Listen and let me be brave

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This is just a dream
But very clever people can hear dreams
So please just listen

I know your afraid
But being afraid is alright
Because didn't anybody ever tell you?
Fear is a superpower fear can make you faster
And cleverer and stronger
And one day...
your gonna come back to this barm
And on that day...
your going to be very afraid
But that's okay
Because if your very wise
And very strong
Fear doesn't have to make you
Cruel or cowardly
Fear can make you
Now you listen to me...
you're gonna be furious
And you're gonna be sad,
But listen
To me
Don't let this change you
Huhff- no!
Whatever happens next...
wherever she/he is sending you I know what you're capable of
You don't be a warrior
You can't let this turn you into a
I'm not asking for a
I'm givin you an order
Don't run...
stay with me
You stay here.
In the and, everybody does this alone
This is as brave
As I know I am to be

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