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I get her to her home and I put her back down shortly before we arrive there. I hear as everything turns to violence and people curse and I smell the trash on the street, the rotten food and stinky clothes and so much more. I grab her closer to me and I can feel her fear escaping her body. I whisper on her ear.
-I'm here. Nothing will happen while I'm here.
A-I'm sorry, is the best I can afford with what I have. Is not much but, I do have a bed and a ceiling, the basic needs.
-I promise, I'll get you a better place. Why don't you stay at my mom's place? She doesn't use it anymore but she still keeps it clean and ready for emergencies.
A-I'm fine, really but thanks anyway.
-Then I'll stay with you.
We go to her house and as we enter I sense a good relief as I can smell that she keeps it as clean as possible, the opposite of the outside she shares with everybody on the neighborhood. I stay up at the doorframe and she enters and sighs.
A-Well, this is, not much but, is where I sleep. I try to spend as little time as possible here. You can guess why. I'm the most clean person here and that's why the owner let's me do as I please.
-The difference is noticeable. This is like a paradise after passing though that inferno out there.
A-Come on in. Don't be shy.
She pulls me inside and closes the door behind me.
A-Do you want to meet my friends here?
-Sure, I don't see why not.
She takes me outside and she grabs my hand pulling me fast towards a place. I hear bouncing balls and then she speaks.
A-Here we are, hey kiddos, I have a special guest.
Kid-A, where were you? We missed you yesterday.
A-Sorry, I was passing the time.
Kid-Do you not want us anymore?
A-Of course not. You are the reason I stay here and many of the keepers of my good memories.
Kid 2-And who is this guy?
Kid 3-Is he your boyfriend?
I blush and she gets closer to me.
Kid-Do you play basketball?
Kid 2-Can you play with us?
A-Now kids, don't bother him to much. He's a guest after all.
-I don't mind. We can play. Ball?
The kid throws me the ball hard and I catch it easily.
Kid-Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you two make a match?
-One on one?
Kid-Yes, she's the best player here.
They all start begging until we both agree to it. They cheer up and we get into position. We start to play gently and we both make a few baskets before she claims victory. The kids surround us and they push us closer together and we laugh at their obvious reason for that. We give each other a kiss and they cheer us on. The boys give me punches softly while the girls scream cheerfully. We laugh and I sit to rest while the kids practice with Angel. I hear them laugh and I hear a scream. I turn alert again and I hear Angel in soothing words and voice.
A-Easy now, is just a scratch. Is not even bleeding see?
Kid-Can I go home?
A-Of course, you can all go home and rest. Go on home.
Kid 2-I have a better idea. Why don't we have dinner together. All of us together.
I join them in the begging and she finally agrees. I take the injured kid on my back and we go to her home again. At the lack of seats we all sit on the floor and eat together.
A-Here, have a towel.
She gives me a towel and then one for each kid. We eat and joke around and as they finish their food they each wash their dishes and go to their respective homes bidding farewell. When all the kids go away she sits on my lap hugging me tightly. She gives me a couple kisses before she goes away dismissing me to my own home.
I give her one last kiss.
-I love you. I'll be back tomorrow.
A-Let's meet someplace else. At Astoria park by lunch.
-Fine by me. Eleven good?
I nod and we share one last kiss before I go back home. I whistle and when I get home I realize I don't have my keys. I pass my hands through my face and I knock on the door.
                  Hades POV
We are all eating dinner together speaking about Calix and his girlfriend when someone knocks at the door. I laugh.
-That must be Calix.
Ka-Doesn't he have keys as well?
I lift my hand showing him his keys and he laughs as he realizes what it means. He knocks again and I go open up.
-Welcome back.
C-Very funny. I'm going out tomorrow.
-Remember to treat her nicely.
He pushes me aside and he goes get a drink. He makes to go to his room and Karma stops him holding him by the forearm.
Ka-Aren't you going to eat?
C-Already did.
Ka-Did she fed you in the mouth?
He looks at Nova and me and then at Karai frowning. We shake our heads telling him that we didn't said a word to him.
C-Who told you?
Ka-You just did, just now.
Karma gets up and he makes a playful fistfight with his brother.
Ka-Who would thought that the baby of the family would be such a conqueror.
C-Let go.
Ka-The baby got a girlfriend. Yes he did.
C-KARMA!!!! Stop it.
Karma keeps bothering him for a while longer with the girlfriend mess and I see Calix as he tries to get free from him. When I'm about to intervene I see as Calix grabs Karma from the side frowning and then he pulls Karma up in the air and throws him to the couch with amazing strength. Karma lands hard on the couch and he just laughs at the situation.
C-Next time........when I tell you to....... stop, do stop....
He coughs hyperventilating as he speaks. I turn to him.
-Are you fine?
C-I'm fine, I'll be when I calm down.
He sneezes a couple times and I see as Karma gives him a soft hug apologizing with real concern on his face.
Ka-Did I hurt you?
C-No. Um, happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.
He whispers to himself and breathes deeply calming down. He smiles letting us know he's better.
C-There we go.
Ka-What was that?
C-It only happens when I'm angry. Super angry or exaltated in anger. I get these attacks that weaken me after giving me a second of strength.
-Go sleep and Karma, don't bother him again.
He lifts his hands to us and we both bump our knuckles with him.
He smiles as he goes to his room to sleep and we go finish dinner. I scold Karma for it.
-Don't ever do that again.
Ka-I was just teasing him a bit. Besides, you heard him, is not me the reason he got a mad attack as he said it has happened before. But I won't do it again or if I do I will stop before he gets an attack.
We finish eating and we all go to our rooms to sleep. I take a good look at Calix before I go and I see him sleeping hugging his pillow and he digs his face on it smiling happily. I smile as I imagine what he must be dreaming about. I close the door silently and I go to sleep at last.
                      Angel POV
The next morning as I prepare for my date with Calix I get some leggings with a tight skirt and a tight turtleneck sleeveless shirt and I get my leather jacket on as it looks like it will rain a bit later. I go out early so I can get him a nice gift. I search everywhere but I don't find anything worth the trouble. I turn to the second best option and I buy him a heart shaped music box. I buy some chips with different styles of music and I get them on my pocket. I go to the park and I see him waiting for me. I walk over rto him and I kiss his cheek scaring him a bit. I laugh at his reaction and sit at his side.
-Easy, is me Angel.
C-My angel.
I give him a kiss and he puts his hand on my cheek.
                         Calix POV
I hold her face as I kiss her softly and gently. We separate and we start to speak at the same time.
A-I got...
-I got.....
We laugh and I give her the thumbs up.
-Ladies first.
A-I got something for you. Is a music box.
She gives me a heart shaped box and I take it and examine it smiling. She gives me a card and trace my finger on to and I read the number one written for me there and she leads my hand to a place and we both insert the chip on it and the music plays shortly after. I smile and I laugh as I lean on her shoulder.
-I like it. I also have something for you.
I get my hand in my pocket and I take out a box and give it to her.
A-Can you tell me what it is?
-Is a necklace, heart shaped too and it has an inscription and a picture of me so I'm always with you and close to your heart.
I hear her giggle as she gives me a kiss on the cheek before she gasps.
A-Oh my, this is truly beautiful. Good picture.
I laugh and she turns me so we kiss again a bit more passionate when we are interrupted by a familiar voice.
Pe-No wonder you don't answer.
-Persephone! What are you doing here and not at your home?
Pe-Is this your girlfriend?
-Yes, Persephone Angel, Angel this is my cousin Persephone.
A-Hi, is nice to meet you.
Pe-Nice to meet you too. You're cute.
-Well, what are you doing here?
Pe-Oh right that, dad wants to meet with you as soon as possible.
-Yours or mine?
Pe-Actually, all of them. This is not a social call. Is about your initiation.
-Ugh that, how could I forget.
A-Go, it sounds important.
Pe-She can come as well.
-Would you come with me?
A-Need you ask. Of course I will.
Pe-Now then, let's get going.
We follow her and we go to Olympus together. We go to the throne room and Angel stays by dad's side as I step in the center.
Z-Do you know why you were called here?
-I have an idea of what it is.
Z-Surely you understand we can wait no longer to get you your duties and as you failed to tell us what you would like to do now you're going to fight however I choose three days from now.
-I understand. I will prepare properly.
Z-Good, I expect you to be ready. You are now dismissed.
I nod and I look at dad's general direction where Angel is and I smile as I stretch out my hand. She comes and we go out together and towards home. We link our fingers together and walk together.
A-What was that about?
-I'm having my place decided amongst them. According to my fighting skills my place is decided.
A-So, you're a god.
-Becoming one. How are you not surprised to know that I'm a god in development?
A-Is known that gods, humans and monsters live together in peace and harmony.
-Well, uh, my family is all decided. Only I don't have a place yet as I didn't awoke my powers yet. My full power but now that I have I am getting my place decided.
A-Can I see you practice. I can give you the water and the towels.
-Sure, do come on.
I take her with me to the training room and I take off my shirt and tie up my hair as I start to practice.

To be continued..........

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