Chapter 18: I Remembered

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~Mike's POV~

Everything was a blur. I just remember tackling Dustin, and a little later, being thrown against the tree. After that, everything went black.

Suddenly, I felt someone shaking me by the shoulders.

"Oh Mike, I'm so sorry. Please, oh please Mike, wake up," I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes. It was that girl, El. She had been nothing but trouble for me. I was so upset. I grabbed her by the wrist, my eyes filled with anger and rage. I stood up, pulling El to her feet.

"You think you can just do something like that to me? I don't know how you did it, but I do know one thing. You're not going to get away with it," I said, grabbing her tighter and pulling her in the direction of the quarry.

I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. I wanted to scare her, and that was definitely working.

"Mike, what are you doing?" She croaked.

"You're going to pay for what you did to me and my friends," was all I would say.

I could see how terrified she was, her eyes glossed over with fear.

We stopped, only inches away from the cliff.

My grip on her wrist tightened.

"Mike, please stop. You're hurting me," she cried. I turned to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

I paused and looked into her eyes. Why did this girl constantly follow me? She always seemed to care about me. Why did she? I had no interest in her whatsoever, so why did she have interest in me? What was so special about me to her?

"Mike," she said.

Suddenly, I started getting a migraine again. The more I concentrated on the face in front of me, the more the agonizing pain grew. Finally, it just stopped, and I finally connected the dots. I remembered everything. 

I remembered the first day we met. We were standing in the rain, and I had my flashlight on her.

I remembered when we gave her Nancy's old dress and a blonde wig, and how I had called her pretty.

I remembered when I kissed her that night at the school. I remember asking her to the Snowball and I remember El's disappearance.

I remembered how I called her every night for 353 days.

I remember reuniting with her and being able to hold her in my arms again.

I remember kissing her at the Snowball.

I looked down to see how tightly I had been holding her wrist. It almost looked as if there was slight bruising.

"El, I'm so sorry. I-"


All of a sudden, I remembered all of the terrible things I had said to her over the past several weeks, and how terrible I had been to her. This broke me inside.

"I can't believe I hurt you and have been so terrible to you. What's wrong with me? I need to go," I said, running off. I couldn't be around her, not after what I had done. I didn't want to hurt her again. The last person she needed to see right now was me.

"No, Mike, wait!" I could hear El yell, calling after me.

But I didn't reply. I didn't even look back. I just tried to hold back my tears and the frustration I had with myself.


Thank you so much for all the positive feedback! It really means a lot to me! I will try to update soon! I am so glad you enjoy my story! Thank you for over 400 views! I am so grateful. ~Rocky

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