Intro story

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The world is a horrible, unfair and not least scary place. Every day around in this deranged world someone gets bullied, beaten, kidnapped and raped. And maybe you are so lucky to be one of the people who never experience any of this, and if so, you and Charlotte Tilby have nothing in common. 

Her life was a living hell from the day it started. As she arrived in this world, her mother tragically left it. Normally when someone is born people remember a little cry that symbols the start of life, a lot of smiles and many happy tears for the newborn. But all anyone could remember from Charlotte's birth was blood, screaming, and then a flatlined sound that sent the room into silence.

As if it wasn't hard enough to grow up feeling alone, confused and without a mother, it was nothing compared to how hard life was about to become.

It was far from fair, but her brother repeatedly blamed her for their mother's death. The doctors had explaied that they noticed Charlotte had been in distress as they monitored her inside the stomach. This could mean she wasn't getting enough oxygen or her heartbeat may not be regular. But the thing was, Charlotte's mother had medical issues that adviced her from having a c-section, but she insisted they did it anyway. The father argued and shouted in disagreement. She took his hand is his making him look at her with his tear filled eyes.

«Listen to me,» she said as her voice was about to crack, «Our baby..she'll die. I can't let my baby die.» she sobbed.

Frustrated the father fell with his head to the bed as he was shaking violently while squeezing her hand into his.

«No matter what, take care of our baby girl.» was the last thing she said to him.

All though her brother and mother hadn't been that close, he still blamed her because it made their dad change and necglect them completely. Naturally after their mother passing so tragically, it created a split in the family and their dad quickly went into a deep depression that he tried to escape from by working all the time he possibly could.

In her youngers years it was bearable to an certain extent. But sadly the older she got, the worse the problems got. Every year her brother grew stronger and more vengeful. He started getting more abusive towards her, both mentally and physically. And as this kept going on their dad worked even more than before and was clueless to everything, living in his own depressed loop that he struggled with escaping.

Charlotte lived in a small and actually very peaceful town. It was known for having little to no crime activity at all, which had given it quite the rumour amongs the people of the nearby city Gotham. But in just one day, all of this was about to change, and all because of Charlotte.

Shots were fired, screams were heard,  and silence followed.

"Psycopath child murders entire family!" was the headline of every news station within hours. It was so shocking because of the city's earlier reputation that it even made it on the news in Gotham and as far as Metropolis City.

People gasped as they pressed their heads closer together in front of their TV's. They didn't know what to say or how to react to such tragic and surprising news. And it wasn't just because it involved murder, which the people from the others citys were very used to, it was because it involved a child. Feeling confused it didn't take long before everyone started talking which lead to rumors being created by fear and judgement.

But what murder? What happened?

A young policeman was interviewed about the murder right after it took place. The press had come to the crime scene to fast for him to get any directions on what to say or how to handle the situation. And it didn't help that we was a newbie with no experience on this type of situation either.

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