106 Hundred and Six

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I see that she has on her computer a picture of me sleeping and in an embarrassing position. I look at the picture and then at her again before I wake her up. I get the computer aside and close it and I shake her a bit.
-Hera, my love, wake up.
He-Mmm. Hey.
She takes my hand and caress it to her chest softly. She smiles and she pulls me down to the end with her as she wraps herself around me pressing our bodies together.
-Are you still dreaming or are you awake?
He-Can't I be both?
-Come here you.
I pull her to me and I kiss her sweetly and as I separate from her she smiles lovingly before I give her the smile she so much likes.
He-Love you.
-Love you more. Mmm, do you still have much work to do?
He-Have or want to do?
He-Not much. But now I can be all yours.
-I'd like that.
He-I bet you would.
With that said she comes closer and she kisses me with desperate passion and expressing her needs to me. I get us so I'm on top of her on the bed and I start taking off my clothes while kissing her fiercely. She helps me out of my clothes and I help her out of hers as well. We are barely are out of our clothes when I'm already fucking her hard and without a care if anyone hears us or anything at all. For the first time in a long time I let loose entirely setting my soul free and not thinking about anything.

By now we are professionals doing silenced sex as we don't make a sound besides our exaltated breathing. I make love to her in every way I can before dinner and I feel as she digs her nails through my back leaving deep marks on it. I don't give a care for the moment thinking it will be worth it. When we finish our fast sex we take a bath and change clothes to go have dinner with the rest of the family. I use my purple short sleeve shirt with my exercise shorts as I'm going to sleep afterwards. She goes ahead as I organize my hair one more time. When I get there everyone is already seated and eating their own food and I turn to serve myself. Karma stands up and he gets at my side.
Ka-You look tired. Are you tired?
-What? Of course not.
He shrugs and he slaps my back hard and I can't help the groan of pain that escapes me as the back starts to hurt and ache.
I frown as I sit down to eat and we eat in silence. I feel a bit tired even more than usual so I eat hurriedly so I can go to sleep. I finish first so I clean my dish and I go back to my room. As I enter I just let myself fall on the bed and I fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed.
              Hera POV
I watch as Hades turns a bit selfish as he doesn't says a word at dinner and eats in a hurry. He goes away and he doesn't says goodbye to any of us.
Ka-Do you know what's wrong with him?
-Probably. I'll check up on him before I go to sleep.
I finish up my food and I bid farewell to my children before I go with Hades to our room. I smile as I find him asleep on the bed with his clothes still on even the shoes. I check if he awakes and as he doesn't I take off his shoes and I slide on the bed with him and pull his arm around me. I sneak a kiss from him before I turn to sleep for the day.

Three Years After
                       Calix POV
I am with my wife at Olympus visiting dad and my siblings for the fall festival and we have a nice family reunion with everyone. I am preparing the table along and I ask.
-How many people are we having?
I am stunned for a moment before I finish setting up the table. We hear a knock on the door and I open finding that is the guardians, Persephone and Isabella.
I-Uncle, so long.
She gives me a hug and a kiss before she goes inside. I welcome the others in as well and I make sure there's no one else and I go back inside.
-There are two people missing.
Ha-They will be here soon enough.
-What do you think they're doing?
Ha-Either shopping together or just doing their own thing separate.
-I hope is shopping and not that.
We laugh together and Isabella comes towards me.
I-Care to get a friendly match with me?
-A friendly match?
I-Yeah, let's spar a bit while the food is ready.
-I don't know. I suppose I can, I mean I did promise you one a long time ago.
I-Too long.
-Not that long. Come on.
With that we go to the garden and we have a friendly match between ourselves and we laugh while we fight having fun. We stop when we are called for dinner is almost ready. I take a shower and change clothes to a suit. When I arrive back at the table we are now all together including the two missing persons. We sit down and as we start to eat we joke and chat together sharing stories. We share stories and everything as a family. We are just laughing when I have a feeling of uncertainty that something is coming but I can't tell what it is and the uncertainty kills me. I focus around to sense if there's someone or something close by but I don't sense anything.
A-Is there something wrong?
-Not sure, never mind that. Come on here.
With that I pull her up and out with me to the garden and we dance with the first rays of moonlight shining on us. After a bit I take her to the trees and I pull her on my back and climb a tree to the top branch and I let her on a strong safe branch before I climb one more and get myself upside down. I feel as she puts her hand on my cheek and I smile back at her as I take her hand and kiss her wrist.
A-You're cute and adorable.
-That's because you love me and I love you too.
A-I have a surprise for you.
-Do tell.
A-We have to get down from here first.
-But is so nice here.
A-Then get me down at least.
-As you wish.
I get her down and then I climb back up and as I do I turn to her.
-So tell me. What's the surprise about?
A-You have to stay still. You'll fall.
-No I won't. I'm getting anxious and desperate.
I keep climbing the tree and she yells at me something I never expected.
A-I'm pregnant.
I lose my balance and I fall all the way down from the top of the tree to the floor. I break a couple branches on my way down and I land on my back and hit my head hard.
A-Told you so.
-Is this for real? I'm going to be a father?
She helps me up and I put my hands on her shoulders.
-Can you repeat that for me?
A-I'm pregnant, we're having a child.
I smile and I lift her up circling on the same place as we both laugh. When I put her down I kiss her lovingly.
-You are wonderful. My angel.
I hug her lovingly.
-Come on, let's go home. Home on earth.
A-Please, I could use the peace and quiet of being only you and me.
-I'll run home charging you.
A-That's not.......
Before she can finish I take her on my arms and I get her seated on a couch inside. I take our bags and I use my superspeed to take the bags home and come back up to Olympus. I stop at her side.
-Ready to go?
-Dad, I'll be back another day.
Before he can answer I take Angel on my arms and I run away in a flash. When we arrive home I get her on the bed with me and I hug her from behind.
-I wonder, will it be a mini me or a mini you?
A-I don't really care as long as it's our child.
-You're right as always. It sounds so good, our baby.
We rest against each other and fall asleep together.
                       Nova POV
I wake up without Karma at my side and as I get up I yawn sleepily and I get my phone out. As I take it I notice a note stuck on it. I read it and I see is from Karma.
-Went to have me time. Be back by dinner.
I groan as I lie back down stretching out before I get up for real. I go to the kitchen for a juice and as I cook breakfast I hear a knock on the door. I'm about to get it when dad comes to help me out. He's still doing his tie around his neck.
Ha-I got it.
-Thanks dad.
He smiles and he opens the door.
Ha-Oh welcome back. Where is he?
A-Working as usual.
Ha-Come on in. Hope you're hungry.
A-Not that much. Have to be honest.
She gives me a pat on the shoulder before she sits down. I finish breakfast and everyone sits down to eat and as we eat something beyond weird happens. Angel babies dad.
A-Be careful with that. You can cut yourself. Here let me slice it for you.
She takes his dish and she starts cutting his food in tiny little pieces. We stay there frozen in place until we all laugh at the scene.
-Angel, what exactly are you doing?
She looks at me and when she realizes what she's doing she blushes hard.
A-Sorry. Here.
She gives dad his breakfast back and she runs away to her room leaving us to wonder what's wrong with her.
K-What came over her?
-Who knows?
He-I bet I know.
Ha-That is unmistakeable instinct. Maybe that's why they left early yesterday.
He-I'll ask her about it later.
Ha-And I'll ask him.
K-Wait one second.
-What are you talking about?
K-Care to clue us in?
Ha-You'll see soon enough.
I groan and dad laughs.
                      Hades POV
I finish my food and as I wash it I really don't know what to do and I think about the possibility of a new member on the family. I sigh and as I don't have anything to do I decide to go talk with Calix. I decide to take a run as always to the offices. When I get there as I open the door I smile at what I find.

 When I get there as I open the door I smile at what I find

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I find him asleep on top of a lot of paperwork. I take a picture of him before I go to wake him up. I tap the back of my hand on his face.
-Calix, hey Calix, wake up.
When he doesn't wake up I get his arm out from below him making his face hit the desk hard waking him up from the hit.
C-Come in!
-I have to talk to you.
C-Hey dad. I was just taking a short break.
-Are you awake? Or do I have to get you something?
C-No, I'm awake. So why are you here?
-Something strange happened at breakfast.
C-Define strange.
-It was with Angel.
C-Is she hurt or not feeling well?
-Relax, nothing bad happened. Now then, on to the same difference, do you have any names for the child?
He blushes hard and turns away from my view.
C-Who told you?
-You did, just now.
C-Should known but to answer your question. No I haven't thought of any names. Maybe she should choose the name. How did you thought our names?
-I chose Karai and Nova's and she chose yours and Karma's.
He turns to me for a moment before he laughs hard.
-What's so funny?
C-Sorry but I guess it makes sense that you chose like that.
-What do you mean?
C-Mom named the boys and you named your little princesses.
-Shut up! How did we ended up talking about me and not you anyways!?
C-I got it.
-Well, her mother instincts are kicking in.
C-What makes you say that?
-I still haven't told you what happened this morning. As we were eating breakfast she acted motherly towards me. She chopped the food for me saying that the knife was too sharp and I could cut and hurt myself if I wasn't careful.
He laughs as he imagines it and we keep talking for the rest of the day me giving him advice about being a parent. By noon we go back home for dinner.
C- Everyone will be there right?
-Yes, though Karma might be late.
We arrive home and before I can open the door he stops me.
C-Wait, before we go in. I just realized something.
C-How would it be when they call you grandpa? I can already see your face when he does.
I blush and I enter the house not giving him an answer and he laughs a bit before he composes himself. We go to the kitchen where the ladies are and he hugs his wife sweetly. I decide to mock him a bit.
-Aren't you a sweetheart?
C-Et tu dad?
I laugh as I go towards my own wife and give her a sweet kiss.
He-I talked to her, we all did.
-I also talked with him. He's happy beyond measure.
He-Now is only the official announcement when Karma gets back.
-Yeah. Nova, has Karma called yet?
N-Now that you mention it, he has not called that he's on his way or anything.
Just then her phone rings and she smiles as she answers.

To be continued...........

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