Chapter 8: Nose Bleeds

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~Mike's POV~

"Look, I promise I won't hurt you," I said.

The girl in front of me froze. At first, her face was expressionless, but soon it looked as if she'd seen a ghost.

"Mike," she said.

"Uh, yeah New Girl-"

"My name is not 'New Girl'," she stated.

"Well, I know that obviously. If you have a name, why don't you tell me?" I aggressively prompted.

"El," she said.

My head hurt for a split second. The name seemed familiar. El. I couldn't quite my finger on it.

"El? Is that short for Elizabeth, Eleanor, or something?" I asked, confused by the odd name.

"No. Mike, you would know. You know me the best," she told me.

"No, I don't. I met you the first time this year. You're a new freshman to Hawkin's Highschool," I argued.

"Mike," she said sadly, reaching her hand up to my face. I slapped it away.

"What the heck?!??! Get away from me! They were right, you are a weirdo."

I got up and turned the other way, back into the gym.


~El's POV~

Mike didn't remember me. He hurt me. He called me a weirdo.

I sat there, my back still against the wall, in shock. I started to cry. It was almost like he wasn't Mike. The Mike I knew would never hurt me, and never call me a weirdo. The Mike I know would have helped me up like a gentleman, and taken me back to the gym with him.

I got up and crept back inside. I was standing in the foyer. I looked out at the dance floor, to see Mike and Max dancing together. Max was getting really close to Mike.

I felt really upset. I remembered that I had powers! I also thought about what I had done to Max in the Middle School gym a year ago. That gave me an idea.

Off to the side, someone had their skateboard leaning against a wall. Max started leaning into Mike. I concentrated very hard. The skateboard zoomed across the room, and right into Max and Mike on the dance floor. They both slipped, just how Max had before. 

I couldn't hurt Mike though. I concentrated even harder. Max hit the ground with a thud, falling on her back. I stopped Mike in mid-fall, and I gently placed him on the ground. He looked really confused. Max, or how she liked to be called, Maxine, was lying on the ground, rubbing her head.

"WHO DID THAT??!?!?" she screeched.

Her eyes instantly locked onto me. I guess she kind of suspected me because of the punch bowl incident earlier. She started storming toward me. Everyone else continued on with their dancing, except Mike, who followed the raging girl. No one was seeing what was about to happen.

"You!" Maxine hissed, grabbing me by the collar. I could feel blood dripping down my nose.

In the corner of my eye, I could see Will watching us. He seemed to be the only one paying attention to the fight.

"Get off!" I yelled, pushing at Max, trying to get her to go away. Her hand still gripped onto my collar.

Max pulled me in, her fist up as if she was about to punch me.

"Who do you think you are, pulling things like that on me? Acting like you've known Mike forever and then trying to trip me with a skateboard!" She yelled at me. I watched as Mike stood by and did nothing. It really broke my heart.

I concentrated, trying to make it hard to tell I was using my powers. All of a sudden, a gust threw Max backward, off of me. She stumbled, trying to regain her balance.

"How did I end up over here-" She started. Before she could come back to her senses, I ran back outside. I went over to the bike rack.

When I started meddling with the bikes, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around, to see Will Byers standing there.

"El?" He asked, a little flustered.

"Yeah- wait, how do you know my name?"

"I was watching you fight with Max, and when I saw your nose bleed, I had a flood of memories come back to me. Do you know what's happening to us?"

"No, I don't know."

"You can take my bike to ride home. My mom's picking me up anyways. Let's talk about this tomorrow, ok?"

I got on his bike and started pedaling away.


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