Chapter 10

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"You got all of your stuff?" I asked Teddy once he climbed into my car.

Teddy and I had spent all day at his house getting out all of the things he needed. My parents haven't said he could stay yet but I'm sure he'll be able to. I know they wouldn't just let Teddy out on the streets to feign for himself. Well, Daddy might but I'm sure Mama won't let it happen. Teddy is just like one of my brothers, always eating and causing trouble for me and Mama to deal with.

Teddy nodded his head and closed my car door before I pulled off. Ever since Teddy broke down this monring he's been damn near speechless. I know he's hurting so I didn't bother messing with him. I just wish there were something I could do besides giving him a home. I just want him to talk to me about what's going on because I know he's not telling me the full story.

I pressed my foot on the brakes and turned to Teddy once I stopped at the light. I grabbed his hand. "You okay?" I asked, rubbing my thumb across his hand.

He forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm good."

"Are you sure?"

He nodded his head and looked out at the road. "Yeah. The light's about to turn," He mumbled, looking away from me.

I sighed and let go of his hand before pulling off from the light. The ride to my house was silent just like the previous hours at his house. I didn't want to push Teddy into talking but he knew he could talk to me about what was going on with his Dad. 

Once I pulled up to my house, I climbed out of the car and began helping Teddy with his bags. "I got it," He said, taking his suitcase out of my hand. 

I frowned. "I just want to help you Teddy. You've got all of this stuff, just let me help you," I said, taking the bag suitcase out of his hands. "Please?" I asked. He shook his head and grabbed some bags before he followed me to my porch. "When we get in here just follow my lead with my parents."

He didn't respond, he just followed my lead into the house. "Is that you Victoria?" Mama asked coming down the hall but she stopped when she all of the suitcases in our hands. "What the hell are you two doing?"

"Mama it's a long story that I'm sure Teddy doesn't want to talk about," I replied.

Mama sighed and pushed past me so she could walk up to Teddy who looked like he was in tears, which was all for the show to convince Mama and Daddy to let him stay here. "What's going on Theodore?" Mama asked, trying to put her arm around his shoulder but considering how tall he was that wasn't going to happen.

"My Pops left me a few days ago, the lights are out and I don't want to stay up in that house by myself like everything's okay when I know it's not. I can't keep doing this flaky stuff with him anymore Mama. He's left before but he's never been gone this long."

"Have you tried calling him?" She asked.

"Yeah but his phone is off. I don't know where he's at. Nobody's seen him. Could I stay here for a few days?" He asked.

"Of course you can. I want you to stay here as long as you need baby, you know we don't mind. You're just another one of the kids," mama said taking his suitcases out of his hands. "Deonte!" She yelled up the steps.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Come down here and take Theodore's stuff up to his bedroom!" She yelled as she looked back over at Teddy. I don't know why we still acted like that was Teddy's bedroom. I mean, it has clothes of his in it but that's about it, plus the clothes were from like 10 years ago. Every time he came over our parents would always stop us from sleeping with each other so they got Teddy his own room, even though he doesn't use it.

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