Chapter 011: Chocolate Pudding

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~El's POV~

It was a few hours later, and it was finally lunch time. Will and I were in the lunch line with Dustin.

"Ew, today's dessert is chocolate pudding!" Dustin said, disgusted.

"Come on man, why don't you try some?" Will asked.

"No way!" Dustin said.

As I walked by, I grabbed two puddings.

The three of us sat alone at one of the back tables.

I had an idea.

"He Dustin, why don't you like chocolate pudding?" I asked.

"I don't know actually-"

All of a sudden, he reached for his forehead.

"A Migraine?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've had quite a few lately," he told us.

"Maybe you should have some chocolate pudding," I said, handing him a can.

"I guess a little wouldn't hurt," Dustin said, shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

His face went blank. He looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Dustin? Dustin, are you okay?" Will asked, concerned.

"Woah, why is my hair greased back?" He asked, touching his head. "And where's my baseball cap?!?!?"

"Dustin, calm down," I said.

"Yeah, don't be too loud. We'll explain everything," Will reassured him.

"Oh, look, it's Lucas and Mike!" Dustin said, getting up to walk in their direction.

I used my powers to stop him.

"No," I said, blood dripping from my nose.

Dustin turned and sat back down.

"Why can't we talk to them? They're our friends!" Dustin argued.

"Look, Dustin, things aren't normal right now," Will tried to explain.

"Things are never normal in Hawkins!" Dustin shot back.

"No, you don't understand," I said.

"For some reason, everyone forgot about the past fourteen years, and only remember things from up to a week ago," Will told Dustin.

"Wait, I'm confused," Dustin replied.

"For example, Mike, Lucas, and Max don't remember that we're all friends. We are the only three in the whole school that remembers each other and the past fourteen years," Will finished.

"Why can't we just try to explain this to them? They'll probably understand," Dustin suggested.

I remembered that night at the school dance when I reached out to Mike and he slapped my hand away. There was no way of explaining the truth to them. They probably wouldn't even believe us.

"I've tried," I said.

"Basically, we are the trio of outcasts, Max goes by Maxine and she is the 'Queen Bee' some say, and Mike and Lucas are in a friend group with James and Troy."

"Woah, Mike and Troy are friends?!?!?!?!" Dustin asked, astonished.

"Yeah, and none of them like us," I said, trying to hide the disappointment in my voice.

"I'm confused..." Dustin started.

"Look, we don't know why exactly people don't remember how things used to be," Will said.

"This is a lot to take in," Dustin said, trying to contemplate everything.

"I know it's tough, but we're going to need your help," I said.

"With what exactly?" Dustin asked, puzzled.

"We're going to get our friends back," I said with determination.

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