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As we drive home I turn to see Karma and I ask.
-How do you feel?
-The kiss you gave that girl.
Ha-That's a pretty harsh word for a simple kiss.
Ka-That wasn't a kiss. That was a nightmare. Maybe I should've slap her instead.
Just then Hades hits the breaks suddenly with such force that we almost get hit on our faces. He turns to Karma and he speaks coldly.
Ha-Don't you ever suggest such thing again. You never, ever, harm a woman. Not even a threat, that thought must never again cross your mind. Do you understand me?
Ka-It was only a joke.
Ha-Not even as a joke.
Ka-Alright, I get it, I get it. Now can we please stop talking about it?
Hades nods and he gets the car going on and the air gets that more tense around us. When we get home as we enter the building Karma stops at the doors and I take his hand on mine.
-Is everything okay?
Ka-I thought......never mind. I must be imagining things.
We get to the condo and we take our jackets off and I see as Karma drops on the length of the couch and he sighs exhausted.
Ka-We made it.
We leave them alone and go cook dinner. Still we hear them talk about the dance competition when we hear a knock on the door. I go answer it but I only find a note with some chocolates. I look around but there's no one there so I take the chocolates and the note with me shrugging.
N-Who was it?
-Don't know, he or she didn't stuck around to talk but they left this.
I show them the chocolates and the card and Hades takes the card and reads it aloud.
Ha-For the man that makes my world spin. For the man that makes my world seem right. For the man that I want it to be my man. For Karma, my only true love. Hope we meet again with another kiss./And then she kissed the card. It even has perfume all over it. You really have an effect on her.
-My boy has an admirer.
Ka-She's obsessed. And crazy, and a maniac.
He takes the chocolates from me and he goes to the window and just as he's about to throw the chocolates away he hesitates and thinks for a moment when he smiles devilishly and he turns to us.
Ka-Dad, do you know where I can find Medusa or perhaps Artemis?
He smiles devilishly at us as he laughs a bit.
Ka-Do you know?
Ha-Medusa is usually at the park or at her bookstore. I believe your mother has a file on her.
-Oh, right, let me make a call and set everything.
I make the call and after I explain everything and hang up I smile at him.
I deal Medusa's number and pass the phone to him, he talks and explains the plan to her and he smiles as he hears her response.
Ka-Thanks so much. I'm in your debt only if it works. See you there then.
He hangs up and give the phone back to me and he opens the chocolate box and starts throwing them one by one by the window and then he throws the entire box and the card.
N-You're ruthless.
Ka-Only with people I don't like. Like her. Well, I'm going to sleep. I have a date tomorrow, wouldn't want to make a bad impression.
He goes away to the bedroom and we go to eat.
                       Karma POV
The next morning when I wake up for my fake date with Medusa as I get ready, I get all handsome and presentable for her but without overdoing it. When I finish dressing up I go over to Nova's bed and I kiss her goodbye.
-See you later.
N-Good luck. Love you.
-Love you too.
I get out of the room and I bump with my other sister.
K-Look at you, all dressed up and you smell nice too. Where are you going?
-Getting rid of an obnoxious woman. I will tell you when I get back.
K-Break her heart.
-You got it.
I step outside and go down the elevators. I go to the fancy restaurant where we promised we'll meet up and I see that Medusa is getting there as well. She has a tight, short dress on with a leather jacket on top and high heels as well. I take her hand and kiss it firmly and I open the door for her and I let her pass first with a short bow and I enter afterwards. We sit on a corner table and we hold hands over the table.
-Thanks for doing this for me.
M-It was the perfect excuse to use this dress I have been saving for a special occasion.
-Which by the way looks great on you.
M-So, is she still following you?
-Yes. Second table to your right.
M-So that's her. She seems like a meanie.
-Exactly why I don't like her.
M-So what happened?
-I tried my way but it didn't work so I thought maybe seeing me with another woman would keep her away from me.
M-Just out of curiosity, what did you did to get rid of her?
-I might have kissed her. She wouldn't let go of me and I gave her a deep kiss cleaning my mouth afterwards right in front of her and then I ignored her completely.
She giggles a bit and I smile at her.
M-So, there is this thing that they do here. They get for couples their favorite song and they dance it together.
-You want to dance your favorite song?
M-Not my favorite but a sensual one. We have to make this date look real enough for her to leave you alone.
I nod and she goes get the song ready and when the lights go off I stand and reach to her on stage and we dance sensually with each other.

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