the worst day of loving someone

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dear diary, i made it through the day. i must have said, i'm fine, thanks and i'm fine thank you. at lest 37 times, look i'm fine, i'm okay, promis. and i didn't mean it once.

the worst day of loving someone, is that day you lose them.

i feel hoples, depressed, angry but most of all i'm scared,

part of me just want to end it, but then i think of you i'm all that you has left.

When we lose someone, when someone dies they are gone, forever and ther is nothing. ther is nothing. Nothink we can do that going to bring them back.

i can't do this i can't, i can't move on and i don't want to, if that make me week then fine i'm week but i can't handle you.

i can't handle feelings like this anymore, the worst feeling is the moment that you reallize you've lost yourself, i can't live like this i'm feeling thinks that i don't wanner feel. i'm becomming someone i don't wanner be, i wish i could't feel anythink

"your strong your  beauteful, your good"
"no i'm not!"
"i think you found a way out of the bed this morning and that make you the strongst person i konw "

first chapter I hope you liked it <3

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