not all fun and games

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kind of dirty
"Logan I can't believe you!" I yelled, crossing my arms as I walked away from him.

"You don't have to be so dramatic all the time, Y/N!" Logan screamed after me. I groaned as I slammed the bathroom door shut, turning the shower on.

Anger surged through me, and it took everything in me not to punch the mirror.

I took my clothes off and stepped into the shower, the hot water soothing on my skin.

I thought of how much Logan would bug me sometimes. I often wondered why I was still with him, it seemed like all we did was fight.

As I thought of this, the door opened, and I watched as Logan walked in. He never looked at me as he stripped out of his clothes.

"What are you doing?" I asked, crossing my arms as he got into the shower.

Logan walked up to me without saying a word, before placing his hands on my shoulders.

"Logan I-."

He cut me off by kissing my neck, teasing me. I held in my moans, and I could tell that he was still angry the way he was gripping my shoulders, sure to leave marks.

Logan removed his hands from my shoulders and slid them to my neck. I took a deep breath as he applied some pressure with his thumbs, making me gasp.

I leaned my head back, resting it against the shower wall. Logan pulled me close to him, and put his hands on my face. I stared up at his eyes, which were staring into mine.

Logan presses his lips to mine, and I felt everything fall into place as I wrapped my arms around him. Logan picked me up, and I put my legs around his torso as he pushed me against the wall.

Logan smirked before setting me down, then leaving the bathroom without a word. I groaned in frustration, then felt a smile creep onto my face.

"That's why I love you," I whispered.

lol this was weird, comment if you like these kinds of imagines;)

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