Chapter 5: A Forgotten Memory

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This chapter, I decided I would open up and not only focus on only one character's point of view! Hope you enjoy this change and chapter!


~New Girl's POV~

Another day at school. I could hardly believe how quickly the month of November had been going by.

I walked into science class and placed Mike and me's "group" project on Mr. Clarke's desk, before sitting down in my seat. Barely making it in before the bell rang, Michael Wheeler came walking into the classroom and sat in the only seat available. Once again, the seat next to me. I guess no one really wanted to sit by "the new girl."

The bell rang and class started.

"Ok class, we will be having a test soon, so let us review Newton's three laws," Mr. Clarke announced. Students began to pull out their notebooks. As I started taking notes, I felt a hand on my shoulder. A weird feeling ran down my spine, and my headache started acting up again.

I turned to see Mike.

"Did you do the project, and put both of our names on it?" He asked me.

"Yes, I did," I replied.

Michael turned back around. I continued writing notes and listening to the lecture. Suddenly, something, or someone, had angered Mr. Clarke.

"Excuse me, young man! I asked you a question!" Mr. Clarke said, slamming both of his hands on Mike's desk.

"Oh, uh, what."

"What is the formula for acceleration?"

"Um, well, uh-"

It was obvious he didn't know the answer, and I couldn't contain myself. 

"Force divided by mass!" I blurted out.

Both turned to me.

"I was asking Mr. Wheeler, but you are correct. Now, let us move onto the lesson once more. Everyone should be paying attention," he scolded.


~Mike's POV~

I was in the hallway after 4th period. I was leaning against the lockers, talking with Troy, James, and Lucas, when the new girl came walking down the hallway.

"Isn't that the new girl?" James asked.

"Yeah, you idiot, who else would it be?" Lucas questioned, annoyed by James's ignorance.

"Calm down you two!" Troy ordered.

I could tell that she had noticed that we saw her. All of a sudden, she was staring down at her books, and avoiding eye contact, trying to hurry past where we were.

That's when the four of us approached her, James and I cutting her off in front, and Lucas and Troy in the back.

"Well, if it isn't the new girl," James said.

"Do you even have a name, weirdo?" Lucas asked, teasing her.

Weirdo. I felt like that brought up a memory, but it slipped my mind. The more I tried to think about, I developed a migraine. 

I moaned and reached my hands up to my head. The new girl looked up at me, her eyes wide, but unreadable.

"He asked you a question!" Troy said, shoving her. She stumbled backward, and fell to the ground. The boys laughed.

Tears formed in her eyes.

"Aww, are you going to cry now, you baby?" James teased.

The pain grew. It seemed like the more I tried to remember what I was thinking of, the worse the headache got.

Lucas kicked the books she was holding across the hallway.

I wasn't thinking straight. My mind was racing, and I was in pain. 

"STOP! STOP IT!" I yelled, gripping my head. The boys and the new girl just stared at me, like I was out of my mind. They were startled by the sudden outbreak.

"JUST STOP!" I screeched, still holding my head.

The new girl got up and ran to pick up her stuff, before quickly leaving.

"Are you okay Mike?" Lucas asked, concerned.

I got up and ran down the halls, away from everyone. Classes were getting out soon, and I needed to find somewhere to hide from the mobs of people. Luckily, there was a janitor's closet. 

I shut myself inside. I sat with my back against the door, and my hands still gripping my head. After about twenty minutes, the pain went away, after I stopped thinking about what felt like a forgotten memory.

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