59 Fifty Nine

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The next morning when we wake up the first thing we know is that Karma is gone. We check the entire place but he's gone from the building as well. I sigh and prepare for my day as usual.
                      Karma POV
Since I woke up before everyone I might as well enjoy my time and what better way to spend the time than with a lady having sex. With that thought I go out and to the bar looking for a perfect body.
-A double of your strongest alcohol please.
The bartender nods and I keep looking at the women dancing at the club. I hear the bartender giving me my drink and I start drinking it just to do something with my hands. I let out a sigh and I turn looking at my empty cup and when I'm asking for seconds I notice a lady ordering the same at the same time.
-Two of the same please. Now, I wonder, what else do we have in common miss?
B-Angels, Barbara Angels. You?
B-Well Fang, do you think you can take me out of here to a more private place?
-You read my mind.
She pulls me and I realize I have to be careful with this one as she's smarter than others. I want to get away from her. I excuse myself and I go away from her with a quick apology. I enter the bar again and I hit on the first single lady I find.
-Hey beautiful, what do you say I take you home?
Girl-That sounds splendid.
We go out and I take her to Cerberus's place and to the room. We undress and we can barely hold ourselves and we end up having sex all the way from the door to the bed. I blindfold her and I tie her wrists against the bed and I make sex to her multiple times and savagely and I can hear her moan loudly every time I go inside of her. Then I pass towards her ass and I don't even get her ready for it as I just slam it in her ass hard, deep, rough and fast.
-Mmm, your asshole is so tight. Have you done anal before?
Girl-No, but you make me feel like I done it already. Oh yes, oh my god, oh that feels so good.
I get out of her ass and I make her give me a blowjob next then I position myself so I'm eating her pussy as well as getting my fingers up and inside of her ass. Next I pinch her clitoris a few times and I can hear her moan with pleasure.
-You like that huh? You're a slut, bitch. Say it, you're my slut, my bitch.
Girl-I'm your slut, I'm your bitch.
I chuckle as I keep doing her over and over again. After a while we fall asleep exhausted on the bed.

We wake up only when we hear Cerberus screaming by the door.
C-What the hell is this?
-Cerberus? What are you doing here?
C-Is my house, what are you doing or better yet, dress up, I'll wait for you downstairs.
True to his word he goes away and she and I dress up and she runs out of the house and to her own place. I get the rest of my clothes on and I go downstairs to meet Cerberus and I find that dad is there as well and I try to act as normal as possible.
Just like that I step outside and I go look for another woman to have a good time. I take the bike and I drive to the most far away bar I can find on the city. I stop and I get inside and order my drink. As I drink I see that here I have lots of options to choose from. I watch them closely until I choose who I want. I step closer and I look as she dances moving from side to side. I wait until the show is over and then I wait until everyone's gone and I slip on her room and lock the door behind me. She notices me but she doesn't does anything so I take a step closer. I help her out of her clothes and she shakes with desire and expectantly. I pass my hands through her body slowly exploring every part of her when I feel her hand exploring me as well. We turn face to face and she undresses me hurriedly before she jumps on top of me and I play around as to where to do it and I go back and forth letting her decide which hole she feels better. She stops me when she makes her decision and takes it on her ass. I change positions a couple times before we end up standing with me doing her from behind. I kiss her neck and pass my hands by her chest and down to her pussy until I finish with her and as I get dressed she gives me a kiss on the lips before she let's me go. I give her a kind smile and a hug before I go away and I don't realize what I just did until I'm on my bike and on the way home. Once I get home as I pass the door I try to keep silent but someone was already waiting for me.
He-Where were you?
He-Out where?
-Wathever I did, is my problem and mine alone, not yours or anyone else, mine.
I turn to go to my room to have a well deserved sleep but she stops me as she puts herself in front of me not letting me through.
-Mom please, I'm too tired right now to think straight much less have a serious conversation.
He-No, this conversation is long overdue.
I cover her mouth with one hand getting annoyed at her and I give her a knockout leaving her unconscious and I take her on my arms and to her room on her bed. I tuck her in and then I go to my room and turn to sleep.
                         Hera POV
The next morning when I wake up I'm back on my bed and under the blankets. As I try to get up I get a sharp pain on the back of my head. I remember as I tried to stop Karma to speak and then nothing. I get up and I go to his room where I find him waking up. I give him a hard slap on the face and that seems to wake him up completely.
Ka-What was that for!?
-That was for last night. Don't worry, we are not talking anymore.
With that I go have breakfast and go back to my room.
                        Karma POV
After a rough wake up I start doing my daily morning exercises. I get the bar secured in place and I turn to do my chin ups until I can't do anymore. By some divine intervention Nova is still asleep and Karai is as well and I'm lucky dad's not here at the house. I finish my exercises and get ready for the day. I get out of the shower and I get everything out so I can shine. The hair remover, the creams, the perfumes and everything else that I have. I wrap the towel around me and I cover my lower part while I use the electric razor on my nose and I'm peacefully removing the hair from my nose when a knock on the door makes me accidentally cut the inside of my nose making me bleed.
-Ah, fuck that hurts. Who is it?
N-Is me, Nova. Are you going to take longer in there?
-Probably. But I can let you in if you want.
I unlock the door for her and she comes in a bit skeptical and I turn around closing my eyes and I stay there until she tells me I can turn around. I do and she's already in the shower.
N-Hey, can you pass me the shampoo and the conditioner?
-Which of all the ones you have? You have cherry, rose, leaf, flowers in general, mint and that's it.
I give her the shampoo and the conditioner and she throws me a kiss from behind the curtain. I laugh and I stop so I can keep getting ready. I finish and I admire myself on the mirror.
-What a handsome fellow you are. Yes you are.
I make a few poses showing off my muscles before I get out to my room leaving Nova on her own. I get dressed slowly getting only my underwear on and I decide to get everything cleaned up. I clean up the room and reorganize everything on my side of the room when I see Nova entering the room.
N-Wow, you really are the best brother ever.
-I would hug you but you're still not dressed.
She laughs and she gets dressed in a short skirt and a shirt that only covers her front. She gets some knee high boots on and then she gets her makeup on and I turn to dress as well. When we're both ready we go out and we go to a horse riding place where I ride a couple horses and Nova draws them from the fence deep in concentration. After she finishes her drawing we go eat and then we go shopping. Once there, she pulls me to her favorite store.
-Really Nova? That's for children.
N-Aww, come on Karma, baby brother. For your dear sister, for me, I'm your adoration, your strength. Pretty please.
She makes puppy eyes at me and I give in to her charms.
-Fine, let's go get a teddy bear.
N-Ah, you're the best. Come on.
She pulls me inside and I see as she looks at all the options. When she finally makes her decision I see she chose a cute puppy. I turn to pay it and she gets it on the box and the attendant asks if we would like a message with the puppy and I recite a mantra.
-Earth is my body, water is my blood, air is my breath and fire is my spirit.
We get out of the store and we go to the clothes section. Nova takes a bunch of dresses and she tries them on but she doesn't show me. After a while I hear her from the other side complaining.
N-Karma, nothing looks good. All of them look horrendous.
-Maybe if you actually show me one I can tell you my thoughts. Come on out.
She comes out and I'm left stunned by how cute she looks.
-Wow, you look truly divine.
She blushes a bit.
-Of course, would you like me to get it for you? Say the word and is yours.
She goes back inside and changes again and after I pay the dress we go back home with her holding her puppy tightly while she keeps saying how good and awesome I am. I leave her there and as I start to head out for a date with a girl she holds me by the arm.
N-Stay here. Please. Karma, tell me, why do you have this behavior going to bed with every single woman you encounter?
Something on her voice makes me feel as bad as I did when Max died and I rest my head on her shoulder.
-I don't know, I just don't want to not have someone but I also don't want to get serious. I don't feel ready to have a serious relationship with anyone. I'm, I'm not ready. I need my Max, I miss her.
I start to cry on her shoulder and I hug her shaking with fear.
N-There there, easy now. I'm here, I'm here with you. Let it all out.
I cry harder on her arms while she rubs her hand against the back of my head.
N-Come on, let's get you to bed.
She takes me to our room and she gets me on my bed gently and softly. She turns to go to her own bed but I take her hand tightly.
-Stay here with me. Please.
N-As long as you need.
I make a space for her and she slips under the blankets with me and I rest against her getting peace with her heartbeat. We fall asleep like that together the rest of the night.

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