Chapter 26: Risk

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El's POV:

"What?" I asked. I was too shocked to really comprehend what was happening.

"Isn't that good news? We found them!" Lucas exclaimed.

"No, because the lab agents are about to flood those tunnels with that gas that makes us forget everything!" I announced.

"We need to get to them as soon as possible!" Max exclaimed.

"Yeah, but there's one problem. Even if we do try to save them, if we aren't fast enough, we could get trapped down there and the gas could make us forget too. Are you guys willing to take that risk?" I asked them.

"Yeah," Max said.

"Of course we are!" Lucas chimed in.

"Then let's go," I said.

As we ran through the forest, I asked Max why Troy and James were helping us. She tried her best to explain to me what had happened, while we were running to the tunnels.

We finally arrived at our destination.

"Okay, so, Max, El, and I will go down there to get Mike, Dustin, and Will. Troy and James, you'll haul us down, and then help us get back up, okay?"

"Okay," we all agreed.

Troy and James hauled us three down one by one. Eventually, we were all standing in the tunnel together.

"Okay, follow me," Lucas said.

Max and I hurried behind him. We eventually got to the big open room with the plant thing on the ceiling.

"Don't get close to that," Lucas told us, pointing to the ceiling.

"Okay, I'll get Will, you get Dustin, Lucas, and El, you get Mike," Max told us.

We carefully crept around the sides of the tunnels. Our friends were covered in vines. We all quickly untangles them and tried to help them up. They were only half awake and really confused. 

It was hard to believe that I was finally with Mike again. He started to flutter his eyes open, but he still wasn't fully conscious. 

"Where am I?" He mumbled.

"It's ok, shh, just follow me. We're going to get you out of here," I reassured him. We all made our way back to the opening of the tunnel.

"Okay, Troy, James, we're ready! You can haul us up now!" Lucas called.

There was no reply.

"Hello?" Max asked.

Finally, we heard one of the boys respond.

"We finally remembered who we are, and we don't want to risk our memories for you guys! Sorry!" Troy called. We could hear their laughter fade as they slowly walked away.

We had only a little time before we lost our memories, possibly for good.

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