26 Twenty Six

28 1 0

I help Hades check the snow and when he smiles I can tell he found something. He gets his entire hand in and digs up a bit before he finds an open hole. When he gets his hand out I can see as Karai appears down there and I smile a bit.
She moves a bit her head and we know she's fine, mostly.
Ha-Can you move or anything? Does anything hurt?
She makes a noise and she points to her legs buried on the snow and then she points at her head.
-I think she can't talk from all the screaming and all the yelling and laughing.
Ha-Yes, Karai can you talk?
She shakes her head and we look at each other worried.
Hades makes a signal with his phone for a couple minutes before another one appears by the side before they both go off. I keep the light on so they find us faster.
Ha-Hold on a bit longer, help is on the way.
I hear as Karai makes a groan and pained noise before she starts coughing. She goes silent after that and I nudge Hades to keep her talking.
Ha-Okay, so I was thinking, when we get out of here, I can get you to a sauna or a spa. How does that sound?
I laugh at her reaction.
Ha-I can take you to a warmer place and get you a new swimsuit. A couple more if you wish.
Ha-Can you move your arms a bit, keep moving them. Why don't we make a top dance.
She gives a thumbs up at him and he goes over.
Ha-Go one fist left and to the right, left, right, left. Together now, both of them, left, left, left, right, open hand and stop. One more time, left, left, left, right and close fist.
-Hades they're here.
Ha-Hear that Karai? Help is here, you'll be out of there soon enough.
We watch as the rescuers start working on getting the snow away and I watch as they get the rope down for her to take and get around her waist. They pull her up and her legs look like jelly or gum and I see as she falls from the rope because of a strong wind. She lands and she let's out a pained scream as she covers her face with her hands. They ask her a couple questions and she nods yes or shakes no or makes a couple pained expressions. They get us all three on a hospital helicopter and they take us down the mountain to a hospital. Her legs are frozen and they put her on a room to put her to temperature as they undress her slowly. They open the jacket and she takes a deep breath before she gets short hard breaths. They take her boots and her pants off and get her warmed up. When the doctors finally let us go with her in the room and stay with her. She has a lot of patches on her lower body to get back the feeling on her legs and her head is bandaged as well and she has a hospital necklace and a mask to breathe. When she sees us I notice her smile behind the mask and she tries to takes off her mask but Hades stops her immediately. She makes her puppy eyes at him and he looks away.
Ha-Keep it on. You can't talk so there is no use in taking it off.
She frowns while she rolls her eyes and before we know it she took it off and pulls him down to give him a kiss. When she let go of him she asks for me as well and I get down and she gives me a kiss as well and she smiles as she puts the mask on again. We sit down at each side of her and we take a hand each.
-Is there anything you want?
She nods and she mimicks her phone and Hades gives it to her. She types something up and he reads it aloud.
Ha-I had fun, it was fun. Really? You're hurt and in a hospital and you say you had fun?
-You spent all night buried in snow.
She takes her phone and types another thing and shows it to me.
-I was in a hole and only my legs were buried under the snow.
I look at her and she makes the sign for love and peace. I put my hand down and she makes a pained expression. She sits up and takes my hand off of her. That's when I notice I was touching her leg and I look at her with an apologetic smile.
Ha-Do they hurt?
She nods and Hades asks again.
Ha-From one to ten how much does it hurt with ten being the more painful.
She makes ten twice with her hands and he takes her hand and kisses it gently. We stay there for a bit before the doctor comes in and we stand from her side.
Doctor-So, you're doing fine. Your recovery is slow but is at a steady pace and that's good.
Ha-How long does she has to stay here?
Doctor-For now that's hard to tell. Her recovery might take longer than expected but she will recover, with time and the proper care she will make a fine recovery as if nothing ever happened.
-What is her condition?
Doctor-Well, she arrived here with her legs completely frozen for the cold, obviously. We got her warmed up but is not the sun and we can't burn her either so a bit warmer than normal warm day. She hit her head but there was no damage just a big cut that got a few stitches to close up and stop the bleeding and her neck, she can't move it for at least two weeks and speech will come back eventually as long as she doesn't try to rush it and follows instructions to the letter.
Ha-She will do that.
Doctor-Now, how are you feeling?
She shrugs and the doctor smiles as he goes at her side.
Doctor-Now, I'm going to take that off for a moment and check your neck for a bit.
He proceeds to take the mask and the neck holder as well. I see her smile as they go off but is not long before she grunts painfully as the doctor checks her neck. When he finishes he puts the instruments on her again and she frowns sadly.
Doctor-As long as she doesn't tries to speak everything will be fine. We will get you your diet as only soft foods such as yogurt or bananas and to drink either juice, milk or water. I'll be back with the food at lunch time. I hope you recover fast enough to go back to play.
She nods and the doctor goes away and we are left alone. She types on her phone and gives it to Hades.
Ha-Good think I eat of everything. Yes indeed, you are a very healthy girl and that's going to be good for you.
-Do you want to get something? Books, a videogame, anything.
She types on her phone and I read it aloud.
-Board games. Chess, checkers, connect four, monopoly, jenga and others.
She blinks innocently at us and I laugh at her.

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