Chapter 14: The Bat With Nails

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~Dustin's POV~

I ride my bike up to Steve's house. I park it on his lawn, and quickly jump off, running to the front door. I frantically knock, hoping he's home.

After what felt like forever, Steve opens the door.

"How may I help you?" He asks politely.

Steve's amazing hair is slicked back and combed neatly. He has a pair of circular glasses on. He is wearing a nice button up shirt, along with a bow tie.

"Uh-Steve?" I ask.

"That's my name!" He says cheerfully. "Do I know you?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's me, Dustin! Don't you remember?" I ask.

"No, I don't," he says.

"Are your parents home?" I ask.


I walk into his house, brushing past him. I head in the direction of the door which leads to his garage.

"Hey! Where do you think you're doing?!?!" He hollers, chasing after me.

I enter his garage and start rummaging through bins and piles.

Finally, I found it.

"Hold on one second Mr.!" Steve says, pausing to catch his breath.

I hold out to him a bat with nails hammered into it. His gaze turns cold. A familiar look glosses over his face.

"My bat," he says, taking it into his hands.

"Do you remember now?" I ask, very hopeful.

"Yeah, I do. Now, who's butt do I need to kick?" He asks with attitude.

Now that's the Steve I know.


~El's POV~

I rush up to the police station. It was very intimidating. I had never been inside there before. As I entered, everyone's cold gaze rested on me. I was terrified. I just wanted to find Hopper and get out of there.

I waited in the lobby until a woman came up to me. Joyce.

"Hello, are you here to see the chief?" She asked in a monotone voice.

"Yes, I am," I said. "Can I speak to the receptionist, Flo?" I asked. I had heard Hopper mention her before.

"Flo? There is no Flo who works here. I'm the only receptionist sweetie," Joyce replied, still monotone. "The chief's office is down the hall to the left."

I walked down the hall and entered the room.

A man was sitting in a chair, his back turned.

"Hopper?" I asked.

The chair spun around.

"Who are you?" Hopper asked, menacingly.

"It's me, El," I said, slowly approaching him. "Don't you remember me?" I asked.

"Look, I don't know who you are, so just get to the point. Why did you want to see me?" He asked harshly.

I walked up to him, placing my hand on his.

"It's your daughter, Eleven," I said, hoping he would remember.

He just pulled away.

"Look, I don't know what this is. Leave my office please, or else I will get someone to make you leave!" He snapped.

I sadly walked out of the room, unsuccessful. Hopefully, the others had had better luck in recruiting than I had.

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