13 Thirteen-Family Fun 2

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We go to the petting area and several birds fly over our heads as we pass. Karai goes to a keeper and asks again as well. The zookeeper points to another zookeeper and she comes back to us and pulls us to where the lady pointed. She waits patiently for her turn and when she gets her turn the keeper puts the bird on her head and she smiles at us happy. The bird squeaks and flaps a bit making her squirm a bit before the keeper takes the bird away. Karai thanks him politely and comes to us.
-She's a lot like you in that.
Ha-In what?
-She's very educated.
Ha-She also takes that from you.
-That's open to debate. You're far more educated than I am and you know it.
He laughs until Karai pulls on his sleeve.
K-I'm hungry.
Hades picks her up and puts his finger to the tip of her nose.
Ha-I have the perfect solution for that. Shall we?
She nods and we go away to a short break to have lunch. We get there and he asks what she wants.
Ha-What would you like to eat?
K-I'll have this one, the nachos.
Ha-Just the nachos? With no cheese or just a bit?
K-A lot of cheese. Please.
-Same, just the cheese, make it spicy. Orange juice to drink.
K-Grape juice for me.
Ha-Got it. Go wash your hands while I order.
He puts her down and I take her hand and we go to the bathroom to wash our hands. We come out and Hades is waiting for us at the table. He has our order waiting for us and we seat down to eat and Karai can't decide if to eat or talk while she bounces on her seat as she tells us how amazing it was to pet the animals. She mimicks some actions to add some drama to the description until she gets to describe when I charged the snake.
K-And mom's face was like this. And then she was like so funny and all. I think she was very brave.
K-I think the snake was more heavy than you mom.
Hades almost chokes on his drink before he smiles at me.
Ha-Maybe. Now, finish eating if you want to get time to pet all of them again.
She nods and starts eating her food silently. When she finishes she goes to the drink and she takes a big slurp before she shivers.
K-Agh, brain freeze, too fast. But I finished it.
She takes another slurp to make sure before she gets it away with a smile. I take the trash and throw it away before we all go to the mammals section. We go first to the uncommon ones before we head to the canines and the felines. Karai looks at the lions and she points to one saying it looks like me. I look at her and to where she's pointing.
-The lioness drinking water?
-The one on me rock maybe?
-Then which one is it?
K-The biggest one, that's how you look when you wake up before you brush your hair.
Hades laughs and speaks up.
Ha-I think she means the lion.
K-Yes, that very one. When she just wakes up her hair is as big as that, thrown to all the sides in a big disorder.
We laugh together until she goes to one of the other animals. She looks and looks until she smiles but then turns to us.
K-I thought that the cats didn't like water.
-They don't. Usually.
Ha-There are exceptions, like the tiger for example.
K-Then I guess this one is a tiger. I want him to come out of the pond to see how big it is.
I nudge her shoulder and as she looks at me I point to a tiger that is sitting at the very corner of the cage. She turns and she sees it curiously.
K-Dad, why is that tiger white?
Ha-No one knows why some tigers are born white and when they are born they have to live at a zoo.
Ha-Because they're very rare, people like them more and they have more possibilities to live longer here than in the forest. There are also tigers that are born without their stripes too.
K-It reminds me of you.
K-Well, he looks like a prince, royalty which you are. He's majestic and powerful. Calm, elegant. There is another word but I can't remember it right now. There is a two sided thing too. You know that to everyone you seem serious and all work?
K-Well, you are like that but when you're with family, mom, me, Persephone and the guardians, you are more fun or open. This tiger is like that and you want to know what the only difference between you two besides you being a God and he an animal?
Ha-What's the big difference?
K-The tiger is lazy and sleeps most of the day while you barely sleep for doing a lot of work or have fun with the family.
He laughs softly and I pull him down a bit to whisper on his ear.
-She's only five and she already knows so much about you.
He gives me a kiss before we turn back to Karai. She waits a bit for the other tiger to come but then she goes to the next animal.
K-Wich one is this? Guepard or jeopard or jaguar or leopard? They're names are similar and then again the animal is also very similar.
Ha-That's a guepard, the fast one.
K-Is too cute.
She barely comments on this one as she turns to the petting part of the section. She goes straight to the lion cubs. And as always she asks to the keeper and I see the excitement on her eyes grow as the keeper talks.
K-She says I can feed the cub for a bit, can I?
We nod at her and she goes back to the keeper. The keeper takes one of the cubs out and puts it on a little bed that's by her side. She gives it a bottle of milk and then she takes Karai's hand and passes the bottle to her, she acomodates her hand properly in place and takes her hand aside. She smiles and giggles until the lady takes the bottle away. Karai waves in a small wave as the lady puts the lion cub back with it's siblings. She thanks her and comes back with us.
K-It was so cute. Did you see it?
-Yes we saw darling. It was so cute, did you enjoy it?
K-Love it. Now, three down one to go and we have spare time.
She pulls us to the next one. The aquarium is cavelike so we have the animals all around us. Karai looks at them with joy. Her eyes scanning them cautiously and curiously as she passes them. We get to the sharks and about half of them make her laugh or smile before she jumps to Hades as some of them scare her.
Ha-Are you okay? Did the shark scared you?
K-Yes, it's weird and he looks like a swimming corpse. Ugh, disgusting.
Ha-Is okay, he can't hurt you. Let's go see the playful ones. Would you like that?
Karai nods and we go out of the sharks towards the dolphins and the whales. As VIP we go to the back rooms and we ask to be participants in the show. They give us some uniforms and we change into them. I help Karai with hers before putting mine on.
-Hades, can you get this for me? Please.
Ha-There you go.
I give him a kiss before the trainers explain the show to us and give us a bucket of fish to us. The show begins and they do from small to big. When they reach the dolphins show is amazing and they ask for a child to volunteer. A little girl wins the opportunity and they take Karai too.
Trainee-Now, for the finale, these two youngsters are going to, say it with me, SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS!!!! Yes, two beautiful, young, brave souls will have the opportunity to swim with the dolphins.
The trainee gets Karai and the other girl and puts them at the border. She explains to them how to do it and she blows her whistle and the dolphins make a jump before coming to them and they jump to the pool just as they pass landing perfectly on their backs, they hold on to the back of the dolphins and I watch as they swim around before the dolphins drop them at the edge and they go away making a fine awesome exit. The trainers get the dolphins away and then they enter the killer whale. One of the trainers introduces the whale and one trainee gets the girls back when Karai slips and falls on the pool with the whale. We hear as the public gasp in horror as the whale goes down too, the trainees calm down the public with information about the whale as the rest of the trainees try to call the whale up again. We rush over to the edge but we are stopped by yet another trainee.
Trainee-Calm down, we're handling the situation.
Ha-You're handling the situation?
Trainee-Please, remain calm and leave this to the experts.
Hades grit his teeth and grabs him by the neck of his jacket.
Ha-Calm down, calm down? That's my daughter in there with a killer whale and you're telling me to calm down?
I hear a faint splash coming from the pool and I see that the whale is back up with Karai by the mouth. I nudge Hades to look and when he looks he relaxes his grip on the trainee before he lets go completely as the whale pushes Karai to the edge and backs away making noises. We rush to Karai and we check her a bit before she starts coughing up water and she wakes up. I give her a kiss and squeeze her hand tightly as Hades gives her a big hug and rubs her back as if to make sure she's really there.
Ha-I was so afraid of losing you for a moment there. Are you sure you're okay?
K-Yes, the whale saved me.
Ha-It did indeed.
We turn to see the whale who's still watching over Karai as if she were her protector.
K-Can I pet the whale?
We look at each other surprised before he speaks.
Ha-Only if they let you.
Hades asks one of the trainees for permission and he nods turning to us with a smile. The trainee turns to the public and makes the announcement.
Trainee-Well, after that scare we can finally have our show. Now let me get you up to speed. I've just been told that this little lady right here.
She stretches a hand to Karai and she takes it with a smile.
Trainee-Well, thanks to her you'll have two shows. Let's call it a gift of consideration for her because of the scare. Now a fast introduction with her, on her words by her own voice. First off, tell us your name and age.
K-Karai and I'm five.
Trainee-Five years, wow, aren't you the little brave girl. Now, how did you felt when you fell on the pool with the whale and after you woke up with your parents by your side, how do you feel.
K-At first I was scared but only a little and then when I woke up I was thankful to the whale for not eating or killing me and bring me back with my mom and dad. I'm glad you're letting me participate after what happened.
Trainee-Is the least we can do for you. Let me say this, the killer whale is a very powerful animal and for her to save you, you must have a very pure soul for her to be so social. You are special, very special.
She turns to the public and speaks up.
Trainee-Cheer loudly if you think that Karai is special too.
The crowd cheers very loudly at Karai. The trainee gets a bucket of fish from a corner and gives it to Karai. She explains how to do it and she gives a palm on her shoulders. She directs her and they make a show of it. At the very end the trainee says something on Karai's ear and she smiles widely and nods before the trainee announces the move. Karai takes her place and with a swift hand movement she makes a signal and we all watch as the whale jumps completely out of the water and when she goes in again she splashes some of the audience with water. Karai makes another movement and this time the whale comes out of the water and rests on the edge. Karai puts her arms together and pulls them apart widely and the whale mimicks her.
K-Do you want a fish?
The whale sticks out the tongue expectantly and Karai slides a big fish into it's mouth. The whale eats it and makes a happy noise at her. Karai pets the whale a bit before she dismiss it with a final movement of her arms, the whale goes back to the water and the audience cheers loudly at her until the trainee stops them for a moment.
Trainee-Did everyone enjoyed the show?
They cheer loudly.
Trainee-Karai, did you enjoy the show?
K-Yes, very much, thank you.
They call us to her side and we stand behind her with a hand on her shoulders.
Trainee-Give a big applause for Karai and her parents. Another for the whale. And now one for Karai and the whale, the perfect duo.
The audience cheers loudly at them as she gives a small bow to them gratefully before turning to us happily. She waves at everyone as we go away to change.
K-She gave us the suits as a gift. To compensate for the problems and all.
Ha-That's very generous of them. Did you enjoyed the show? You were in the spotlight there.
-You were practically the trainee of that whale and it looked so amazing because you seemed so happy and you look happy even now.
K-I am happy, a lot. The whale was so nice and obedient.
We change and we put our clothes on again and we head off to the other attractions. Next we head for the crocs and the alligators but before we enter Karai pulls on Hades's sleeve.
K-If they ask for a volunteer, can you do it? Volunteer for me because I probably, they will most likely won't let me do it so......
Ha-I understand, I'll do it if they ask. Now, let's go inside, the show's about to start.
She nods and we all go inside to watch the show. After a few tricks done by the trainers they ask for a volunteer for a volunteer. Hades is the only one that stands to volunteer and the trainer comes to him.
Trainer-You sir, what's your name?
Trainer-I see you're well dressed, very fine, aren't you worried you might get it dirty?
Ha-I can wash it when I get home. Or get a new one, is no big deal.
Trainer-Any particular reason you're volunteering?
Hades turns to us and back to him.
Ha-I promised my daughter I would volunteer in one of the shows if they asked for a volunteer.
Trainer-Are you not afraid?
Ha-Compared to my daily life, this is as frightful as a sleeping puppy.
Trainer-Brave, that's good, let's see then if you're brave or if it's just talk. Come, follow me.
He leads Hades to the cage and he gives him a suit to get changed. Hades disappears into a room to change and he comes out wearing a pair of tight swimming pants and shirtless. The trainer brings out two crocs and hands one to Hades. He explains some things to Hades and he nods understandingly. The trainer opens the mouth of one of the crocs and puts a hand inside pulling it back before the crocs eats it off. He looks at Hades and they nod in unison and Hades does the exact same thing with equal efficiency and expertise. The trainer asks for absolute silence as they're about to pull up a deadly stunt. When he's satisfied with the silence he whispers something on Hades's ear and he nods seriously. The trainer opens again the croc's mouth and he gives it a few pats on the top making sure is safe before he lies down and sticks his head inside and when he comes out the croc keeps the mouth open. Hades does the same with his croc and when he comes out the croc suddenly closes it's mouth in a powerful bite. Hades raises an eyebrow at that before he smiles. He stands and looks at us on the public and we wave at him excited. The trainer puts a finger to his lips to keep us silent and they perform a few more tricks before he makes a small bow of courtesy to everyone. He dismisses Hades and he goes to change again. Everyone leaves and we wait until Hades comes for us. He's checking his hair but I decide to tease him a bit.
-Checking if you still have you head intact?
Ha-No, I'm just checking that my hair is still fine and intact.
-I know I'm just teasing you.
He laughs before he gives me a kiss and then he picks Karai up and gives her a kiss on the forehead. She asks to give him a kiss to and he smiles as she takes his face and gets down so she can kiss his forehead too. Hades blushes at that and we laugh at him.
K-That was awesome. But there is something that I didn't quite got.
Ha-What's that?
K-You said to him that you didn't mind getting your clothes dirty but you still changed clothes. How so?
Ha-Oh that, I guess he felt bad ruining my suit and so he gave me those. I don't really know his reason to ask me to change.
Karai seems convinced by that answer and gives him another kiss before hugging him. We exit the show and we go to the gift shop. Hades puts Karai down and holds her hand instead.
Ha-You can choose four things to get so choose carefully.
She nods and looks through the shop analyzing every toy and every puzzle with her eyes. She ends up getting a puzzle of five thousand pieces, a big book of animals and then she points at a giant white stuffed tiger that is about twice her size.
Ha-You can have one more.
K-Can it be another puzzle? Different picture.
Hades nods and she gets the puzzle with a smile and I see that this one has about ten thousand pieces in total. She hands them to Hades with a smile as he takes them and goes to pay them. When he pays he hands me the bag as he takes the stuffed tiger on his arms before we head to the car to go back home. Hades puts the tiger on the back of the car and we get on. This time however Karai gets her new animal book and reads some facts for us.

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