Chapter 25: Danger

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Dr. Owens POV:

It had taken almost a year, but we finally had developed a liquid substance that could be poured into the pumpkin patch, and it would slowly wither away the tunnels. 

Some agents and I had just arrived at the pumpkin patch with equipment, vehicles, and the liquid that would stop the tunnels.

Three huge trucks were driven onto the patch, each with a giant tub full of the substance. The trucks slowly poured the liquid onto the pumpkin patch. It sunk into the ground, where the tunnels had first been discovered.

The liquid would wash through all of the tunnels, deteriorating them and causing them to collapse inward. We knew there would be some risks to this, but as long as no one was in the tunnels, nobody would be in danger.


El's POV:

I was walking through the forest when all of a sudden, I heard a lot of noise. I followed the sound, which led me to the pumpkin patch. On the field stood many agents, vehicles, and three huge trucks. I decided to take a closer look.

I walked onto the field and spotted Dr. Owens. 

"Hi, Dr. Owens," I said, waving shyly.

"Hello, Eleven. What brings you to the pumpkin patch?" He asked me.

"I was just wondering what the agents and you were doing."

"Well, we finally figured out how to destroy the tunnels!"


"Wait, how are you not affected by the vapor being released from the tunnels?"

"The source of all the memory loss is the tunnels?"

"Yes, but how are you not affected?"

"It's a long story, but I eventually regained my memory. Are you saying that there is a vapor in the tunnels which is responsible for the memory loss?" 

"Yes, I am."

"Well, how are you not affected?"

"The agents and I have been working on a substance to destroy the tunnels on the outskirts of Hawkins. We were so far our that the vapor wasn't able to affect us."

"Is the substance you are using dangerous?"

"No, it's not. Only if you were inside the tunnels."

Suddenly, distant shouts became audible. Dr. Owens and I turned around to find Lucas, Max, Troy, and James running toward us.

"What's wrong?" I asked them.

"We found Mike, Dustin, and Will!" Max said, trying to catch her breath.

"That's great! Where are they?" I asked.

"They're in the tunnels," Lucas said.

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