secrets pt. 3(requested)

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Logan's POV
I sighed deeply as I tossed my food into the grocery cart. It had been three years, and I still wasn't over Y/N. I missed her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her body. I missed the way she used to cuddle me when I had a long day, the way she ran her hands through my hair.

I missed her.

Three years and I couldn't get over her.

I rolled my eyes and tried to stop thinking of her, pushing my cart down the aisle.

"Carter, cut it out!" I heard someone yell. I looked to my left to see a woman, her back facing me, pulling candy out of a little boys hands. "I told you no candy."

The boy screamed, and I found myself chuckle as his thick, brown hair bounced around, his nose wrinkled up.

"Shush!" The woman screamed, clearly upset. I noticed she was young, probably nineteen, and she looked like she was struggling. "My god Carter, will you ever listen?"

I decided maybe I should step in to see if she was okay. "Hey, are you-"

"I'm fine!" She yelled, whipping around to look at me.

I couldn't look at my son without thinking about Logan. I missed the way he pushed me against the wall, pressed his lips against mine. How he kissed me lightly before pulling me into his arms.

I needed him.

"Carter, no candy today, okay bud?" I said, pulling my son into the grocery store.

"But mommy-"

"No sir," I chuckled, running my hands through his hair. "Maybe next week."

Carter and I looked through the store, until he ran to the candy aisle.

"Hey!" I yelled, sprinting after the running child. "Carter!"

I grabbed his hand. "Carter cut it out!" I ripped the candy from his hand. "I told you no candy."

Carter screamed at the top of his lungs, and I nearly cried. "Shush!" I yelled, "My god Carter, will you ever listen?"

He was about to grab another piece of candy before I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you-"

"I'm fine!" I yelled, turning around to look at the man.

And when I saw him, my heart dropped.

"L-Logan?" Tears spilled down my cheeks and I covered my mouth with my hands.

"Y/N?" Logan's jaw dropped and he backed away, his eyes moving down to Carter.

"Mommy, who's that?" Carter yelled, pointing at Logan. "Why are you crying?"

"Carter," I whimpered. "Go pick out some candy."

He cheered before running off.

"It's been so long," I sighed, a smile forming on my face. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Logan said. "How are you?" He placed his hand on my arm.

"Um, things have been stressful," I said, staring at the floor. "But it's alright."

"Y/N..." Logan tilted my chin up so I was looking at him. "I missed you."

I broke down as he said that. "I missed you too, Logan. I missed you so much." I wrapped my arms around him and sighed.

"I didn't think I would ever see you again," Logan sighed, looking down at me. "I can't believe it's really you."

I smiled an placed my hand on his cheek, closing my eyes.


"Y/N?" I snapped out of my gaze and turned to see my husband, holding up a bag of lettuce.

Logan's face showed immediate disappointment, and he pulled back from me. "It was nice seeing you."

Logan walked away and I bit my lip. "Logan, wait!" I called. He turned around, his eyes sad. "I'm sorry," I said quietly, picking at my nails.

"Me too." And with that, Logan walks away.

This was kinda long awaited so here it is! Hope you enjoyed:)

Logan Paul Imagines Where stories live. Discover now