109 Hundred and Nine

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A week later we go back home and we go to the table to eat as we are hungry from the trip back.
CJ-Ah, it feels good to be home. Your own bed and a nice bath sound so nice right now.
-I am never going to cross dress again so don't ask ever again.
CJ-I won't.
We laugh and then we hear as the rest of the family comes in and join us.
A-How are my babies?
Mom hugs us both giving us a kiss on the cheek each.
-Hi mom.
CJ-We're not babies anymore.
A-Ah, you wound me? Oh.
I hug her entirely building drama for her.
-Aww, did brother made you sad? How insensitive of him.
A-That's a mean boy.
CJ makes a face of disbelief before ej gets up and takes mom in a hug as well. He gives her a kiss before he speaks in a funny voice.
CJ-You're still my mommy dearest.
CJ & AJ-And we're your baby boys. We are momma's boys.
C-That is so adorable.
                Calix POV
I laugh as I go give my wife a kiss and my boys a hug.
A-How are things at work going?
-Uncle Zeus wants to talk with these two.
AJ & CJ-Ahh, why?
-No idea. Maybe is about your auras.
AJ-But I don't fight and you know it.
-He doesn't know that.
CJ-Will you be there?
-Sadly no. I have tons of work to do at the office but your grandparents will be there.
A-Is that going to be like when you fought Hermes?
AJ-You fought Hermes?
-Yes I did and yes it probably will be a fight like that if is a fight.
CJ-I hope is worth our time. I have to train and study.
AJ-Yeah me too.
-Is tomorrow morning early so we have to go to Olympus tonight.
AJ-Are we staying with grandpa?
CJ-And uncle Karma?
-The ladies will be there too. So come on, let's get going.
They groan but they do come along and we leave for Olympus. When we get there we see that they're already having dinner.
                     Hades POV
I open the door for my youngest son and his family and I receive two fists on the chest.
-I see you've gotten stronger, both of you have. Come here.
I pull them to a hug before I pass them inside and I also hug his wife and then him.
-Angel, I see you're doing fine as well and Calix, so good to see you too.
A-Always a pleasure to be here sir.
-Eighteen years and you still call me sir.
A-Sorry sir, Hades, father.
I laugh as she straightens up trying to make amends with me. I smile as I pat her head comfortingly.
-Are you still afraid of me?
A-No is just force of habit now.
I feel as someone jumps in my back.
-What in......
AJ-So, Hades.
The other twin jumps on top of me as well.
CJ-Do you know what is it that Zeus wants us for?
AJ-Can you tell us?
CJ-Do we have to wait until tomorrow?
-Yes. Now get off, one of you is heavy.
They look at each other and they smile and AJ takes my shoulders and then CJ puts his around my neck and they shake me hard until I make my aura appear and get them off of me.
-Get off!
As I turn around I lose my balance as their shaking got me dizzy and Calix catches me by the arms. The kids laugh and then we're all laughing. I call back my aura and we go to eat dinner together. We chat and laugh together until is time to go to sleep for everyone.
The next morning as I prepare I go check on the twins and I see them still asleep. AJ has a book on top of his chest and CJ has his ear buds on listening to music. I take both things away and wake them up. They both make the same movements and I take both beds and I flip them around throwing them to the floor. They wake up by the hit and when they see me they start getting prepared.
-Let's go.
We go to the throne room where everyone is waiting patiently except for Zeus of course.
Z-Glad you could join us.
I sit at my throne as they stand at the center.
CJ-Before you start, can you make it quick? We have better things to do than listen to you.
AJ-I don't think he's that baka.
Z-Why were you late?
AJ-I stand corrected. He's that baka.
Z-Are you done?
They look at each other and then they look at Zeus nodding.
Z-I have an assignment for you, both of you.
They look at him surprised before they laugh together.
CJ-Did you hear what he said?

CJ-Did you hear what he said?

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