Chapter 4

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Monday morning I found myself at my private school, Westwood, away from the heart of Compton, where I really wanted to be. My phone had been blowing up all day with texts from my girls and some from Teddy, who wished I was down at Compton High School with him and everybody else. I don't understand why my parents sent me to a private school but Deonte and E.J. go to public schools down in Compton. They travel five to ten minutes a day to get to school, but me on the other hand, has to travel at least a half an hour if the traffic is good.

I didn't like it at this school, I never did. It was a college prep high school but I never understood why. It wasn't hard, I excelled in all of my classes here. So, I knew if I was back home in a public school then I'd definitely excel but my parents wont fall for it. I've begged them for years to take me out of this school but they're not having it.

"I had so much fun at your party this weekend."

I turned around and saw Adam, one of the guys I went to school with. He wasn't like the rest of the people here. He was boogie like them but he was a lot easier to talk to, so he was like the only person I really wanted to talk to here. I associated with a lot of my classmates but none I really wanted to talk to besides Adam.

I smiled. "I know. I saw you letting some of those tricks twerk on you," I said throwing my bag over my shoulder.

He laughed. "I couldn't control them Victoria. They were all over me, like ants. Is that what you all do down there?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I guess but they do it everywhere except here. You know everybody here is full of themselves."

"Not us though!" He defended us.

"Of course. We're the only people who aren't full of ourselves," I said as the bell rang. "I'll catch you later Adam. We've got lunch together, right?"

"Yeah but I'm dancing today at lunch so I won't be in the cafeteria."

"Alright. See you later," I waved before walking off to my English class that was upstairs on the second floor. By the time I got upstairs to my class most of everybody was inside already except for the few stragglers who slid into the room before Mr. Collins closed the door on them, like me.

I took my seat near the front of the room and got out my books so I could be ready for whatever Mr. Collins was teaching today. For the past week or so he's been talking about changing the class over to Physiology once the new semester starts. And while he's been in the midst of changing the class over we've been discussing mother-daughter relationships. I couldn't help but notice how similar it was to me and my Mother's bad relationship here lately.

I thought about not letting her talk to me Saturday night but I knew I needed to after our discussion the day before. Admitting our problems and pushing aside petty problems would be the first start to our fixed relationship and so far it's been working. It's only been a day since my party but we haven't been fighting like we usually do. We've actually been getting along a lot more, so I was happy coming home now.

"I'm going to leave an assignment up for you all to do while I step out for a moment. I expect you all do get your work done and have it finished by the time I come back," He said stepping out of the classroom. Once he stepped out everybody immediately began doing their work but I pulled out my cell phone so I could text Teddy back. 

Victoria: Good morning Teddy bear.

Teddy: Lol It took you like an hour to text me back.

Victoria: DId you miss me?

Teddy: Of course I didn't.

Victoria: Lol You're so mean. I'll call you at lunch.

In Too Deep (Urban) Book 4 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now