Chapter 6

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After getting out of Physics I didn't bother looking for Theodore. The two of us were obviously on different pages of our life when it came to school. I valued my education, seeing as though it would be the only thing to get me anywhere in my life but he just didn't care and I don't know why. He's got to start thinking long term, like me. I know without an education I won't be able to get anywhere in my life, so I value what I do have.

I walked down the crowded stairwell with the rest of the students who were all racing to the lunchroom. I pushed my way through the people racing to get to the lunch line and started looking for a table. By the smell of things in here I knew I should be bringing my lunch for the rest of the school year. It smelled horrible in here.

"Victoria!" I quickly turned around and saw Malaysia waving me over to a table she was sitting at with a bunch of guys. I smiled and made my way over to the table she was at. Once I got close enough to her she wapped her armsa round me, pulling me into a hug. "What are you doing here girl? Your Aunt Sin and Uncle E finally got you out of that private school?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Something like that," I replied. I knew if I told Malaysia the truth she'd somehow use it against me when we get to arguing or worse, she'll go and tell my parents behind my back for her own satisfaction. I knew she'd do something grimy like that, so I just plan on keeping my mouth shut around her.

"Where's Hazel?"

She rolled her eyes and sat down at the table between two guys. "Don't even bring that girl up. I don't know where she's at."

I sighed. "What happened with you two now?" I asked.

"I heard she was talking a bunch of shit at your party to all of the guys I was talking to but don't worry, I got her after school."

"You're not going to get anybody after school. I'm hanging out over Teddy's house after school, you coming through?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'll see if I can fit it into my schedule but I might be busy."

"Okay but look I'll see you later. I'll be in the parking lot in my car after school. I'll take you to his house but you're going to have to find a ride back home," I told her.

"I got you," She said completely turning away from me to talk to one of the guys I know she was probably trying to sleep with after school instead of hanging out with us. I turned around and scanned the crowded lunchroom, looking for Hazel but instead I saw Teddy, who I was trying so desperately to avoid. I really didn't want to talk to him after his little show this morning before third hour.

I looked away from Theodore and began walking around the lunchroom, looking for Hazel when I spotted her sitting with Rodney, this guy she had been talking to since Sophomore year. I don't know if they were together or if they were in a low key relationship, where they were only showing PDA when they were together but acted like good friends out in public.

"Hey Hazel," I smiled, sliding into the seat next to her. "Hey Rodney."

Rodney waved and continued chowing down on his Subway that I'm sure he didn't get from here but Hazel turned to me. "I know you aren't skipping school Victoria. You know if Deonte see's you he's going to kill you."

I waved her off. "Deonte already knows and I'm not skipping school. I switched schools on Monday."

"And your parent's don't know, right? Don't tell me you switched just because of Theodore. If you did I'm going to beat your ass and send you back to Westwood," She threatened.

"No, of course I didn't just switch because of Theodore. You know I don't like it there and I'll have more opportunities here."

"Opportunities like what?" She asked confused. "Because there aren't any opportunities offered here except being the thot of the week or joining a gang."

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