31 Thirty One

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                        Karai POV
I walk a couple steps behind Cerberus scratching my back and moving my upper body a lot as he carries my bags inside his house. I follow him inside as he opens the door and enters and I keep going forward to the bathroom and inside I take my jacket and my shirt off and look at my back on the mirror. I look in horror at two big pink marks at both sides of my back. I jump at the sound of Cerberus knocking.
C-Are you okay? You've been quite some time there now.
-Yes, I'm fine, I'll be out in a second.
C-Okay, I'll get something to eat for the both of us. My brothers won't be here today or tomorrow. See you at the table.
I hear as he walks away and I look at my back in the mirror again and sigh when the window comes open fully with a strong wind, when it's over I go to close the window and as I look outside I see the moon shining high in the sky and I feel a sudden bolt of energy fill me before I blackout.
                     Cerberus POV
I rest against the counter as I wait for dinner to be ready when I see Karai walking off towards the door with a blank expression on her face.
She keeps walking and she exits the house just like she is, on her jeans and without her shirt. I run to the bathroom and get her clothes and when I go towards her she starts running off. I follow after her amazed at her speed and I try to call out to her but she doesn't responds and she starts running faster until she stops in front of a building as tall as the eye can see. I grab her by the arm and try to pull her away but she yanks me down with a single push and she runs off in the direction of Astoria Park. I follow her as I send a hurried voicemail to Hades to meet me at Astoria Park. I enter the park following her aura and when I see her she's looking at the moon in the sky. She grabs her head as I see her slowly fall to her knees and she starts getting bigger and bigger. She screams in pain as she transforms into a giant wolf. I see as she turns towards me and she runs towards me and attacks me trying to bite my head off. I keep her teeth just barely a centimeter away from my face when I see Hades running towards us with Hera following close behind.
                         Hera POV
When Hades and I get to Astoria Park later that night we see Cerberus barely keeping a giant wolf from attacking him. Hades goes towards them and he pulls the wolf by the tail and throws it away with enough strength to get it to run away.
C-No, no, don't let her escape. Follow her. That's Karai.
Ha-What now?
C-You have to get her back and take this, she might not be dressed.
Cerberus gives Hades her clothes and he goes after her the same way she escaped. I stay there with Cerberus as he tells me what happened when they got here. After he finish telling me he starts crying while he passes a hand through his hair. I hug him tightly and after a moment I see Hades come back with a shameful expression.
Ha-I can't find her. She just vanished, not even her aura.
-Are you saying?
Ha-No, I would know immediately. Thankfully that is not the case.
We hear a howl in the distance and I feel my heart sink to the ground at the sound. I turn to see Hades and I see as a single tear rolls down his face. He frowns and his jaw tightens as well as his fists at his side. He turns and looks at the moon in the sky. He turns around and gets us to our feet each.
Ha-As much as I hate it the only thing we can do now is go home and wait for her to show up.
We go to the condo and we sit on the couch anxiously waiting for anything that might tell us where Karai is. I search my phone for strange sightings in the closest places but I don't find anything. When I start to feel  my hands go numb from having hold the phone the same way for hours straight I put it away and I rub my face sleepily. I see that Hades hasn't moved from where he was before not even an inch and I go towards him and take his hand. He squeezes letting me know he's aware of me but keeps looking outside as the sunrise starts to show on the horizon.
-I'm sure she's fine, wherever she is.
Hades hugs me tightly and I hug him back.
Ha-She's strong and smart.
-Who knows, maybe she's on her way back home.
He's interrupted by his phone ringing loudly and he looks at it and hangs up before he saves it again.
Ha-Sorry, but nothing comes before my daughter.
He looks at me and I pull him into a hug before I get him inside and I sit him on the table.
-Eat something before we go back to look for her.
At the mention of going back out he relax a little and I smile as I give him his usual shake. He drinks it with enthusiasm and I look as he puts the glass down empty. I motion towards the door and he follows closely behind me. We look in all the places we can think that she might have gone but come up with nothing. At lunch time we have searched the city twice and we have seen many things we prefer not to have seen without any luck or any leads on where she might be. I see as Hades frustration grows and I reach for his hands. He looks at me and I can tell he's getting really, really worried now. I try not to let my fear show and worry him even more but he still notices and he looks away from me.
                        Karai POV
I wake up on a strange place with everything hurting and my first instinct is to call my aura forth and when I get up I notice that I'm naked. At that moment I get in defense and when I look through the edge of the trees and I look at only fields and fields of grass I realize I'm not home anymore. I remember my new ability and I turn into a hawk and fly above the trees to get a better view. I see only a single house and I go back down there to the side of the house. I go to the barn that is at the side and turn back to myself covering my body with a jacket that is just hanging there. I stand straight and walk towards the door. I knock a bit skeptically and I hear a lot of screams and insults and curses before the door opens revealing a smiling woman. She asks me if I need help and I only ask for a phone to use. She takes me inside to an old phone and I look at it a bit doubtfully. I look at her a bit ashamed and doubt before speaking.
-How do I use this phone?
She smiles and asks me the numbers I want to call and I give her my dad's cellphone number and she hands the phone to me and I wait until he answers.
                         Hera POV
Hades answers his phone and he looks at me smiling slowly and I know it must be about Karai.
Ha-Where are you?............Do not move from where you are. We'll go get you.
He hangs up and before I can ask what happened he pulls me towards the car and he drives us away from the city. I can see his smile grow as we keep getting further from the city and into more open fields of trees, grass, farms and the houses diminishes into one or two with a single driving ride each. In one of the houses Hades stops the car and we get down from the car and when we're at the door he hesitates as he's about to knock. He takes a deep breath and knocks. We hear a voice telling us to come in and we do and when we look around we see dirt everywhere and everything is out of place. We hear a familiar voice calling out and before we know it Karai is hugging us both tightly while she cries.
K-Daddy. Is so good to see you.
Ha-I'm here, I'm here, calm down, everything will be just fine. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where were you all night?
She shakes her head and speaks.
K-The last thing I know I was on the bathroom at Cerberus's house and then the next thing I know I'm, I don't know where. I was.....
She starts crying and shaking on his arms and I see Hades hug her softly trying to comfort her but she keeps sobbing softly.
K-Please, take me back home, back at Olympus. Please, I just want to rest at home.
Hades smiles and nods at her as he picks her up gently and we go back to the car and back home.

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