Chapter 28: Or So You Thought

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The story continues after six months of waiting. Sorry for the long break everyone. I want to continue this for a few more chapters and give you all the ending you deserve!

El's POV

"El! Eleven!" A voice interrupted my day dream.

My head jerked and I turbed toward Lucas. He was pacing, and looked extremely nervous.

"El! You just spaced out! Do you have a plan?" Max asked, tapping her foot impatiently.

I hung my head and shook it. Had that happy ending really been a day dream? It felt so real. I just wanted Mike and my friends to be safe once again. I wanted us all to be happy.

"Great! We're doomed! Doomed!" Lucas moaned, giving up and sitting on the ground, burying his face in his palms.

Mike, Dustin, and Will, all sat on the ground, half awake, half asleep. There was no way we'd be able to outrun the flushing out of the tunnels with them in this condition. We would have to leave them behind. Or, even worse, if we stayed down here for too long, we too would lose our memories once again.

"It can't end like this!" I blurted.

Max and Lucas both turned toward me, surprised.

"We have to do something! We can't give up now, not after how far we've come! There has to be someone that could help us! Come on guys, think!" I sighed, leaning against the tunnel wall.

We all sat in silence for a moment, thinking. Then, we heard a voice. A familiar voice.

Max inched her way to the opening of the tunnel on the ceiling. Her face turned pale as she stared at someone.

"Do you guys need a hand?" A familiar voice asked.

Billy Hargrove.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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