18 Eighteen

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The next morning at breakfast I see as Karai has trouble eating her breakfast.
-Are you okay? Do you need any help?
She shakes her head and I continue eating my breakfast in silence.
K-Everything hurts.
-You did fight a strong opponent and you also went all out.
Ha-Where does it hurt exactly?
K-My arm, mostly.
Hades stands and goes to the kitchen and he comes back with an ice pack on his hand. He passes to Karai and she takes it.
Ha-This should help a bit. Put it where it hurts the most.
Karai puts it on her arm and then she stands and goes to the living room and turns the TV on. She puts her favorite channel on and she looks at the screen as the show plays but she doesn't really pays attention to the show as I see her frown and curse under her breath. I watch as her aura starts flowing out of her. I stand and go over her side. I sit at her side and I put a hand on her leg.
-Your aura, call it forth.
-Is coming out.
When she realizes her aura is showing she stops what she's doing and she takes a deep breath and her aura disappears inside her.
Ha-What were you thinking about? What got you so mad?
K-Just remembering something that happened yesterday. Something that I wish it hadn't ever happen. Not like that at least and certainly not with him.
Ha-Are you referring to.....
K-Don't say it. But yes it is what you're thinking about. Oh how I wish he would just disappear.
-That's enough, let's stop talking about him and focus on something else. Why don't we speak about your fighting skills? We can certainly give you some tips.
K-Yes, especially when I have to use a weapon. I never feel comfortable when using those. I prefer to do a hand to hand combat. Swordplay is, it doesn't feel as natural and thus it doesn't feel comfortable in the least.
Ha-That is something we can work on after you're good.
K-But I can do it today, we can start today.
Ha- Not today you're not. You're hurt and you are not at your best right now.
K-But I'm fine now.
She stands and she groans as she holds her arm in pain. Hades puts her down on the couch again.
Ha-Don't force yourself, your arm is still hurt which reminds me, you haven't told me exactly why your arm hurts. I f it was him or a bad movement.
K-Rigth, well after he, you know, well the only reason he overpowered me there for a moment was because my arm started hurting from a bad hit. I did kept fighting just to wrap it up as soon as possible so I could stop and rest but to ease you it doesn't hurt because of a hit from him but for my carelessness during the fight. I have to keep training.
Hades ruffles her hair a bit and she growls a bit frustrated.
K-Hey, you're messing my hair.
Hades ruffles her hair a bit more laughing as he gives her a kiss on the cheek. She pouts crossing her arms but ends up smiling anyways.
K-You meanie. Can we go out?
She scrolls through her phone and pulls up a picture of a flyer for an air dancing show.
Ha-Should be fun, what do you say dear?
-I say what are we still doing here.
Ha-Then let's go. Go get dressed.
Karai smiles and she jolts up from the couch giving us a kiss each before she storms off to her room giggling as she goes. We go to our room and get changed as well. When we go out Karai is waiting for us by the door and she has dressed in all black.

 When we go out Karai is waiting for us by the door and she has dressed in all black

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K-What took you so long? Let's go.
Ha-Not just yet.
She groans tilting her head to the side and Hades goes over to her and puts her skirt a bit lower and gets her loose tie tight around her neck.
Ha-There you go. Now we can go.
Karai loosens her tie a bit as she passes by his side. She opens the door and goes out and I notice how she pulls her skirt up a bit to where it was before. Hades closes the door and when he turns and he sees Karai again he frowns.
Ha-Fix your clothes.
K-What's wrong with my clothes?
Ha-You're showing too much.
K-You know I'm not. Besides that's how this clothes are supposed to be wear.
She groans and she unfolds a bit of her skirt. She looks at Hades for his opinion and she growls as she lowers it a bit more. Hades smiles and she rolls her eyes as she starts walking down the hallway.
Ha-Karai, wait for us.
K-I can't hear you.
Ha-What did I do?
-Really? She wanted to dress like a lady and not a little girl anymore. She's been saving that outfit for today. She was so excited saying that she could at last dress like a teen. I told her that you would react that way but she didn't believed me and now she's mad at herself.
Ha-How do I fix this?
I give him a kiss and a hug before I answer.
-You'll figure it out eventually. Just give her space and time and let her come to you. She's not a little girl anymore, and if your worry is because of boys, I'm sure you can scare them off with a look and Karai is more than capable of taking care by herself. She showed us that yesterday on her party.
Ha-So, leave her alone?
-Only for a couple days until she cools down.
He nods and we get to the car and go off. Karai doesn't speak a word in all the way there and when we get there she smiles knowingly. She takes my hand and pulls us inside as I take Hades's hand with my free hand. When we get to the seats she sits in a corner and pulls me to her side putting me between her and Hades. I look at Hades and he looks so down that I can almost feel it too. I look at him and then I look at Karai. I turn Hades to look at me and I whisper on his ear.
-Look at this.
I give him a kiss and then I kiss Karai's hand and I look at him with a smile and he passes his hand by the side of my face.
Ha-I love you. You're the best with your ideas.
-I know, I love you too. Now, can I have a kiss for myself?
He smiles knowingly and he gives me a kiss before we separate by the sound of the show starting.

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