Chapter 25:

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The next two months passed in somewhat of a blur. I buried myself- and my feelings- in work and Teddy. He was my support structure. He somehow knew just how to cheer me up, even when I hid my feelings from him, which was most of the time. Some days, he could see right through my facade. He is so intelligent at so young, and he keeps growing bigger every day.

I've heard that Devin decided to move to Atlanta after all. He hasn't called me since, which I am very grateful for.

My parents have been like two twin pillars in my life. They have been there for me endlessly when I have needed them. I recently moved back into my old place, but I made sure to gather everything from Devin, the pictures and the memories evident in my house into a box, which I put into a storeroom. Who knows? I might want to keep them to reminisce one day.

As it is already July, somehow, it is, my job at the hospital has earned me a three-week leave. My parents have told me that they are going to take Teddy for those three weeks, which I protested to greatly, but finally caved in, and I'm flying off to Paris this very afternoon. I was going to invite Lisa and Mark, but they still have to work and Lisa has to travel a lot as it is. I need a break from the business of my life, the hectic atmosphere of New York, and the aching I feel every time I am reminded of the life I could've had with Devin.

The flight was long. Well, it felt long. Finally, I arrived in the city of love, ironically, loveless. I fetched my suitcases and was transported to my hotel via taxi.

The hotel room I got was not bad. It had a double bed, a cupboard, a desk and armchair, a tv on the war with an en suite bathroom. I even had a view of the Eiffel Tower in my window.

I quickly finished unpacking my things. I grabbed my things, my sunglasses, threw on a pair of comfortable sneakers and walked out of the hotel. It is time to explore the city.

The Eiffel Tower was in walking distance of my hotel. I took a pamphlet map of the city and made my way to the Eiffel tomorrow. It's huge. I walked under it, looking straight up. It's beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.


The next morning, I decided to visit a small town. There were a series of shops and fancy hotels, and I felt a bit out of place in my shorts, t-shirt, sneakers, a cap and sunglasses.

I walked into a fancy looking shop, interested in the latest Paris fashions. As I walk into the shop, I already feel out of place, the shopkeepers stare me down as if I'm about to steal or do something ridiculous like that. I roll my eyes and exit the shop.

I walk into something as I exit the shop. It's actually more like someone. I can't see who though, because the sun is in my eyes.

"Alex?" The voice says. I squint to see the person.

"Annabelle?" I say shocked.

"What are you doing here in Paris, of all places to bump into you?" She asks smiling widely at me.

"I needed to get away. So I came to Paris. What are you doing here?" I ask, smiling at her too.

"My family is hosting this huge fancy charity gala, and parents invited all their ultra-rich, snobbish friends. My whole family is here." She smiles.

"Why in Paris though? How long have you been here?" I ask.

"The charity is mainly based in Paris. Also, it's pretty romantic don't you think? So, the gala is tomorrow night, but I've been here a week already. Most of my family arrived yesterday. What about you Alex?" She states, studying me. She is wearing skinny jeans, a tee shirt, some Nikes and sunglasses on top of her head.

"I arrived yesterday." I tell her. She raises an eyebrow.

"Yesterday? That's ridiculous. How are you not tired?" She asks.

"I don't really get jet-lagged apparently." I grin and wink.

"Let's get some coffee and catch up. It's so funny to bump into you here." She smiles and links her arm through mine. Leading me off.

"I think you should come tomorrow night." Annabelle says, after drinking a sip of coffee. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head.

"No. I don't think I should." I shake my head again, and Annabelle starts laughing. "Seriously." I tilt my head off to the side.

"Why not?" She asks, studying me. "This is about my brother isn't it?" She says, and my eye twitches a little. "Ha! It is about my brother! He's a douche, and he won't be there, someone had to stay behind in New York."

"That, and I don't have anything to wear." I protest. I most certainly don't want to go to a stupid gala.

"That's okay. I have like five extra." She rolls her eyes. "My mom is really picky about these things."

"So in other words, you are forcing me to go." I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yup. I need a friend, someone who isn't part of the snobbish rich society that exists as part of my parent's friends. Don't get me wrong, not all of them are like that, but most are and having someone like you around will make it a relatively enjoyable evening." She smiles.

"I won't be seated at your table though." I raise an eyebrow and realisation sinks in.

"That's true, but supper is only a small part of tomorrow night. Plus I can make arrangements, and my parents really like you. You should have heard them speak on and on about you when you came as Dylan's fake girlfriend." Did he tell her about that? She laughs, and as if she read my mind. "He told me the whole story. If they ask, tell them you guys broke up, but I invited you because you and I became good friends. It's true. We did become good friends. I mean we are friends right?" She babbles. I laugh.

"Ah, I certainly hope we are." I reply.

She narrows her eyes at me. "Now go get some sleep, you weirdo. Come to my hotel, tomorrow morning at about 11 ish, and then you and I can tour Paris a little, and get ready together okay?" She claps her hands.

"What about Jason?" I ask referring to her husband.

"He is arriving just in time for the gala. He had a work crisis, and he will be going straight to the gala." She explains, sighing. By the look on her face, I could see the love she had for her husband. I want that. I had that. I smile sadly and push my feelings away.

"Alright." I reply, "Try not to have such a terrible night and sleep okay? I can see by your face that you miss him deeply." She studies me.

"How did you-" She starts but I cut her off.

"I'm good at reading emotions. It's one of the reasons why I became a doctor." I grin. She's silent and then her face suddenly lights up.

"I just got a brilliant idea." She says excitedly. "I think we should have a girl's night!" She shouts. My eyebrows shoot upwards.

"Like a sleepover?" I inquire.

"It will be so much fun!" She squeals.

"Okay. That could actually be a lot of fun!" I smile excitedly. "I'll grab some things at my hotel and then meet up at yours."

We both smile widely at each other and burst out laughing.

"I feel like we are teenage girls!" I pat her arm.

"That we are, inwardly at least." Annabelle teases.

She sends me her hotel address and I set off for mine and grab my stuff. I'm in for a night of total chaos and fun, and I can't wait.

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