67 Sixty Seven

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                          Hera POV
I let out a sigh as we part ways from the kids and we wave goodbye to them smiling. When they're gone Hades gets me closer to him like I'm his most precious possession.
Ha-Don't let go.
-Not even thought about it.
Ha-Where do you want to start?
-Can we go to the big ball? I want to know how they did it and all that stuff.
He nods and we get to the very center of the park towards the ball. We get a strawberry milkshake each as it starts to get hot and we listen to the facts and explanations about the giant ball. We don't use the VIP passes much unless there is no way I want to wait for them. Hades laughs at my enthusiasm. At some point we are just looking around when I realize I haven't thank Nova for planning this trip. I nudge to Hades's arm and he turns to me.
-Can we get something for Nova? I just got a good idea on how to thank her.
Ha-Really? Do say, for the kids, anything is possible.
-I didn't thank her for this vacations and I got an idea. I want to get her something on each of the gift stores. We can make it so they send it to our house at New York so she doesn't see it when we get back together.
Ha-That's a very good idea indeed.
By lunch time we have gone through all the park and we are sitting down me resting against Hades.
               Nova POV (Same time)
We part ways from mom and dad and we get looking which to use first and as we don't decide we get a snack to help us think.
K-I know which one would be good.
Ka-Wich one?
-We are going to all of them anyways.
K-We can go on the dueling dragons, both of them. Then the hulk ride, then we can go to the Jurassic park river adventure.
Ka-And then we can hit the gift shop.
-Brilliant idea.
We finish our snacks and we ride all the rides at least more than two or three times. When we get out of the last one for the third time I see a stand of body painting and I go there. I paint myself if a blue dragon, Karma gets as a chibi and Karai gets herself as a lioness. We exchange looks and nod to ourselves.
All-Selfie time.
We take the selfie and we share on social media and we get more than a hundred likes and comments in less than thirty minutes. We laugh and we go to the gift shops to get reminders of our trip. We laugh and ride a couple more times and by lunch time we go to the food stands and we are surprised to find mom and dad there already. I laugh and get close to them silently.
-Having a good time?
Ha-Nova? What are you? I hope that's not a tattoo.
-Of course not, it's strong but it goes away with a good bath with hot water.
He-And your hair?
Ka-We got on all the rides more than three times each.
Ha-Sounds fun, have you eaten?
K-We were about to eat when we found you. Eat together?
We get together and we go eat talking and joking around. When we finish lunch we go together to all the rides one more time and by the time we finish is getting dark and I look to dad.
-Now then, the best is yet to come. At night, they get some light show at the big ball and the colors reflect on the water which reflect on the ball making a truly beautiful spectacle.
Ka-How long do we have to wait?
-One or two hours, we can have dinner as we wait.
Ha-Then let's go.
We get dinner and we go to the best places we can get. After an hour they start playing music and some shows before the light show actually starts to play and is more amazing than we thought it would be.

-Wow, this is truly amazing.
Ha-I got to admit, this is better than being at home.
-Do you really mean it?
Ha-Yes, thanks for getting this trip for us. All of us.
-Oh, by the way, tomorrow you can all do whatever you want.
He-No park tomorrow?
-I made so we go to a park and the next day we get what we want then park then rest and so on. So, you can do whatever you want tomorrow.
Ka-Like a me day? A day where you can be as selfish as you want.
We keep watching the light show until we get sleepy and we head back to the hotel. Karma charges me on his back while dad gets Karai on his back and mom on his arms. I stay awake long enough to help dad get Karai on her own room, I slide off of Karma's back as he gets Karai down dad's back and to his arms and I open her room's door and dad as well and then we all go to sleep to our respective rooms. I wake up late the next morning and I head to the bathroom and I get ready to enjoy the good activities the hotel offers. I get ready and I go towards the helicopter station and get a trip where I can see the entire hotel and some of the park and the highest rides they have to offer. After the ride I get the picture that I paid for and I get it on my room and I get changed for my day at the pool. I sit at the gazebo and order a drink as I enjoy the peace and the silence of the hotel.

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