Chapter 19: Where Am I?

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~Mike's POV~

I ran for what seemed like a long time. Eventually, I was out of breath. I don't think anyone was following me, and if they were, it seemed as if I had lost them. I stopped for a moment, catching my breath. 

I noticed what I was wearing. A black leather jacket, a white t-shirt, black pants, and white tennis shoes. My hair was even slicked back. What was I wearing? I usually only wore striped shirts, and this jacket was super uncomfortable. I couldn't wait to get back home, wherever home was at this point.

When I felt rested, I continued on, walking.

I wasn't quite sure where I was exactly.

Suddenly, I stepped on something.

I looked down to see this gooey gunk all over my white tennis shoes.

"Eww," I said. I tried to take the stuff off of my shoes, but then the slime was all over my hands.

"This is disgusting!"

I soon noticed that this goo had a stench and that it didn't just cover my hands and shoes. The bluish blackish goop stretched all along the forest floor.

"What is this stuff?" I asked aloud.

I started walking through it since there seemed to be no way around it. Suddenly, I felt myself lose my footing and slip. But I didn't hit the ground. I just kept falling, down a hole.

"AHHHHHHH!" I screamed as I fell.

I felt myself land and hit the ground below.

I sat there, rubbing my head.

"Where am I?"

I realized I was in the tunnels, just like the ones that were under the pumpkin patch. But, the strange thing was, they now reached all the way out into the forest. 

Which most likely meant no one knew about these new tunnels, and probably no one would know where I was.

If I Never Knew You ~Mileven~ |Stranger ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now