19 Nineteen

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The next morning when I wake up I notice that I'm back on my bed at the condo. I'm tucked in and I'm also on my pajamas now and alone. I go out of the room and I go check on Karai and she's not here either. I go to the kitchen assuming they're having breakfast but they're not here either. I open the fridge and I take the milk and put it on the counter I take a cup of glass from the shelve and as I start drinking I hear a voice from behind that almost make me choke.
K-Choke, choke, choke, choke.
-Karai, don't do that. You scared me.
K-Can I get dad's shake?
-Here. Why you do that?
K-Sorry, I couldn't resist the urge.
I shake my head as she takes the shake to her dad. I watch as she tempts him with it.
K-Here dad your shake.
Ha-Thank you.
K-But first, my kiss.
He gives her a kiss on the forehead and she gives him one on the cheek and then gives him his shake. She sits at his side and I sit on the other side and give him a kiss.
-Had a nice run?
K-He left me behind a lot of times.
Ha-Did not.
K-Yes you did. He even cheated.
Ha-You're just not accostumed to running with me yet.
K-Definitely won't do it again. I prefer to train hard than run again with you.
Ha-Oh your words hurt me. Ugh. Agh. It.....hurts.
He mimicks fake pain and then laughs softly as he hugs her close.
K-I said that I wouldn't run again but you can still train with me. Which reminds me, I was thinking about strong opponents and I was wondering if I could sometime, I don't know maybe if you let me.....
Ha-Say it.
K-Figth with Hercules.
Ha-A figth?
K-A small sparring match.
Ha-That's a definite no. You won't figth him.
K-Why not?
Ha-Because I said so. There are some things that just can't happen. Believe me, I do wish that you could beat him but we can't have that. Sorry but that is something I can't let you do.
K-Well if that can't be then. Another thing, what did you thought of Edward last night?
Ha-He's a good kid. Is good to have friends like that.
K-He's indeed a good friend.
-I like how educated he is and responsible too.
Ha-He has great aspirations in life.
K-I was wondering if you'll let me go have dinner with him.
K-Today, I was going to ask you last night but you were gone. That's why I ask you now. Can I go?
Hades let's out a sigh before speaking again.
Ha-You like him, don't you?
K-What? Of course not, he's just a friend that happens to be a boy. I don't like him. Good one dad, good one.
Ha-Sure, if you say so. But we know the truth so don't worry.
K-So, does this means I can go or not?
Ha-Yes you can go. As long as there is no inappropriate contact.
K-He won't do anything to me and even if he does, he would end up in a corner sucking his thumb and believing he's a princess for the rest of his life.
Ha-Would you really go that far?
K-Persephone can do his hair.
Hades laughs at that before he kisses her cheek affectionately.
K-I love you. We're meeting at the coffee shop that's by the park. I still have an hour to spare so, no big deal.

After half an hour we go drop her off at the park and I give her a few tips on how to take care and how to keep him at bay and controlled.
Ha-Remember to call me if something happens. I'll be here in a flash.
-And remember what I told you about what to do if......
K-Okay, I think I got it, there's no need to keep repeating it. Geez, you're so annoying sometimes. But I still love you. Thanks so much for the tips now go, on your way you go. Go on.
We leave with Karai pushing us away and we laugh as we go away. She goes away and as for ourselves, Hades takes me to a romantic dinner at an Italian restaurant. After we finish eating we go to Astoria park to enjoy a shooting star that's supposed to happen that night. We go to a spot hidden between some bushes so no one bothers us. We sit there in silence watching the sky when I feel my stomach grumble.
-Can we go eat something? Just a snack.
Ha-Sure, what do you want?
-As long as I can eat it, anything's fine by me.
He nods and he gets up and offers me a hand to get up. We start walking to the closest food stand but halfway there Hades stops suddenly making me bump into him.
-Ouch. Hades?
I turn and I follow his gaze to where Karai is kissing with Edward passionately with her sitting on his lap. I look at Hades and he's practically blowing steam in anger.
Karai turns and when she sees her father she jolts out of Edward's lap to her feet in an instant fixing her clothes and her hair as fast as possible.
K-Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you two were having dinner.
Ha-Well, we're here. The question here is, what are you doing?
K-It was just a kiss.
Ha-A kiss? That was no kiss, you were practically eating him. Come on, we're going home.
Ha-No buts, you're coming with me now.
He reaches for her hand but she backs away, he frowns and then he takes her over his shoulder and turns to Edward menacingly.
Ha-And you, keep away from her if you value your life.
He turns and walks away furiously. I can hear him cursing under his breath a couple times. When we get home he sits her on the couch harshly and looks at her barely keeping it together.
Ha-Now explain yourself.
K-What's there to explain, you saw us, didn't you?
Ha-Yes I did and believe me, I don't know if to be angry, happy or disappointed on your behavior.
K-Please, like you didn't do it as well.
Ha-Watch your tone! Now, explain why you were kissing with that boy.
K-I just don't understand why are you so angry.
Ha-There is a proper way of doing things and kissing at the park with a boy that's not even your boyfriend as you were doing it, that is the opposite of being decent.
K-I thought you said he was a good guy.
Ha-Yes I said that, but I didn't mean it like that.
K-What did you thought I invite him over for dinner for or what did you thought when I asked to go out with him?
Ha-Yes, the thought did crossed my mind and that's why I asked you clearly and without indirects and you answered that he was only a friend. Since when do friends kiss like that? What can you say that proves me wrong?
K-I'm not a little girl anymore and I can kiss with whoever I choose.
Ha-That's it, I forbid you from seeing him ever again and you're grounded. No communication besides us or family and you are not allowed to go anywhere alone.
K-You can't be serious. You can't forbid me from seeing him.
Ha-Just look. I'll keep you with me at all times under tight surveillance.
K-You can't just lock me up like a prisoner.
Ha-I can and I will. Get in your room. Now.
K-Ugh, I hate you. You can't control what I feel. Don't speak to me ever again.
She goes to her room and slams the door behind her back. I look at Hades and he looks at me worriedly.
Ha-Did I went too far with her?
-Maybe you could have been a bit more gentle with your way of speaking but you too have to understand, it's her first love. She wants to live it. Sure, maybe she did wrong in not telling us the whole truth but what can you expect. She's a teenager and teenagers never listen.
Ha-Should I speak with her again?
-Yes but later, right now you both need to calm down and process what happened and think it through. Then and just then you can both talk calmly and listen without getting exaltated. I'll talk to her later to see how she's doing.
He nods and he hugs me tightly. He's still angry but he's keeping it down. For now, I feel as he starts crying on my shoulder and I rub his back gently and comfortingly. I try to pull away but he pulls me in again. I smile as I realize he doesn't want me to see him cry.
-Hades. Let go.
Ha-No, I don't want you to see me like this. Please, just, keep hugging me.
I keep hugging him for a bit longer until he goes away. I take his face on my hands and I can feel his face still wet from the tears. He still looks sad by everything that has happened in the last couple hours. We sit on the couch and he rests against my shoulder. I take his hand and he accomodates then with his head on my lap. I pass my hand through his hair and I give him a kiss on the forehead. He looks at me sadly and I smile at him.
-Everything will be fine, you'll see. Tell you what, if tomorrow you're still angry about it I can take you to discharge all that anger in an effective way. Just so you don't hurt anyone by accident.
Ha-Thanks but I think I will not need to discharge my anger but cheer up instead. I mean, she said she hated me, she never said that before to me and not like that. She's angry with me and I'm not sure I can handle her hating me.
-Oh Hades, she doesn't hate you, she loves you, you know that. She's just a bit angry and I'm sure she just said those things because she's angry. She'll apologize later when she cools down and feels ready.
I see a teardrop fall on his face and I clean it away gently.
Ha-You're the best woman ever.
-I know, I'm amazing. Now let's get a bit of sleep and we'll try to fix this situation tomorrow first thing in the morning after we wake up.
He nods and we go to our room to sleep. He falls asleep on top of me still crying and I barely sleep a wink as I try to formulate a good conversation to have with our daugther tomorrow. I rub Hades's hair a couple times before I accidentally wake him up.
Ha-My love?
-Sorry for waking you.
Ha-Don't be. What time is it?
-Um, two thirty in the morning.
Ha-Have you slept anything at all? Have you been watching over me all this time?
-What else can I do? I can't sleep, too much on my head.
Ha-You should......
He's interrupted by a knock on the door. We look at each other confused and we go answer the door. They knock insistently.
Ha-Coming, I'm coming. Just a second.
He opens the door and we see Edward and Karai outside. He pushes Karai inside towards us and apologizes deeply.
E-I think her place is here with you.
Ha-What did you do?
E-With all due respect sir. I ask you to rethink your decision. I really, honestly love your daughter and I would like to do things correctly this time around. Just tell me what I have to do to get your blessing to date your daughter. I'm aware I did wrong in kissing like that without your blessing first but I was under the impression that I had your approval. I promise I'll do it by the book this time around.
Ha-I can think about it but I make no promises. Thanks for bringing her back home safely.
E-It was the right thing to do. I love her.
He turns around to leave but Karai hugs him from behind stopping him.
K-Don't go, please don't go.
E-I'll be back besides, I have my home and you have yours.
K-Don't go. I love you.
E-I love you too. Everything will be fine, you'll see. When two persons love each other and they do everything right like they're supposed, they can end up together. I promise everything will work out. Stay here.
E-Do you love me? Do you trust me?
E-Then stay here, it will be fine. Everything will work out, you'll see. Here, take this, as a reminder of my love for you. For good luck.
He takes off a necklace he has and gives it to her. She takes it and looks at it and he goes away. When he's out of sight she runs towards her room. I pull Hades down and I speak to his ear.
-I think now is the best time to have that talk.
We go to her door and we open the door slowly. Hades knocks on the door to let her know we're there.
Ha-Karai? Can we talk?
She turns to see us and she sits on the bed calling us forward with her hand. We go to her side and we sit on the bed with her.
Ha-Why did you escaped?
K-I just wanted to see him, you said I wasn't going to see him ever again.
Ha-Oh Karai, I'm sorry.
K-I thought maybe, I could go see him at least one more time.
Ha-Well actually, since everything we said at that moment was driven by anger and it was without thinking. I'm willing to reconsider your relationship with him.
Karai smiles hopefully but Hades stops her lifting his hand at her face.
Ha-I can let you go out with him after your punishment is over.
K-What punishment will I get?
Ha-You'll have to spend a month without your phone, without connection, no parties, nothing fun only training and training for a full month at Olympus with us. Only after a month will you be able to see him again.
K-You will not go easy on me while training. Right?
Ha-Is a punishment after all.
K-So, just so we're clear, I can have him as my boyfriend?
Ha-Yes, but only after the month. For now, we are going to Olympus. Also, I want to show you a trick to use with your aura as well.
K-I love you.
Ha-I love you too. I can't stay mad with you for long. You're my little girl after all.
K-Dad. Can you sleep with me tonight?
Ha-You want me to sleep with you?
K-And hug me like you used to when I couldn't sleep when I was little.
Hades looks at me and I nod in approval. I stand to go away but Karai stops me. I look at her and she holds her hand out.
K-You too, stay with me. Both of you, please, sleep with me tonight.
-Sure, as long as you rest peacefully, I can stay with you too.
She smiles and we accommodate on each side of her on the bed and go to sleep.

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