Chapter 4: Bookbag Disaster

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I run into the bathroom and lock myself in a stall door. My arm and head both hurt really badly. I roll up my sleeve to examine my injured wrist.

I find myself very much surprised. On my forearm, the numbers 011, are printed. I try to rub it off, but it won't even smudge. It's a tattoo. The weird thing was, I didn't remember how I got it. Come to think of it, I couldn't even remember what I did a few days ago.

The more I thought about it, the more my head hurt, so I decided just not to think anything of it for now, and I rolled my sleeve back down, hiding the numbers.

I walked out of to find my book bag and its contents all over the floor. As I rush to pick them up, the bell rings. The halls are flooded with middle schoolers. I frantically try to get all of my stuff. All of a sudden, an expensive heel steps on my book, so that I am unable to pick it up.

I look up and see two girls. One is off to the side, with blonde hair, is wearing a skirt, a pink long sleeve shirt, and a black scarf around her neck. The other one, who had her heel on my book, had red hair, a skirt, a pale blue long sleeve shirt, and a white scarf.

The girl with red hair bent down and picked up my book.

"Is this yours?" She asked.

"Uh, yeah," I said.

"Well, it's mine now!" She said, throwing the book to her blonde haired friend.

"Nice catch Jennifer!" She told her. At least I knew one of their names now.

They smiled menacingly at me, before kicking over my bookbag again, which I had almost finished repacking. My school supplies spilled all over the floor. The two girls laughed.

"Come on Maxine, let's go, before any teachers come," Jennifer told the other girl.

The two quickly ran off giggling.

I could see the group of boys approaching. I was really hoping they wouldn't bother me again. I didn't want to have to deal with anyone else.

"Hey, New Girl!" A familiar voice said.

I turned around to see Dustin kneeling down in front of me, helping pick up my things.

"Thanks, Dustin," I said.

A pale shade of pink crept over his face.

"Oh, uh, yeah, no problem!" He said, smiling.

We both reached for a book at the same time. Our hands momentarily touched. I felt this sudden feeling, I couldn't describe it. I pulled my hand away. Dustin looked confused and placed the last book in my bag.

"You ok?" He asked me, a little flustered.

"I-I need to, uh, get to class," I picked up my bag and rushed off.

What was that? He was just being nice, and I acted so rudely. But, when our hands touched, it just didn't feel right. Something is wrong, but whenever I try to focus on it, my head hurts.

Once again, I shrugged it off and continued walking.

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