Chapter 10

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Chia-jung's POV

I woke up after having another nightmare and I noticed Korra and Naga were both gone.

I assumed she was out roaming around the city so I went to see if there were any leftovers from breakfast.

I saw the kids playing around the table while Jinora was reading some book. Pema, Kya and Katara were sitting at the end of the table chatting away.

"Good morning Jung." Katara said as she lowered her head.

"Are you hungry?" Pema asked me as she stood up. "I can make you something if you like."

"Don't sorry about making me anything. I can make myself something later." I said as I grabbed and apple from a bowl of fruit.

"Nonsense. Let me at least make you some rice." I tried to refuse but she smiled at me and made me sit down.

I began eating the apple and I noticed everything was quiet.

"Hey Chia-jung," Meelo practically yelled as he sat across from me. "Do you want to see something awesome?" He held three marbles in his hand and used his air bending to make them move around in a circle really fast.

"Do you want to see something cool I can do?" He eagerly nodded his head. "Give me an animal," I said putting my apple down.

"Flying lemur!" He yelled excitedly.

I saw a napkin on the table and began to fold it. After a few minutes there was a tiny napkin flying lemur in front of us. I picked up the lemur and gently tossed it into the air. It began to fly around the room.

"Yay! Flying lemur!" Meelo yelled as he chased after it after it.

"Meelo not air bending in the house!" Pema yelled. I looked up and saw Meelo on an air scooter chasing it out of the room.

"I see you still have the folding skills down." Katara smirked.

"Can you make me something?" Ikki jumped next to me.

"What do you want?"

"Can you make a unicorn riding a butterfly with rainbows shooting out of it?" She said so fast I barely could catch it all.

"How about a butterfly?" I asked as I looked around the room questioningly.

"Ok!" She sounded even more excited than what she asked about.

I quickly began to fold a new napkin and after a few minutes I had a butterfly made for her.

"I'll leave the decorating to you." I smiled and handed her the butterfly before she ran off.

"You know they are going to lose those in an hour," Jinora whispered as she looked away from her book.

"That's normal with kids their age." After I spoke Jinora went back to reading.

"Jung, here is some rice." Pema placed a bowl in front of me.

"Thank you." I began to eat and I noticed Jinora never asked for anything so I looked at her book and saw it had Tiger Lillies on it.

As I ate I discreetly began to make a life sized Tiger Lilly out of a few napkins. She was still reading when I finished eating so I placed it in front of her.

She didn't seem to notice the napkin flower. I didn't mind I knew she would when she finished reading. Since I was finished I saved Pema the trip and took my dished to the kitchen and washed them.

"Thank you for the food Pema. I enjoyed the meal." I bowed to her before I left the room and went back to my own.

I began to change my clothes into one of the new ones Kya had made.

While I was changing I heard a commotion outside so I ran over to the window in the room to see Korra getting angry and shooting fire everywhere.

After I strapped on my sandals I went outside to see Korra storming off.

Tenzin looked stressed out. I went over to try and talk to him but he ignored me and went to his wife.

I guess they don't want to be bothered.

I walked around the island for hours until I got bored and started messing with some fallen leaves.

I laid down in the damp grass and suddenly  the leaves I had been messing with began flying around me. 

At first I began to panic until I saw Jinora was air bending.

"You scared the spirits out of me." I laughed as I sat up.  "I thought I was going to be kidnapped by the spirits."

"I just wanted to get your attention since you seemed to be in your own world just then."   She sat next to me and crossed her legs. 

I sat up and looked at her. 

"You don't get off the Island much do you?" I asked as I examined her.

"No, I'm a kid I cant just go run around the city by myself." She seemed surprised by my question.

"So what do you do for fun around here?" I asked as I laid back down. 

"I like to read, occasionally I play games with my siblings, practice my bending, and I like to meditate." She smiled and closed her eyes.

"I've read pretty much every book in Wan Shi Tong's Library.  After awhile most stories begin to become similar to each other. Except war plans and most history tends to be unique." I looked up to the sky.

"I've always wished I could go there. It vanishes from our world on one of grandpa Aang's journeys while he was was saving the world." she sounded so collected and intelligent  when she spoke.

"I'm sure one day you will get to go see it's glory." I smiled as a small cloud drifted by in the sky.

"How did you get there?" I didn't look over to her but I could feel her eyes on me.

"I don't remember it was like that just came out naturally. Like I've talked about it before." I suddenly sat up. I tried to remember anything I possibly could but sharp pains quickly began to fill my head  "I've got to go talk to someone." I stood up and ran inside to find Kya. "Kya!"

"What's wrong?" She looked concerned.

"Its a bit weird. There are moments in conversations I say things that just flow out, but I have no idea what some of it means or why I said it." I sighed and sat down. "When ever I tried to remember why I said it or what I'm talking about my head hurts."

"That's because you are trying to force yourself to remember." She folded her hands together as she spoke. "Don't force them and they will come soon."

"If I'm not suppose to remember yet why do I keep talking about my past but not know what its about?" I rubbed my fore head.

"What did you say?"

"Something about Wan Shi Tong's Library. And having read all of the books inside." I began to get a slight headache just trying to remember what I exactly had said.

"You said the same thing to us when we went there years ago." Katara smiled at me.

I felt a bit bad. I was so focused on finding Kya for help I didn't notice Katara sitting there. I wasn't exactly sure why I chose to get help from Kya.

"That traveler that was with us was so jealous of you when you said that but at first he didn't believe you. But you whispered something none of us could hear."

Something took control of me and said something I didn't quite catch. Katara and Kya both looked concerned and suddenly I blacked out.

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