Chapter 12: The Skateboard

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~El's POV~

Will, Dustin, and I stood by our lockers, trying to come up with a plan.

"Does anyone have any ideas?" Will asked.

"No," I said.

"Zero," Dustin exclaimed.

We were absolutely clueless. We had no plan. 

"Well, we have to think of something!" Will told us.

"Yeah, but what's going to make them remember?" I asked.

"Well, chocolate pudding helped jog my memory," Dustin said.

"And seeing you use your powers helped me remember," Will said to me.

"What made you remember El?" Dustin asked.

Before I could reply, some came stomping down the hallway, shouting.

"WILL! OH, YOU ARE IN HUGE TROUBLE!" The girl shouted.


"I can't believe you! I thought you were going to do my Geometry? Now I'm going to get 50% taken off of my paper for not completing it in time!!!!!!" She scolded, stomping toward us.

"Oh Wil, you are in so much trouble," Dustin said.

Just then, a boy skateboarded into the hall, from the gym. He crashed right into Maxine. The two went falling to the ground.

Maxine sat up, frustrated. At first, she looked angry. A few seconds later, her eyes softened. They fell upon the skateboard. She stood up and put a foot on it. She started to skate down the hallway, almost naturally.

The boy she ran into was James.

"Hey, Maxine! Give me back my board!" He yelled.

Maxine just continued down the hallway, past us. She smiled and even laughed. She made a U-turn at the end of the hallway and started back to us.

"Mind if I borrow your board, James?" She asked him, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Oh, uh, sure. You can use it," He said, walking off. It was obvious he had a small crush on her.

"Maxine! That was some sick skateboarding!" Dustin said.

"Maxine?" She said, confused. "You and I both know I prefer Max."

We all ran up and hugged her.

"You're back!" I said.

"What do you mean I'm back?" She asked, pulling away from the group hug.

"Max, something terrible has happened!" I exclaimed.

We sat down and explained everything to Max.

"So, Lucas and Mike still don't remember what happened?" Max asked, trying her best to understand the situation.

"Yeah," I said.

"We're pretty sure the whole school, if not all of Hawkins, don't remember," Will said.

"Maybe we should try to contact Hopper or your mom Will! Maybe Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan too!" Max exclaimed.

It was worth shot. What did we have to lose anyway?

If I Never Knew You ~Mileven~ |Stranger ThingsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt