred other girls he has kissed before me.

"Alex, listen..." He starts, but I shake my head and walk away slowly.

"Thank you for taking me out. I had a lovely time. I appreciate all you have done for me. Thank you Dylan, but I need to be getting home." I smile sadly and turn to walk away, but he stops me, holding my hand in his.

"Can't I take you home?" He offers.

"No!" I shout, and feel bad when he flinches. I run quickly away from him. I think I'm overreacting, but I still can't push off the feeling of being used.

I decide to walk home. I'm not too far away, but I like the feeling of the cold air on my exposed face. I cuddle in my coat a little more, and make my way home.

Did I just mess everything up? What did I just do? What did I want to happen, exactly? I thought that we would have a lot of fun, and maybe he would laugh at my stupid jokes, but never did I ever imagine that he would french kiss me before he had even asked me out on a real actual date. What did I expect from a player?

I finally arrive home and climb into my bed after changing into my pjs. I close my eyes, but sleep doesn't come at all. I toss and turn, and eventually, I walk downstairs to get some hot chocolate.

The doorbell rings. I look at the clock. 12 am. I sigh, and looking down at my makeshift pjs, leggings and an oversized shirt, I pull a jacket it, to cover it up. I ruffle my hair, and take a deep breath. I think I know exactly who is behind the door. I pull it open.

The person waiting on the other side shocks the life out of me.

"Devin?" Come a straggled excuse for my voice.

"Look at you Alex." He smiles, eying my leggings and shirt.

"What are you doing here?" I ask softly.

"I came to see my girl." He smirks.

"I'm most certainly not your girl anymore Devin." I put my hand on my hip, getting angry at him for being so insulant, and I get a strong whiff of alcohol. He's drunk.

"You are and always will be my girl." He slurs.

"You're drunk, and you need to go home. Back to Atlanta. What are you doing in New York again?"I ask.

"I-I" He starts, the slurs evident in his voice, "I came back to see you. To get you back." He leans on the doorframe to keep himself up.

"We agreed to be just friends. Devin, we broke up three months ago. It's a bit too late don't you think?" I ask softly.

"Noooo!" He shouts, gripping my arm.

"I think it's time that you leave. I'll call a cab to take you back to your hotel, where are you staying?" I ask, trying to get him to answer me. Instead, silence follows, and he looks vacantly at me.

I sigh, and pull him by his arm inside. I point towards the couch. "Sleep here. I'll go get you a blanket." Devin sits down on the couch and looks around absently.

Miss Assistant (Miss Series Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now