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Evzen POV
I get on the car and I make my way to the club imagining how will my night be. As I imagine I get such dirty thoughts as I imagine us kissing and such. Oh the mental image is too much. I reach the club and they take me to a private VIP room all for myself. I enter and as I turn the lights on I see lots of girls.
Harem-Welcome master.
They smile at me brightly and I am left speechless until one of them turns to me. She's dressed as a devil. They are in all kind of outfits. Devil, puppy, kitty, cow, pig, horse, angel, tigress, snake and so on. The little devil pulls me to a seat where she serves me a drink and as I drink it to shut up or not say anything insulting I just take it. They get around me and they turn to kiss my body all around. Their hands caressing all the way from my leg to my head and some of them even kiss me. I give them what they want and when they turn away I realize I'm naked and I blush for a fraction of a second but recover fast as I get my charms on this.
-Feel free to adore me as you wish, or devour me. The giro dressed as a cat pushes me down and I smirk at her feeling confident.
Kitty-Undress me slowly.
I roar and she stands up getting her arms up and over her head seductively. I stand as well and I get lower tracing my finger from her leg up to her chest. She trembles and when she threatens to fall I grab her tightly against my body. I pin her down to the floor holding her arms above her head as I get to kiss her savagely while I undo her clothes. There is no much to take off but I don't care as I take my time exploring every fiber of her clothes before pulling them away. I mostly tease her just listening to her moans as I do before I sit up and I look at the other girls. I have a crazy idea and I smirk. I call them out.
-Angel, devil, puppy.
They come and I smirk at them.
Girls-Yes master?
-I want you to touch each other. Kitty is not allowed to touch you but you can torture her as you like.
Kitty-Ah, master please......
I shush her with a finger to her lips.
-Relax, and enjoy yourself.
I get off of her and the other three girls start toying with her mercilessly. I turn to the bunny and the piggy and I get them seated with me. I toy with them enjoying the foursome in front of me and the rest of the girls turn to please me as they share my dick together and they touch my chest. Some get seated on my legs rubbing their bare pussies on my leg. I like how it feels and the faces they all make as they please each other too as well. They even use toys on themselves and I can't help my ecstasy as I feel myself cumming. Before I cum I get one of the girls and get my dick deep on her mouth as I release my load into her throat. When I'm done I smirk and get her up her face close to mine.
-Say ah.
She does and I slide a finger on her mouth getting a bit of cum and I share it with the other girls slowly giving each a taste from my finger. They all suck my finger as I pass it around and I turn to kitty.
-Kitty, come here.
She comes and I order her what I want.
-Get on four your ass facing me.
She gladly does and I get the other girls off of me as I get behind her. I get my finger to her mouth as I lick her pussy and ass all the way through. She trembles at the feeling and I smile at her reaction. I get up and go take the biggest double dildo I can find and getting one end up her ass I get the angel girl and turning her so her position mirrors hers I slide the other end of the dildo up her ass. I laugh as they turn more and more excited by the second and I get up and turn to sit again. This time however I get the devil to get on my dick and the puppy to fuck both my balls and the devil's pussy while I kiss with the other girls. I'm in heaven, I get excited in no time at all and just before I cum I turn us so  I'm on top of her and I shoot my cum deeply in her pussy. We both groan and I turn to suck on her tits a bit before I get up and get to the next girl. I'm not tired at all, in fact, I feel more alive than I have ever felt before as I continue to fuck them mercilessly. The room fills with their moans and gasps as I fuck them over and over again. I get the angel and charging her so I'm holding her by the legs as she wraps her arms around my neck backwards I get my dick deep on her ass and I call forth some of them to us.
-Devil come and suck our joined dick and ass. Puppy and kitty suck her tits and bunny, come hug me and cuddle me.
They do as I instruct them and is not long before we cum together.
-Suck her pussy dry and then give me a bit from your mouth in a kiss.
She does as I say and I spread her legs even more so she can get until the last drop of both her juices and my cum on her mouth before she comes to kiss me. I let go of her and then to hold her tight against me as I kiss her deeply just stopping when we are both breathless. The other girls just touch me and god it feels so good to be so energetic. I fuck them all at least a dozen times before they get exhausted. I am not exhausted but still sleep with them all curled up around me. This feels so good, I have to share it with someone, but who? My phone buzzes and as I answer I notice is mom and dad.
-I am fine. I'll be back home, eventually.
With that I hang up and the next morning we get dressed together and I invite them all over to my place. We are so many we have to use two cars to travel to my home. Three since one is mine and it stays home with me and they don't fit in one single car. They caress me all the way there until at a stop for a train I kiss them back shortly so I can kiss each of them. When we get home I give each a kiss deeply before I see them off. They go away laughing and I stay looking at them long after they're gone. I sigh and as I get inside without a word I take the twins with me to my room ignoring everyone else. Halfway there I get them to follow me to the beach and as we go I don't even feel tired in the least my sexual desires rising high in my body and I turn to get inside the beach. The water is cold but I don't care so long as I can get in it. The twins stay on the beach and they warn me about getting sick but I ignore them just enjoying myself there. I float in the water and I relax completely. I sigh as I remember how hard I fucked them and how many times I did too each if them and I laugh as I get upright and get underwater. Everything seems beautiful and I caress every creature there for at least a second before I go back up for air. I go back down and keep playing with them, the reefs that tickles me as I get my hand across, the fish that swim around me and I let every feeling get to the deep of my soul and I only get out when I start to feel tired. I swim to the beach and I drift off to sleep just there on the sand as the waves come up my back and my legs slowly and soothingly. I let out a deep breath and I just lay down there feeling sleepy. I wake up when the twins turn to me worried, is such a strange look on their faces and I reach out for them a bit weakly.
-You're cute, you know that?
They answer but I can't hear them clearly. I hear their words but I can't process them correctly.
-I want to cuddle, Hehehe, take me to your leader. I want to know who is responsible for you being so cute.
I know I'm in a hangover but I can't stop myself. I feel as they lift me up and soon I'm getting a piggy back ride back home.
-Who are you? Where are you taking me? I'm calling the cops, and rescue, and firefighters, and the ambulances, you're pschycopaths taking me away like this you know that don't you.
One of them pats my head and I lean in to the touch as he backs away. I laugh my heart out and I don't know what exactly is happening but he puts me down on a chair. I groan holding on to him as tightly as possible as I wrap my arms around him.
-Aww, don't leave me. You'll be lonely and sad and I will feel sad because I just love you so much.
I hear him laugh nervously and I tab him tighter happy because I made him laugh. He manages to get free and I bump my head on the table groaning not having that much energy left. I start to cry as he goes away and I bang my head on the table softly.
-Don't leave, why you abandon me? Why doesn't anybody loves me? Is so lonely here. I absent mindedly roam my hand around looking for something. I don't know what until I find it. I take it tightly not knowing what I'm holding but still grab onto it not letting go. I try to pull it closer but it doesn't budge so I pull harder, this time however something falls on top of me and I shrug.
I laugh and moving only my fingers I grab wathever I can find closer to me. They offer me a drink and not lifting my head up I get a straw and drink it just like that.
-Have I told you I love you yet? Because I love you all this much. I have enough energy to simulate a big explosion with it. I rub my nose before I speak again.
-I love you that much multiplied by infinity. Do you love me that much too? Or do you hate me? That would make me very sad. I might cry for it.
I feel his hand on my forehead and I smirk.
-See? Do you feel that? I'm hot and super sexy and handsome and I'm the best there is. I remember something, I know I wanted to telly yo something but I can't remember what it was. Maybe if I try to focus hard I might remember what it was.
I focus a bit but my brain has other ideas as I laugh and get a sudden thought that makes me laugh out loud.
-Icy. Would you have the same reaction as ice? If I put you outside will you melt for me like they do when I stare at them.
I slowly get up from the chair and I get a glass and fill it up with ice from the fridge and I watch them melt at my sight and I laugh.
-Told you they would melt for me. Can you do that too or not?
He answers bit I don't hear him or process what he said. I get more ice and get them on the glass again.
-Hehehe, look at them melt for me. I'm hot and they are dying for me, they do love me unlike some others. I turn away from them watching the ice water intently. When they finish melting I groan and he delighted gives me more. I smile sweetly but by the time I want more they don't give me any more. A sudden anger flashes in me and I demand more shaking him violently. I feel a cold air at my side and when I turn to see I smile delighted as it turned back to ice. I let go of him and turn to my glass of ice once more. I see a hand turning to take the I've away and I growl at them getting the ice close to my chest with fierce protectiveness.
-My ice. Mine.
I look at my ice and I see as it starts to melt and I grin delighted. Is melting for me. I follow and I give everyone the same treatment. They try to get me to sleep but I'm awake enough to not fall on that trap. I wander around just looking around the house but I always end up in the kitchen sitting down and anxiously waiting for something to catch my attention. I see Hades hiding in a corner and he has his eyes closed but listening to us as we speak or well to me. I dismiss him not giving him much attention but the necessary. I turn back to my ice to find that it has turned into water. I look at my reflection on the water and I find that I don't recognize myself on my reflection. I look tired and bad. I hate that reflection, that image of myself is bad and I hate it. In a surge of panic and anger I throw the glass away and I take a look at myself. Bad, horrible, hideous, ugly. I sob a bit as I hate looking bad. I rub my face trying to get back my beauty but it doesn't work and I eventually turn to cry in a corner covering myself with my aura. I grab my head by the hair and I swing back and forth in place afraid of being seen as ugly as I am right now. I feel someone touching me and I stand blowing punches and kicks at whoever it is in anger.
I get exhausted and fall to the floor exhausted. I finally can hear them speak.
M-Help me get him up to his room.
Ka-I got him.
M-He certainly got heavier.
I smile as I drift away to dreamland.

To be continued..............

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