Chapter 30

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Chia-jung's POV

It isn't comfortable to wear this mask all the time even when I sleep, but only a handful of people are allowed to know who I am, because 'I need to be protected'.

I have tried many times to get away from this place but they put up a bunch of fence post that to anyone it just seems odd but everyone here knows they have an electric current to stop people for entering and leaving.

I was staring at the post while I wrote a letter to Kali.

Amon stated that someone would get the designs for me and I decided to use this as a chance to warn Kali and everyone. I just hope she can come up with something about picking up designs for me.

Maybe I should draw something up and include it.

After another hour I finished up and I made an envelope and seal for it. Finding someone to deliver it may be a bit harder.

Just as if he knew my thoughts Mr Sato showed up.

"Mr Sato. I was told I could send someone to collect the designs from a friend but I don't know who would be the most reliable person to do so. Cause in order to prove that it is me retrieving the designs I have to send a very personal letter that I dont want it read. It's for my lover so she knows I'm not ignoring her " I whispered the last bit so only he could hear.

"I'll work on it Mara. " He smiled at me as he went to talk to a group of security.

They took the letter and I just have to hope that they actually listen and don't open it. Just to be safe I made the first two pages very... Fluffy.

It was because no one would want to read that mush. Hopefully it's not too much for her to handle.

It was a lot cooler here than in the city and for some reason it felt welcoming. So I went for a walk around the perimeter.

"Miss Mara I heard you have a letter you wish to have mailed?" A woman asked as she managed to stop me from walking.

I looked at the girl and she looked nervous like she wasn't meant to be here but had no choice of what she was doing. Possibly even she was doing this to hide and she was nervous she'd get caught.

"Are you ok?"

At first she didn't respond, bit after I took a step closer to her she started to mumble.

"I'm good."

"You don't belong here." She tensed up and started to freak out. "Don't worry I won't tell."

She was still breathing heavily as if she didn't believe me.

"Come I could use a bit of company before you take my letter."

She agreed and walked beside me for a little while. She told me about her controlling family and how she came here for a new start away from them.

The more I started at her I noticed she had a faint red glow that I've seen on fire benders. Most benders give off a spiritual glow that their bending causes.

At least that's something I recently noticed. There are very few benders that can hide it and they never mean to.

"Fire?" I said quietly.

"Where?" She quickly looked around in a panic.

"No you're element." I stated even quieter. "You have Earth Kingdom traits, but you are a fire bender."

"How do you know that?" She asked as she grabbed my wrist.

She seemed more scared than anything again.

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