Chapter 1: Stereotypes

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I walk down the hallway of my new school, Hawkins Highschool. There are so many people, and I know none of them. It really stinks being the new girl. Hopefully, I'll be able to make some friends.

The lady at the front desk gave me my schedule and locker number. I make my way to my locker, placing some books inside. All of a sudden, someone slams my locker door. I stumble backward, startled. I start to hear laughing.

A group of boys are leaning against the lockers, staring at me and laughing.

"Good one, Troy!" One of them hollers. He goes up to the brown-haired boy, and the two of them high five.

"Looks like she's new," Another boy says, who is standing slightly in front of the two boys.

"Well, it takes a real genius to realize that, Lucas," A boy with black hair says, who is in the front of the group. He is standing closest to me, chewing gum.

"What's your name?" He asks, not in a polite way, but in an annoying way, like he only wants to start trouble.

I lose my train of thought, and zone out for a few seconds. I feel like I recognize some of these middle schoolers, but at the same time, they all seem like strangers.

"He asked you a question!" The one they called Lucas, said to me.

"Hey, leave her alone guys!" Someone shouted from behind me.

I turned to see a boy with curly brown hair which was slicked back. His speech sounded a little different from most people, but I didn't mind. He was wearing a collared shirt and was holding several books under his arm.

One of the boys from the group that was bothering me walked up to him. He was the one with black hair and was chewing gum. He had a black leather jacket on, and jeans. He confronted the boy defending me.

"And who are you, telling me what to do, Dustin?" He asked, shoving the boy.

"Just leave her alone, and I will let you copy down my answers for math later!" Dustin pleaded.

"Alright, fine. See you losers!" He said, walking away with his gang of boys.

I turned to see Dustin, the boy who had defended me.

"Thank you," I told him.

"Any time," he said, smiling.

Maybe school wouldn't be so bad after all.

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