Chapter 16: The Plan

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~El's POV~

Yesterday, Dustin, Steve, Jonathan, Will, Max, and I all conversed and came up with a plan on how to get our friends back. Dustin, Max, Will, and I were supposed to meet bright and early at Hawkins Middle to put our plan into action. Steve and Jonathan would work on their part of the plan elsewhere.

I was the first one to arrive. I sat by the bike racks, waiting. Max had lent me her old bike since she always used her skateboard.

Suddenly, I watched as some bikes were slowly approaching in the distance. Good, my friends would be on time.

But as the bikes approached and as they came closer, I realized those people were not Dustin, Max, and Will. They were Mike, Troy, Lucas, and James.

I had to find somewhere to hide, and fast.

I ran to the dumpsters and hid behind the other side. I sat there, pulling my knees to my chest, trying not to make a sound.

I could hear approaching footsteps.

"So much for the plan!" I heard Troy say.

"I thought you said they would be here early?" Lucas asked James.

"That's what I overheard them saying! I don't know why they aren't here."

"This was pointless, getting here early," Mike said.

I was started to feel scared. Why did these boys get here early? Were they looking for my friends and me? What did they want from us? What plan did they have?

I was in such deep thought, that I didn't see Lucas come up to where I was hiding.

"I found one!" He called to the others.

I got up and ran as fast as I could, and ran to the bike rack, grabbing my bike. I started to pedal away as fast as I possibly could.

"After her!" James yelled.

The boys all got on their bikes too and started racing after me.

The chase had begun.


Sorry for not updating for so long! Next chapter will be very exciting! Thank you for all of the kind comments and positive feedback. It really means a lot to me! ~Rocky

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