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After a few days after the twins got themselves drunk we just make as if nothing happened. As we always do, unless is life threatening. We are making our way down to the beach, they are supposed to bring the table so we can put the drinks and dishes. I'm about to ask where they are when it happens.
CJ-Out of the way!
AJ-Passing through.
We all get out of the way and they both come down the hill to the beach each on their own table using them as surging boards. We are all left stunned as they go down the way screaming and laughing with joy. When we arrive on the beach they had already set up the table on a safe spot and they are dancing together ready to get into the water. When they see us they smile stopping.
AJ-You're all so slow.
AJ uses his amazing speed and he sets up everything by himself and in less than five minutes he has everything placed.
                          AJ POV
I sigh as I finish setting up everything on the tables.
-There, this should speed things up a bit.
I take off my shirt and I leave it on one of the chairs. CJ does the same and we both storm through the beach towards a couple rocks that seem good enough to throw ourselves to the ocean. This time however I don't use my speed to get there first as I instead run alongside with CJ. Our steps are synchronized and just before that I stop and I get a bit back and take speed. CJ gets on a knee with his hands joined together to support my footing. I take a run and as I press my foot on his hands he pushes me up strongly and when I'm up I reach out for him to take my hand so I help him up. He does and we get to the very edge to check how is the fall.
-Amazeballs. So, who goes first?
CJ-I go first, you fix your glasses or whatever.
I take a step back giving him space so he can make his jump. He jumps with a triple mortal back flip. Then is my turn, I try to jump from my hands in an upside down and I fail as I lose my balance and fall flat getting a scratch on the leg and I twist my wrist with the force of the impact on the water. I notice I'm bleeding when I get above the surface of the water.
CJ-AJ, what happened? Are you ok?
-Don't look.
I know he's not looking because he doesn't freak out with my blood.
-We better go back with the others.
He groans and I change my mind quickly.
-No, even better, go get a bandage and something to clean up the injuries.
He agrees and I can hear him swim away. I can't really move that much as I'm dizzy and I feel a bit weak. The blood won't stop flowing. I start to lose strength and I hear distant splashes.
                      CJ POV
I am going back with some towels on a board for AJ to treat his wounds. I feel so useless as I can't cure his wounds myself. My fear of blood doesn't let me see even a drop of blood. I go to where I left him but when I get there I can't find him.
I look around for a moment in case he hid behind some rocks so I didn't see his blood but as there is no answer or anything I am left with my worst fear, that he would drown. So I take a deep breath and go underwater. Brother, where are you? Is too dark on this part because is on the side where the sun doesn't reach. Damn, this is bad, I need air but I haven't found him yet. I manage to check a bit more before I have to go back for air. I call for help to the one that is most helpful now.
-Karma! Dad! Help!
I don't even wait for an answer as I go back down to look for him. I freak and my aura snaps out of control even here underwater. I am sorely focused on one thing, finding AJ.
                     Karma POV
As Calix and I swim to where the boys are for CJ called for our help there is a sudden burst of power. We see as the part of the ocean where they are turns wild and with a blast of gold and red aura we are stormed back to the beach. We both groan and everyone rush to help us.
N-Karma, Calix!
Ha-Are you ok?
M-What happened?
Before we can answer anything the water gets stormy making a small water tornado that is kept at bay by golden pegasus with red manes and details as well. In the center of it all we catch a glimpse of CJ frowning and looking for his brother. His safe place is right there. I try to lift the ground but everything I try is destroyed by one of his pegasus, the rest of the family tries to help but is to no avail, nothing works.
After a very stormy moment where the only thing we can do is watch the water calms down and there is a giant pegasus walking towards the beach. The water receeds calmly to the sides letting him through. When it reaches the beach as it starts disappearing we see that CJ is charging an unconscious AJ on his arms. When the pegasus disappears completely he collapses on the sand on top of his brother. We all hurry to get them and CJ is only exhausted while AJ is with an injury on his forehead, one on his leg and a twisted wrist that is imflamated by now. The first thing we do is make sure they are both breathing, AJ is not and we give him CPR until he starts coughing up water. He breathes easier now but he groans in pain as his injuries are not that light. Calix holds him down and his hand as well and he seems to be searching for something or someone as I treat his injuries. I bandage his head, his twisted wrist and his leg tightly after cleaning them up.
C-He is fine, he's resting a bit.
He seems to be satisfied with that answer and he tries to get up and sit and we help him so he doesn't gets anything crazy or too rushed. I step away so he can see CJ and we can tell he is happy to see him unhurt. He gets his fist on his hand and he smiles. He turns his hand and sight to the general direction of the house and after a few seconds a unicorn appears. It stops in front of him and as it disappears two things fall by his side. A game of chess and his glasses. He gets his glasses on and he sighs.
AJ-Ah, that's better.
When we deem that he is fine asking him a few questions to make sure he is fine and alert. We leave him be and he sits by his brother's side. We resume playing around and AJ keeps himself just admiring the ocean silently. After a bit, between dinner and lunch, CJ starts waking up.
CJ-Mmm, AJ? AJ! AJ.
He repeats his name three times, one asking for him, then he is alerted with a scare and then when he realizes he's fine he calls as a confirmation.
He gets to hug AJ tightly, he smiles hugging him back and they smile holding hands tight. They can't grow apart.
CJ-Are you fine? Does it hurt?
AJ-I am fine, no more than a few scratches and a twisted wrist. Is really not a big deal.
CJ-For a moment I thought I had lost you.
AJ laughs loudly hanging his head back before he turns to answer.
AJ-As if, you can't get rid of me that easily. I'm your other half.
AJ hugs CJ tight before they turn to play chess. AJ wins the first ones and loses the last ones. I'll say that's pretty even. For a moment they just lie there on the sand together side by side. The rest of the day passes in a calm matter as we get everything ready to go back home before it gets dark. The girls turn to sleep together as we guys get to goof around. Dad tells some creepy stories using his aura as special effects to scare us or at least make it creepier. Calix, me, Chimera and Hydra are on his right side while Max, Pax, CJ and AJ are on the other side. We have some cookies to eat but we are so focused on his story that the cookies are forgotten on the plate, on our hands halfway to our mouths or being eaten in very slow bites.
Ha-Then suddenly, the door opens slowly, the cold air gets inside of the room that she can see her breath in every exhalation. He hugs her tight calming her down assuring her everything will be fine, that he will protect her. Then........
We lean a bit closer in expectation and he fixes himself.
Ha-That's it for tonight. Go to sleep all of you.
We groan in complaint but he just smiles shrugging.
Ha-Maybe another time I'll finish it up.
We sigh in defeat as he turns to read a book. Calix and I turn to play a game of chess, the twins go to their room yawning a bit as well as Chimera and Hydra but they are more serious. Pax and Max talk for a bit teasing, smiling, advice's and stuff. Probably about Sora, he accepts their relationship without problem.
                         Max POV
The next morning as I get up to go for my morning exercise I am pulled down back to bed.
S-Come back here.
I laugh as she turns to press me against her chest rubbing her hands on my hair gently.
-Why don't you come with me?
S-I will get tired.
-We get tired even when having sex, why is this different?
S-Huh, because sex is enjoyable and exercise is just, exercise.
I laugh and I get off from her. I trace the back of my hand at the side of her face. She takes my face in between her hands pulling me down for a kiss that at first is sweet but then turns savage and deep passion. When we separate to breathe I let out a sigh and I kiss ehr forehead before going for real. I exercise for fifteen minutes before I go to the kitchen to make breakfast. Sora is talking with her sister, I suppose that is trying to convince her to accept and approve of me dating her. When she sees me she goes away giving me a look as she passes me. I sigh as I turn to get a glass of juice and sitting at her side.
-Why doesn't she like me?
S-Do not worry. Of the both of them, she is the difficult one. Pax can be very overprotective of the both of us but once he calms down he does listen and accepts it with his full support. She is more difficult because she is a hothead. It takes a bit more effort to convince her and is working, right now she is kind of ashamed.
I turn to look at her surprised and she nods getting a finger to our lips respectively.
We spend the morning together playing mind games and board games and just goofing around. By lunch time she seems a bit jumpy. I get why when we get to eat. Willow is cooking lunch today. I sit and try to relax as the thought of her poisoning me seems even more possible by the second. She sits in front of us and I close my eyes trying to not look at her and get a bit creeped out or scared.
W-Max, I must tell you something.
Curiosity wins me over and I turn to look at her. I try not to look away from her eyes but as nervous as I am I see the knife on her hand. She's holding it in a way that it seems like she wants to stick it through my throat. I flinch and I can't bear to look away from the knife.
S-Max, what's wrong?
I point to the knife and Willow seems to notice because she let's go of it. She takes my hands and speak.
W-I am willing to accept your relationship with Sora.
W-Really, but if you so much hurt her in any way, I will rip you apart starting by your sexual instrument.
I flinch crossing my legs to protect my penis and as I clear my throat.
-That will never happen. I'll make sure she's always smiling.
W-Good. Then, keys eat.
With that we eat and we play together as a family all of us. Her family and mine together until is time for bed and we go to sleep.

To be continued............
Credit for Pikachu904726 for Willow and Pax being so cool. Next chapter will be full of surprises. Pax and the twins mostly. Hope you're enjoying the story.

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