Chapter 13: Sibling Problems

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~Will's POV~

We were starting to form a plan. Before we could go into details, we had to try and get Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and Hopper to help us. I had agreed to get Jonathan, Eleven had gone to get Hopper, Dustin said he would get Steve, and Max would try to get Nancy.

The weird thing was, I hadn't realized until now that Jonathan never seemed to be around. It was breakfast time, so I sat down at the table with my mom.

"Where's Jonathan, Mom?" I asked.

She just laughed.

"Mom? What's so funny?" I asked, confused.

"Why would you ask where Jonathan is? Honey, you know Jonathan hasn't lived with us in three years! He lives with your father in the city," she said.

I choked on my eggs.

"You look as if you've seen a ghost. Maybe you should wash your face, to wake yourself up," my mom said.

"You know what, I just remembered I need to go somewhere. Sorry, mom, I have to go!" I said, rushing out the door, picking up my backpack along the way.

I ran outside and hopped on my bike. I knew had to go to the city.


~Max's POV~

I couldn't remember practically anything from when I was brainwashed. My friends said I wore heels and skirts. Eww. I had been chosen to get Nancy Wheeler. I wasn't sure how this was going to work out.

I didn't quite remember how my home had been like. I wondered if my family had been brainwashed too.

It was morning time, and I walked into the kitchen. I could smell my mom cooking pancakes.

I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey M-" I stopped mid-sentence. 

Billy was standing over the stove cooking pancakes. 

"Hey, Max! I made your favorite!" He said, showing me the pan.

"Oh, uh, thanks," I said, at loss for words. "Where are Mom and Dad?" I asked.

"They're at work," he said, putting a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Oh, ok," I said.

He sat down at the table with me. We both started eating our breakfast.

"Hey, Billy, I need to go soon," I said.

"Oh ok. Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Uh, well, I need to speak to Nancy Wheeler," I said.

"Oh! Nancy? You could've just asked me to give you a ride!" He said, rubbing my head.

"You're friends with Nancy?" I asked.

"Friends? Oh Max, stop messing around! She's my girlfriend!" Billy said, laughing.

I dropped my fork as it fell to the ground.

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