57 Fifty Seven

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I get to the club where I get all my girlfriends and I go to the bar and ask for a champagne. I look at the women there as I wait for my drink when I spot a beautiful one dancing alone. I start to look at her with desire, already imagining her without clothes and with me on my bed. I walk over to her and give her a drink.
-For the most dazzling lady I've seen all night.
Girl-Aren't you the charmer.
-Only if you want to be with me.
She laughs and she pulls me towards her and I can see the passion burning on her eyes.
Girl-So, is there someplace you want to take me for the night?
-I have a few ideas.
She gives me a kiss and I take her to my bike. I help her up and I take her to Cerberus's place. Since that's the only place that is almost always empty is the best place to pass the night.
-Don't make a sound just yet.
She nods and I get her to Cerberus's room since is the biggest one and I close the door behind me before I turn to her already taking her clothes off. I walk over to her and I admire her body.
-You have such a nice body. Delicate as a flower, pure and beautiful, just like a goddess.
Girl-You just say that to heat me up. And it's working well.
She takes off my shirt and my pants as we start kissing frantically. I turn us around and I lift her so she can wrap her legs around me and I start playing with her ass as I make us fall to the bed together. We scream louder and louder as we keep going and going on having sex.

I keep on banging her hard making her squirm in painful pleasure and enjoying her moans and before long we have explored every position available to have sex together on the bed

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I keep on banging her hard making her squirm in painful pleasure and enjoying her moans and before long we have explored every position available to have sex together on the bed. We keep it up all night and it doesn't look like she wants to stop either so I don't stop but go faster and deeper.
Girl-Oh, this is the best sex I have had in my life.
-I know, do you want anything in specific?
I start to play with her and I get out of her and just massage her a bit teasing her. I don't do anything until she asks for it.
-Does this feels good? Do you want it?
Girl-Yes, give it to me.
Girl-On my ass, I want you to break my ass.
-Beg for it.
Girl-Please, stick your big dick on my tiny ass. I beg of you.
I smile and I rub the tip against her ass and I can see as she clearly gets turn on by it. She looks at me and I decide to go in slowly and she screams with pleasure.
Girl-Oh yes, please, go harder, deeper. Break me until I go crazy. Rough, please, very rough.
I get us seating and I accommodate her so she has one leg over my shoulder and I kiss it and bite as I hold one hand to her back and the other one fingering her pussy. I cum on her ass and she cums as well on my hand and I lift my hand to her face now wet with her pussy juices.
-Lick it clean.
She does as I told her and licks my hand clean before she turns to give me a blowjob making me cum again and again on her mouth before I turn her so I'm eating her pussy as well. I play with her clitoris and she moans a bit more before we get dressed and cleaned up. She goes to her own home and I go to my own as well.
When I get home I go directly to my room and I find Nova lying on her bed. I close the door as silently as possible trying to not wake her but is no use, she's awake.
N-Where were you?
-Out doing stuff.
N-Karma, please, you have to stop doing that.
Before long we are fighting and I try to leave but she follows me.
-Stop following me!
N-Not until you swear you won't do it again.
                        Hera POV
When I get home with Hades we find that Karma and Nova are fighting.
Ka-Is my life, I do as I please.
N-You can do what you want but you have to set a limit and not just like now. Do it with moderation, I can't take care of you always.
Ka-I didn't ask you to babysit me. You are not my mother.
N-But I still care about you.
Ka-Then don't, ugh sometimes I wish you just disappear and never been born.
Just as he says that he covers his mouth regretting what he just said and Nova runs away crying. He goes after her and we go after them.
Ka-Wait Nova, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry.
He follows her to the stairs and he catches up to her by jumping an entire side landing in front of her.
Ka-Nova, stop.
N-You said......
Ka-I know and I'm sorry, I didn't really mean it, it was the rage talking. Can you forgive these idiot you have for brother? Please, please. Who protects you from the monster under your bed? Who lifts you up so you can see better? Who helps me win my races? Who is always right?
N-I am?
Ka-There you go, now give me a smile, a big smile for a big idiot.
She pouts at him crossing her arms in front of her. He pokes her.
Ka-Who has the best smile? One smile, come on, smile widely for me. I can always eat you with kisses, come on give me a wide smile. Look at me, look, don't leave me hanging.
He starts poking her and then he gives her a hug and a couple kisses. He asks for a smile with each kiss.
Ka-Come on, I know you're not mad with me, you can't stay mad with me, I'm adorable. Irresistible. Come on, give me a smile.
He lifts his eyebrows at her and she tries to hold back a laugh. When she finally budges they hug each other and I let out a sigh of relief. We go back to the condo and he prepares her favorite meal and he treats her like a princess. The rest of the day he acts like her servant making all of us laugh a bit.

A couple days later they get along again and he is back to his conquists. One night when he gets home early to his room whistling like everything's fine I turn to Hades.
-Hades, you have to talk to him.
Ha-My love, is just a phase. He will get over it. It will pass, you'll see, but, I will talk to him just for your sake.
-Thank you.
He stands from the bed and he goes to his room to talk to him.
                       Hades POV
I knock on the door to Karma's room and open it slowly.
-Karma? You awake?
Ka-Can you come back later?
I enter the room and sit on his chair by his side.
Ka-Guess not. So, what am I good for?
-Your mother wants me to talk to you but I know it won't solve anything. Just do something, keep a low profile for a while or settle down for a while, for your mother's sake and peace of mind.
Ka-I can try but I don't promise anything. Is that good enough?
-Yes, you know how to behave like a gentleman. Do it.
I stand up and go back to my room not sure if I accomplished anything with Karma but, at least I tried.
                         Hera POV
I see as Hades comes in and he passes a hand through his face and back to his hair.
Ha-I'll tell you tomorrow.
I nod and we go to sleep together.
                        Karma POV
I wait a minute until my parents sleep and I open the closet revealing a sexy lady.
-Come on, they're asleep. Still, try to be as quiet as possible.
Girl-Got it boss.
I pull her to the bed with me and we kiss and caress each other bodies throughouly. I spank her ass softly and she bites her lip hard until she bleeds and I taste her blood.
She smiles and blushes before she kisses me yet again. I lift her tube dress and I put her panties aside with my hand and I get her pin down under the blankets on the bed with me and I start to make sex to her slowly and then I use my fingers to enter her asshole. She keeps silent all the time and that makes us more excited.
-Isn't this exciting? Having sex on my room at my house while my parents sleep on the other end of the hallway?
Girl-The danger of the situation.
-The thrill of someone catching you.
Girl-Yes, yes, give it to me harder, faster, more.
-Now now, shush, you don't want them to wake up on purpose.
She looks at me and nod before we go at it again. I follow her instructions and pound her harder and faster. We keep at it without rest until morning when we forget that we are not alone and we jeep it up until dad walks in on us. She covers herself with the blanket obviously ashamed and when he gets out of the room closing the door behind him she gets dressed hurriedly and she gives me a kiss before she runs outside and goes away. I get my boxers on and I try to get her to come back but she's long gone by now. I get inside and I find that dad is looking at me with an expectant look and I'm the first to speak.
-Not a word.
Ha-I didn't say anything.
-But you were thinking it.
Ha-Was she good?
-Dad, you don't ask those things.
I go to the bathroom and he keeps pestering me about it with his looks when the ladies are present or words when we're alone. Most of them are indirects that only I understand. Then I feel my phone buzzing on my pocket and I look at the message and I give a fast reply and then when she gets me the picture I can almost die at how sexy she looks. After we wave our goodbyes I start to listen to erotic audio books and I enjoy adult magazines. After a while I go out to the roof and just enjoy the soft winds and before long I'm asleep.
                       Nova POV
I get home to look for Karma to take him to the race so he gets there in time.
-Karma, where are you? Is getting late for the race. Dad, where's Karma?
Ha-I thought he was with you.
He-The roof maybe.
I am about to head away when I bump into the one and only Karma and to my surprise he's not even close to be ready for the race. I start pulling him and I get him to the bathroom.
-By the Styx Karma, you were supposed to be ready for the race by now. Get ready, now. I'll get the uniform and the equipment ready.
Ka-Ok, I'm going.
He gets to the bathroom and prepare and as I prepare the other things I curse on Greek under my breath while I wait for him. He gets out and I take him with me to the car and I urge dad to drive giving him directions and all and when we get there before he can stop the car I get out of the car and get Karma with me to the pits and we start working on everything. For the best I decide that is best he drives second and stays sitting there napping a bit more. The race starts and we have a bad start as we are almost last. When the switch is about to happen I wake up Karma with a slap and he turns full attention.
-Almost your turn to drive. We're last, get your head on the game.
He nods and then he gets on his turn and starts driving. After a few laps he starts having a couple trouble and I hear him curse and speak Greek over the auricular that he has to speak to the team. Shortly after I see him lose control of the bike completely and he then hits the brakes stopping in the middle of the racetrack. I see as he turns looking around confused before he keeps the race going. He keeps steady and manages to get on the top five places before the driver switch. I see as he has difficulty walking and he's in pretty bad shape.
-Karma, are you ok? Speak to me, what happened out there?
Ka-I thought I saw Max. I thought I forgot about her but it looks like I was wrong.
-What do you mean you saw Max? Max is.....
Ka-Dead, I know, but I know what I saw.

To be continued...........

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