Chapter 3: Something Wasn't Right

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I walk into the library with my bag full of books. I had a lot of work to do since I would be doing the science project all on my own. I look around, trying to find where Dustin was sitting.

"Psst! Over here!" I hear someone call.

I turn around and see Dustin sitting at a table with another boy. I walk over to join them.

I sit down and ask a question.

"Who is this?"

"Oh, this is Will! Will, this is the new girl I was telling you about."

"Hi, I'm will. It's very nice to meet you," he said. Will had his hair slicked back and black glasses. He seemed really nice.

"So, how was your first science class with Mr. Clarke?" Dustin asked me.

"Not so good. He assigned a group project," I sighed.

"Who's your partner?" Will asked.

"Ughh, Mike Wheeler. He's making me do all of the work," I grunted.

"That stinks. I would offer to help you, but science isn't really my thing," Dustin said.

"I got assigned an art project today. I am terrible at art! I prefer math," Will declared.

I started to get this migraine. Something wasn't right.

"Excuse me for a second. I don't feel well," I said, grabbing my bag and running out of the library, down the hall.

Being the new girl, I had no idea where the nurse's office was, or the nearest bathroom. I'm pretty sure I had seen a bathroom on my way to the library earlier. I track down the hallway, bathroom in view when all of a sudden, someone trips me. My book bag falls to the ground with me, books covering the hallway. I land on my left forearm.

I sit up, holding my arm and moaning. I hear familiar laughter. I look up to see four familiar faces. James, Troy, Lucas, and Mike. Seeing them laugh just makes my head hurt even more. Things start feeling more and more strange.

I put my hand up to my forehead, and run off into the bathroom, leaving my books in the hallway.

"What's wrong with her? It was only a joke," Lucas said.

Michael started feeling a little weird. He felt something odd, almost like something wasn't right. He shrugged it off, thinking it was probably nothing.

"Earth to Mike! Hello?" Lucas said, waving a hand in front of Mike's face.

"Can you stop that Lucas?" Mike asked angrily.

"Ok, good, you can talk. Just thought I'd check," Lucas snickered.

"Why the heck did she leave all of her books on the floor?" Troy thought aloud.

"Why should we know genius?" James snapped.

"The bell is going to ring soon. Let's get out of here," Mike said.

And with that, the boys ran off. 

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