Chapter 20: The Source

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El's POV:

Troy and James had left when Mike made his getaway. Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, and I all stood there, next to the quarry.

"He's gone," I said after Mike ran into the woods. "Why did he run away from me?"

"I think he was just scared," Dustin said, trying to comfort me.

"Of me?" I asked, backing away.

"No, not of you El," Dustin told me.

"He was probably confused by everything that has happened. I mean, weren't you confused? I know I was," Will said to me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but still. Why would he just leave me like that?" I asked.

"He didn't want to hurt anyone, especially you El," Max said, pointing to my arm. 

I examined it. There was some slight bruising, nothing too serious.

"I mean, he was fighting with a lot of us," Max said, pointing to Dustin specifically.

"Don't worry guys, I'm ok," Dustin assured us.

"I'm just so worried about him. What if he's lost? What if he hurts himself? What if he needs help and we're not there to help him?" I asked everyone, pacing back and forth.

"You're worrying too much El! Mike can take care of himself," Lucas said.

"I know, but, he can't protect himself from everything," I argued.

"I'll have to side with El on this. I mean, it's good to have friends who are looking out for you, especially during a time like this. What even caused us to lose our memories?" Max asked.

"I'm not sure," I said.


Mike's POV:

I wandered aimlessly through the tunnels. I was lost, scared, and alone.

"Hello? Is anyone down here?" I asked. My voice echoed through the tunnels.

Suddenly, I came to a bigger opening in the tunnels. A hub sort of, but a lot bigger than the one we drenched. This hub was huge, and there was something in the middle.

As I got closer, I was able to make out what was there. It looked similar to the thing that had sprayed Dustin in the face when we went down into the tunnels with Steve. This, whatever it is, was a lot bigger though.

I stepped really close to it. It was situated on the ceiling. As I examined it, suddenly, it sprayed this strange gas into my face. I stumbled backward, coughing like crazy.

As I stumbled, I tripped on a vine. I fell to the ground. I tried to stand up, but the vines were wrapping around my legs. 

No one was going to find me down here. None of my friends or family.

Something weird happened though. That thing sprayed more gas into the air. When I inhaled it, everything started to become fuzzy. For example, I knew who Hopper was, but when I tried to think of him, I couldn't remember his face.

Then, I realized that whatever this thing was, it was responsible for the memory loss throughout the town. It was the source.

And I was trapped down here with it.

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