becaus i'm humen

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"but are you ever lonely?"
(you) "of course. yeah i get lonely somtimes yeah"
"you do even with all this?"
(you) "you know you just feel somtimes that you just need someone to be ther with you and that can be lonely"
"do you ever get depressed?"
(you) "somtimes yeah not like super super depressd but i get days where i'm just Down
(you) "i'ts becaus i'm humen
(you) "What do your parents think about What you doing?"
"My parents? i make them proud!"
(you) "You make them proude yeah"
(you) if you get What i'm saying like you just have pain in your Heart becaus maybe you haven't dealt with that. somtimes i just put away then you just have a bad day, you don't éven know why. You're just depressed becaus maybe... you don't deal with What you're going though somtimes.

hey i hope you like it!

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