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Author's POV
Days passed and nothing had changed. donghyuck still quiet and avoids mark a little, and mark, well, still working hard to get his beloved crush's attention or actually get him.

At the slightly big room of the two guys, their spreaded silence, no one talking, no one snooring, but someone doing the other guys homework while the other was studying alone at his upcoming test.

"Hyuck, im done." Mark announces to the other.

"That was fast." donghyuck says, busy studying, I mean he's not actually busy studying nor busy trying to understand science, he's very busy playing with his phone.

"Hey stop it." mark gets donghyuck's phone letting the younger face him.

Donghyuck rolls his eyes as he lay down on his bed.

"Hyuck." mark calls and pats the others butt lightly.

"what?" donghyuck ask with muffled voice.

"wanna come?"


"To the park with yerim."

"Date?" the younger ask with lowered voice for the elder to not hear.

to bad the elder did heared what the younger said and nodded saying, "Yes."

"I'll just be a disturbance on your relationship."

"No," Mark stops and takes a sign out, "you wont cause i need someone to guide me if im doing fine, and you've already dated yerim."

Donghyuck stands up and combs his hair showing his bangs and left his cloths the same as lately which are
jeans and a hoodie.

Donghyuck's POV
Actually I just dated yerim just for her to get this boy, and she already has what she wants so all i need to do is to make this date special to her. "I'll just be doing this to yerim because she really likes you."


"Uh, dude mark are you out of your mind?"


"Of course she likes you thats why she dated you."

"Oh yeah."

Author's POV
The two had finished fixing up so all they have to do is walk through the park.

A minute passed and markhyuck haven't arrived their destination yet:). The younger kept on complaining at the elder making him irritated.

Well, if you wanna know how far the park in this story, i could say that its about 1km far. Far right.

"You'll pay for this markie."

"Yeah whatever."

The both of them started to step a foot at the park, i mean they started to go inside the park.

Another minute has passed, not actually a minute but a hour i mean.

"oh god mark they're not yet here!" Donghyuck complains to the elder.

"Yeah i'll call them just wait."

Mark walked to the other side for donghyuck to not hear the conversation. Mark then takes out his phone from his pocket and calls koeun and yerim.

Lets just make this into a dialogue.

Mark:Hey guys aren't you coming?


Mark:what?! Why?

Yerim:spend your time with him.



Mark panics as soon as the two hang up. 'Shit what am i going to say' Mark whispers to himself clueless of what he should do.

He walks toward the younger and sees him leaning on the wall crossing his arms.

"So what?"

"We hot. I mean they aren't coming." The elder says with a very unknown tone which i cannot describe, sorry.

"So lets just go home." Mark say, regretting his words.

"No, I mean its okay." Mark widen his eyes because of the unexpected reply of the younger.

"Why?" Mark questions.

"Cause i'd rather walk in a path where nature is near me." Donghyuck answers.

"Dramatic bitch." Mark says.


They both walked in silence and younger had notice that he was starving, and then after that he complains about forgetting his wallet and his momey were in there obviosly. So he begged at mark sight and ask him to buy food for him.

The two had a search for a convinience store but after that the elder ask the other.

"Hyuck, do you forget things easily?" Ask mark

"Of course." The other reply.

"T-then can you forget about this."

"About what?"

"This." Mark attached his lip to the other slowly forming the word 'kiss' Donghyuck widen his eyes and made the other imitate him cause, i dont know. I mean why? Why'd Mark imitate the youngers action lately, well, i mean he widen his eyes surprised of the youngers response on that long kiss which mark planned only as a peck.

Lol, dunno what im doing with life. Just to share i've been busy practicing our performance at school, so it took me about 2 weeks to finish this chap.

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